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Bestia Amore: a new Zoo Podcast!

25 minutes ago, elshara said:


I get that you are frustrated with the lack of options for zoos to feel apart of society. We all feel it two, it's one of the major things that run through my mind as well. When you go out for walks, or step outside your door. When you join a dog park, or care for other animals. This is not just a zoo problem, it's a sex problem. No human thinks about sex or love nearly as often as we do. They probably spend, what, a week if that in a "healthy" relationship before they get some love making from their partner.

Animals undoubtedly live shorter lives than humans. If you've ever wondered how a vampire feels when watching mortals grow up, old and then somehow don't exist anymore, it's like that for us in a way. We're absolutely committed to our pack, heard and collective family no matter what race we bond with. That's never going to change no matter who is against us. What I see, is not a lot of emphasis coming from anyone about your commitment to this fact first and foremost. It is something so ingrained into me, it's become subconscious. Safety, well being and free will are the 3 basic reasons I have for being intelligent, not mindless. Focused is another issue entirely. I think we can all agree that focus is a tool of learning for everyone, no matter their species to come to grips with from time to time.

It's this focus I want to address. Because, in and of itself, the biggest issues zoophiles face is not the stigma from being outed by people. It's the lack of support driven by others who do not understand who we are, internally. That we have common ideas which unite us beyond the divides that do not. And this goes for us as well, to understand humans in turn. This is not something animals will know the distinction of, until it is too late for them. This is what we have to be smart about to defend. When ever I am frustrated, I look back on what I tried to do and smile. Because it's the thought that counts no matter what. It's getting there that's the biggest challenge for anyone to have to face. It's one thing to do so alone, thinking you have everything in hand. It's another, to realize you can rely on someone for their commitment in the moment. For humans and animals, our relations are that moment on a constant basis. Even more so when animals have to suffer at the hands of humans even for non zoo related practices of continuous cruelty and sacrifice, just for being in close proximity.

The frustration I feel, at the larger outer circle community of zoophiles, one we've all been in at some point. Is based off of this misunderstanding that is not being corrected when ever someone else starts a new project. Their focus as a project leader, is entirely on the community of inner circle zoos. Who feel like they're being represented. Those on the border between human and non human human relations, are completely trusting that this movement has weight for their own situation. Nobody is recognizing the distinction, and relatively identifying with the core issues only a regular zoophile would understand. That's when the real trouble starts, because you don't know who you're broadcasting to, unless you mean what you say when you do so, in a way that could save you or others only if plausible deniability can be achieved.

This is how humans work through problems. When you're pinned, they already know enough to trap you. Think of this like a game of hunters versus hunted. You're constantly on the look out because you in someone's eyes, have slipped down the food chain to become prey. Avoid this at any cost, and you'll be doing interspecies relations the favour of the century.

So when you inevitably will start your broadcast to the world, I want you to think about standing your ground where you can have some merit with it. Because that's what will give your show the backbone it needs for people to spread the word. It's only when trusted experience becomes popular, can another Beast forum viral growth spurt take hold. I see that you're committed, and nothing I, or Silver Wolf or Heavy Horse will say to change your mind. This is a learning experience for you, Winter Green Wolf, and I want it to be positive. We all do. We're worried you are only focusing on a plea for help, rather than a determination to essentially, act where your promise stands on this knowledge you'd like people to stand with you on.

This is just a suggestion. Make a show, link it and then get criticism you can work with once it's live. You can always improve upon a base line. You will mostly get honest feedback from us, whose lived the lifestyle. Just remember, you have our experience to fall back on. We can't offer much emotional support because we ourselves are hiding in fear. You're addressing people whose had to accept this, sometimes the hard way. The long road to sanity, where we're fighting misunderstanding two.

Focus on what we're all going through, and what we can do to change that if you will. Make this something positive for our community, and I'll be the first to even link to you on my profile here. Not that I'm a popular member or anything, but that I want to give support where it matters. Lets refocus your energy on what you can contribute, rather than the anger you feel at being rejected for people you clearly still respect. Because I think, you're going about the problem we all want solved, in a slightly angled direction. One that is fixable, if we can come to some common ground together. That's the movement that will inevitably bring more people to your show with key takeaways from it if they bother to listen and learn at the same time. The more who are able to reach out with its influence to people who can relate, the better a chance you'll have at plausible deniability if you truly have everything in order for that to make you stronger, if it can't kill or end what you're trying to achieve. That's what I know about you, is that you're a fighter, and now it's time to pick your battles and make strategic advances towards winning the ones you face. You're not there yet, but one day I want to say I'm proud to have made a difference because it worked, and we made a team effort from a common goal possible. That's the spirit of zoo activism at play.

To put this bluntly and speak clearly, we're not sex machines, we're care givers. Not abusers, helpers. Not ignorant, respectable. If people can't see that about us, they can't see that about anyone else either. Likewise, if you can't see that tie that connects us, then others will see it is lacking in you and it will anger them. This does touch up on the argument between zoophiles and bestialists in a rather decisive way, one defining our future and education. Perhaps here's where blackmail can really come into favour if it has to be called fourth. We know who we aren't like, and if we can prove that care is a key part of human living, which it undoubtedly is. The people we need to convince the most, are the ones living in our outer circle.

This is the difference. "Yes, I know John. Very attentive. Always walks his dog every morning, and helped stopped a dog fight the other day in the park. His Golden Retriever has always been well mannered, never had an issue."

"Hmm, John. I hope you're not talking about the same John. Dark hair, about 5 3. Brown eyes and a sickly sweet shit eating grin on his face. I never knew him, but his neighbour across the way...thinks he seen him abusing his dog. Yeah, the same one that tried to hump someone the other day in the dog park. I was there and I saw him panic, but he didn't seem shocked about his behaviour. IF he was, I never heard the usual scolding from embarrassment most dog owners would identify with."

Examples: that's what that was in quotes. Regarding how other people see you in relation to spreading information or disinformation, in the human world. They tend to look the other way, unless the facts that stare them in the face are ones they can relate with. It can't be bad things if it's good in their eyes. Everyone has to start somewhere. But in context, it will grow or whither depending on how people perceive you.

If a non zoo looks at your podcast and says, this guy is advocating for the protection of animals and believes that rape should be avoided. The trick is proving this issue exists, outside religious contexts if people are willing to listen. If not, that's on them. But if they are, and you're lacking backbone, they will come after you thinking you're one of the worst. Thanks to outer circle zoophile members being involved. That's my number one issue with Zooier than thou. It's target audience is absolutely without a doubt, the inner circle zoo. Yes, it's got backbone. But what could protect it, is someone being a type of buffer between the jokes that inevitably get passed around, and the values that are commonplace believed at heart by everyone.

Lets see what you come up with.


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