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Greetings from a Scientific Sex Researcher Who Wants to Study You

I have contacted the administrator and hope to get his approval. In the meantime, I would like to reassure members that I have no nefarious goals. The issue with the "whited out ZV" is likely because I have also joined Zooville (if that's what you mean) and will be trying to recruit from that site too. I composed a message and probably put it there first and then pasted it from there. I hope that is not a problem. (Zooville members are the ones who told me about this site, fyi.) The other site I intend to recruit from is forumzoone.org.

I attach a recent article I co-wrote about furries. It will give you some idea where i'm coming from scientifically.

<a class="ipsAttachLink" href="//www.zoowg.org/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=3994">Hsu&Bailey2019.pdf</a>

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Greetings from a Scientific Sex Researcher Who Wants to Study You - by profjmb - 04-26-2020, 07:32 PM

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