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Have you ever felt one of your previous loves had been reborn in a new animal?

Ever met another bitch with that same look in her eye? Or even felt your love reborn in a different species, say a dog come back as a ram? Or maybe even (Heaven help us) a cow as a woman?

I felt, at times, with Shadow that Tippy had returned. She'd love me the same way during sex or take a familiar pose by the fire. The feelings would always be brief though as her own personality would always shine through. I'd know she was her own being, she was Shadow.

There was a horse in my past though, a mare named Misty. We were never lovers, though as I think back on it she wanted to be. She had a certain something about her, a special persona, an indescribable soul. 

I called the new mare "Misty" without thinking when she showed up in the pasture a while back. She looks a bit like her, but not a whole lot. Mostly in the eyes. For one thing, she's a palomino, the original Misty was a bay. I've searched the mountain, and two over, for her owner and none can be found; advertised her and done all the legal crap. I took her to the local 'pounds'  co-operating farm twice. It's over 50 miles & a lot of forest from here. She showed up back in my pasture both times. They gave up, told me to keep her, for now.  She'll do everything but stall. She doesn't like the barn. The old Misty didn't either. She'd lay in the pasture if she could, with me beside her, when I was a kid. The pal lays down when I approach in the evening. I can't get down beside her, and I worry about coyotes & bears. But she's there still in the morning..




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