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Greetings from a Scientific Sex Researcher Who Wants to Study You

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I just joined. I am a research scientist who studies sexual orientation, including unusual sexual interests. (I would be happy to tell you my identity and where I work, but I understand that divulging personal information isn't allowed. You will learn who I am if I am able to post the link to the survey.) I have composed a survey addressing zoophilia and some other interests I have been studying. (The survey is in English. It is anonymous. It does not ask about any potentially illegal behavior.) I'd love to post it here. First, two questions:

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1. Do I need to get permission from moderators in order to post the link to the survey?

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2. If I post the survey, where specifically should I post it? 

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I thank you in advance for any guidance.







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Greetings from a Scientific Sex Researcher Who Wants to Study You - by profjmb - 04-25-2020, 04:27 PM

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