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How to have sex with pigs (sows and boars)

Was really excited to see guides on pigs of both genders(they are my main desire <3) 

Now after reading I’m definitely disappointed. Ignoring the sheer missinfo the way they talk about them is just horrific. Sows weren’t put here to be a place to put your pp. They are wonderful intelligent loving creatures. Not just warm fleshlight. Same with boars. Even though the cum is a large part of it… I wished they talk about their ability to form connection and be a loveable companion. This guide just feels like “how to make an animal have a sex with you.” Not “how to have sex with an animal” (the focus should be on a partnership not just, how do I get my rocks off) 

The missinfo is also rampant, from a ladies side, if a boar is really trying to get up in your cervix, you will not be feeling bliss. You will pass out from pain. As thin as a pigs member is, woman cervix only dilates up to 1mm on her period. Less than that most of the time. If you can find me a pig with a member that small than I’ll accept this guide as fact. Or I’ll just have to assume these women are in labor (or some other wild explanation.) 

honestly I felt like I just watched porn, in text form. Honestly I’ve read a lot of guides but this one seems… extra frivolous. 

I’m not gonna say it should be deleted, I’m all for freedom of speech, but to be honest I’m disappointed [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":(" width="20" /> 


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How to have sex with pigs (sows and boars) - by idkalol - 09-20-2022, 01:00 AM

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