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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic

 Aside from the constant fear of catching the damned virus (I'm over 65 and my health is best described as "so-so" for quite a few years now), I miss the activities I normally engage in.  We're talking dog shows, gun shows flea markets (electronic / Ham radio and otherwise) and assorted country fairs that would normally be winding up about now.

I've never been big on yard work; it's pretty much a losing battle at this place anyway.  I do have the dogs, though one is old and grumpy and the other one would rather run than do anything else.

 Turn on any media and here comes the COVID-19 body count. In between the political ads.


I could do some writing, I suppose.  I've always been slow on the keyboard, even slower now with arthritis setting in on the fingers that I've abused for decades.  The speech to text software has improved lately but some of the stuff that I write would be better off not spoken out loud.  I have posted a few (non-sexual) furry stories online lately, under a different nom de plume, obviously.

 Well, sooner of later, one way or another, this thing's gonna end.  Hopefully it won't take too many good folks with it when it finally leaves us.  Stay home if you don't need to go out, wear the damn mask (or whatever they'll have us doing next week!)  Good thing I quit drinking almost 25 years ago.  Bars seem to be a super-spreader venue.  Y'all be careful and maybe we can all stay healthy and watch the "covidiots" learn the error of their ways the hard way.  This thing plays for keeps and needs to be taken seriously.


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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic - by DingoJay - 10-27-2020, 11:40 PM

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