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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic

18 hours ago, littlejohn said:

Me too.  no drones yet.  second one the 27th.   Some numbnuts asked me aren't you afraid they gonna inject a RFID chip and follow you?  I asked him is that a cell phone clipped on your belt?  They're already tracing you.  I told him for fifty bucks I'd make him a Faraday shield for his phone, but it won't work while it's inside the shield.  Maybe I should of shown him the needle we chip the dogs with and the one they vaccinate with.......

Tell them "You know you can burn out those tracking chips by standing in front of the microwave with the door open, right?  You just have to stick spoon handles in the door latch slots and press "Popcorn".  Get really close now.  That's right......


Oh and put your cellphone in there too, it'll erase the GPS.   Put your face against the glass, it's done when it gets sparkly....   

Lithium-ion you know.....


17 hours ago, caikgoch said:

Yep, had that discussion many times.   The next thing you ask is, "How do you pay for your groceries?"

"With plastic."

"Do you use a store discount card?"

"No, I just give them my phone number."

"Got cable or satellite?" 

"Of course."

"So they also know what you eat and drink, what you watch on TV, and what you browse on the internet.   Why would they possibly want to waste money on a tracking chip?   Just get Alexa and surrender to your master."


Ask them if they use Facebook-- 



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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic - by heavyhorse - 02-07-2021, 01:54 PM

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