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Greetings from a Scientific Sex Researcher Who Wants to Study You

This seems to crop up with some regularity, seemed like about once a year or so back before BF ("The worlds largest...") went away.  At least once so far at ZV.  Some doctoral thesis or whatever.  I don't remember it ever ending well.    

I'm an old-timer, senior even; experience has taught me to be suspicious.  Suspicious of motive (stated or actual), suspicious of security, suspicious of end result, suspicious of unintended consequences.   

There have been those in the past that very publicly expounded on how they were representing our best interests, yet managed to bring the entire planet's governments against us.  Lumped us in with other much less savory interests.  Created media spectacles. 

And once it's out there, it's out there forever.  There's some vigorous vetting to do, some supported convincing; let's see what sw finds out... 



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Greetings from a Scientific Sex Researcher Who Wants to Study You - by heavyhorse - 04-26-2020, 12:51 PM

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