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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic

19 hours ago, shortleash said:

how could you eat a dear....that is so brutal...

No more-so than eating a cow, or pig, or (yuck) chicken, to name a few. I'm an Omnivore, like my Wolf namesake, and eat meat. Also like my namesake, and unlike most Americans & Europeans, I kill & butcher my own so deer is on the menu. They are a prey species for me, not a pet, nor a lover. Apologies to those for whom they are. I feel the same for many domestics; pigs, cows, farmed bison (I've raised some), lamb, duck &goose. As well as other wild game. I respect those who I kill though. Each have lost their life to sustain mine, and each had a soul and and individuality. A persona and personality all their own. It's easy for folks to forget that as they pick up random packages of bloodless muscle and carcass neatly wrapped on a grocery shelf. But it's something we as "zoo's" should always remember and understand. We are a unique part of the Cycle of Life, knowing as we do that our non-human brethren are not so much lesser than us as we have been taught, and though we may indeed still hold some in higher regard than others we must always respect each life even though we take it or have had it taken for us to survive or we must call ourselves "Hypocrite" and fail.



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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic - by silverwolf1 - 10-13-2020, 11:21 AM

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