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Greetings from a Scientific Sex Researcher Who Wants to Study You

Hey. We're pretty introverted bunch of folks. Once the permission by admin has been approved, I'd be happy to help further.

I'm curious how you found us? I can tell you information about us in general spread by the media can be bias towards their own agendas. The best place to get answers is in a forum like this. One dedicated towards zoophilia versus one dedicated towards bestiality like ZooVille is turning out to be, will give you better day to day insights on how we put relationship over the purely sexual aspect of inter-species intimacy. Getting past the stigma is the first step, hold unconditional love in your heart and no judgment to species specific ways of life, and you'll get respect.

For the record, I'd be interested in the survey. I also hope we will one day become less closeted and more connected as a whole for who we are, not who we are not. The actions (all be they extreme, exaturated or true) of a few, don't represent the whole.

To bring you up to speed on who we are as a community, the basics are that zoophiles just add sex (mutual courtship) to our lives with non human partners with the same attentiveness and love that any living being under human care would regardless receive without that dimension. Those who identify with sadism and or bestialists, don't put mutual needs a priority. If there's any message I would want a scientific team to take away from interspecies courtship, it is this. "Love as one for we are one. Connected willingly, not for favours, but for joy and companionship of each other."

Wishing you the best,



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Greetings from a Scientific Sex Researcher Who Wants to Study You - by elshara - 04-26-2020, 10:54 AM

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