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J-Lube and inter-species vaginal intercourse.

Indeed this argument/discussion has been beat around the zoo community repeatedly.  It may even be here somewhere in the Animal Health section.

J-lube is intended for veterinary RECTAL pregnancy exams in cattle, with a gloved hand/arm.  Where there is "copious outflow".   (That's the charitable term for "a river of shit".)

KY Jelly is intended for vaginal use, and has been recommended in veterinary texts for equine A.I. where non-toxicity is paramount for success.  Non-flavored, non-scented, non-warming.  Just plain KY Jelly.  The active ingredient is cellulose.

NO type of grease or oil is considered safe for vaginal use in bitches.


Why take a chance?


That said, boatloads of people have done as they damn well please with J-lube.  Did their bitches die any earlier?  Did any guys suffer kidney disease in later life? Who can say.  Published studies of lube safety for human/bitch vaginal intercourse are notably lacking.

I don't use it.  You can buy KY in quantity sizes at the veterinary supply without anyone batting an eye.

I've said my piece, and refuse to be dragged into any further arguments about it.




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J-Lube and inter-species vaginal intercourse. - by heavyhorse - 08-11-2020, 05:05 PM

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