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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic

5 hours ago, shortleash said:

having never done any major corrective surgery...i can only voice the supportive and the uniformed...but i agree rehab is everything...if you have great and safe rehab,  do it ...if you ain't got that then put if off till you do...hope everything works out....


You don't get to skip or postpone rehab.    I was considered ready to leave the hospital when I could walk 40 feet with a walker and climb 3 steps.   That was in March and I still can't lift a sack of feed without feeling like I'm tearing something.    I lost 60 lbs and most of it was muscle.   It's amazing how quickly your body can consume itself when you're down.


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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic - by caikgoch - 10-19-2020, 09:17 PM

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