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Welp, another black eye for us it seems..

6 minutes ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

More than just a little, yeah. I mean, someone can be healthy, but, still be raped.. In this cast for instance. I'm not for restraint of any sort, even with 'large animals'.

But yeah, more than a LITTLE over-reaction, more focus on lording over the abuser and 'victim', instead of ensuring the victim in the case is definitely alright, and that she's all well, set-up, and prevent future 'encounters' like this dude.


If you look at the photo, he's on the second step of a step ladder.    That is a big mare.   If she wanted to say "no", cross ties wouldn't mean shit.   


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Welp, another black eye for us it seems.. - by caikgoch - 07-19-2021, 11:23 PM

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