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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic

23 hours ago, Bear28 said:

Well still alive here. just got done dealing with my brother having Covid. as for me still not taking shot as my doc told me not to take any shots because I have bad reactions to any shots. Also dealing with Cat Scratch Fever and can't take most antibodics. So everything is all fun and games for me. the joys of life.

Well, the mRNA vaccines aren't made from chicken eggs, modified live viruses, pig pancreases, cow collagen, or ground up small children.  So maybe not allergenic.

Maybe you could get a "skin scratch test" for the vaccine like they use to find out what allergens people are reactive to, and see if you would react.  I mean beyond feeling ratty for a couple of days like everyone else.

No bets on the J&J vaccine, I think it's more like the old school vaccine production.  So no telling exactly what it's made of-- .


Oh, and cats are the devil's representatives, partners to witches.  So yeah.

Except tigresses.  I think they are mostly safe.  


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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic - by heavyhorse - 12-14-2021, 08:19 PM

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