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Greetings from a Scientific Sex Researcher Who Wants to Study You

So, based on what I've said about Zoos, Bestialists, Fetishes and the like above, some folks wonder where I put myself. Rather than answer in e-mails, I'll do so here where a researcher can read it & where my words can be used against me by those Anti-zoo's, Ultra-zoo's, Zooier-than-thou's, Zoo-hater's, Fence-hoppers & just plain Zoo's who seemed to take offense:

I'm a Bestialist: in that I've committed acts of bestiality, or engaged in acts of bestiality or however you want to put it, in the past. And likely would again.

I have Zoophilia by the Psychological definition of the term, in that I form or formed an 'un-natural' attachment to other species.

I do not accept any of the currently popular community definitions of "Zoophilia", thus do not call myself a "Zoo". I haven't for decades. They all fall short in recognizing the individual, always have. "Love of animals". No, I don't love dogs. Most dogs I'm basically neutral to. Some, after meeting them, I simply dislike. Some, like with some humans, I downright hate. 

My brief canine sexual partners in the past, like the brief human ones, were my partners because of some kind of physical or personal appeal, or both. Unlike my human partners I can count them on one hand. My long term canine relationships, Tippy and then Shadow, were my sexual partners for who they were, not what they were.

There is no definition of zoophilia in the community that fits that in my opinion.

Still, the community is important to me as is it's future so I am here, whether I call myself "zoo" or not.




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Greetings from a Scientific Sex Researcher Who Wants to Study You - by silverwolf1 - 05-02-2020, 10:54 AM

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