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Repairing your own vehicles and machinery

22 hours ago, threelegs said:

Sounds like 'fail-safe' design taken to the extreme, but if they're going to make everything 'fly-by-wire' so to speak, it isn't surprising. After all, you don't want something like a bulldozer to suddenly stop responding to the controls and flattening a few houses or something.

Which raises another related question:  Why does every frackin' damn thing have to be on the internet?  Including vital infrastructure that has worked just fine for a half century before the 'net was even invented?  It's already been demonstrated that some total stranger can take control of your Jeep driving down the hiway and take you on a off-road journey out of your control.  Or blow up electric power generators by changing phasing.  In one case took out a dam.  Do we really need for someone in another country to be able to turn off your furnace in the middle of winter and freeze all your pipes, or 10,000 pigs or turkeys?  OK, "read only" if you want to check your doorbell cam or home temperature.  But petroleum pipelines?  Control of our food and energy, and subsequently the whole economy?  And who made the chips for the Patriot Missile System?  Or, well, Blue Origin?  


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Repairing your own vehicles and machinery - by heavyhorse - 07-30-2021, 07:17 PM

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