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New here, but not in the community

7 hours ago, Ramseys said:

Howdy and welcome to the forum.

Newfie's have always been on my 'short list' for dogs.

Only two things held me back. All that hair that really needs careful attention..

And the fact that the AKC has just about ruined the breed. (like so many others)

When I first saw the breed, the biggest draw back to having one was the neighbors would keep calling the cop because there's a bear in your back yard.

They truly were, very bear looking.

Glad to hear of your loving relation.

Hey, thanks for the welcome, Ramseys! It's been a long time since I've spoken to you. A little bit in threads on ZF, the ZF chat, and briefly on SF.

Funny enough, I never had any intentions whatsoever to ever own any canine larger than 80lbs. My Newfie was actually given to me for free by a fellow zoo. I couldn't turn down the offer. Actually owning an XL breed has definitely changed my opinion on them for the better.

The fur isn't too much of a burden for the most part. Mainly, you need to brush them 1-2 times a week, and if you intend on having vaginal sex, it is a must that you trim the fur around the vulva once a month. Otherwise, if you're not careful you'll suck in some fur during penetration. Other than that, bathe them on a regular bases and you're golden!

She hasn't been mistaken for a bear yet, although I can most certainly see the resemblance. A matter of fact, the most common response is interest and awe. Most people want to pet her and ask me questions about her, which I don't mind. The neighbor kids absolutely love her, because she very gentle, sweet, and even tempered.

Yep, she's only 3 and she's already having some minor health problems. You gotta love the AKC, right?? It's one of the many reasons I'm considering getting an OSS done at around the age of 6, because I would not be surprised if she develops pyo in her golden years. I luckily have plenty of money to throw at both my girls to make sure that they are happy and healthy. I'm the type of person to put my canine's medical needs before my own! Lol


Messages In This Thread
New here, but not in the community - by Ramseys - 10-24-2020, 11:09 PM
New here, but not in the community - by FloofyNewfie - 10-25-2020, 06:46 AM
New here, but not in the community - by threelegs - 10-25-2020, 07:23 PM
New here, but not in the community - by cervids - 10-27-2020, 12:38 AM
New here, but not in the community - by cervids - 10-27-2020, 03:03 AM

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