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The Goat Farm

Standard Warning About this Story Containing Zoo Sex!Anthro and Non-Anthro!Copyright by Ramseys 2012I hope you all enjoy  The Goat Farm  A little back ground to the world I've created.About 100 years ago the 'Zero Point' power was discovered/created/whatever.What that meant, for about a month's wages, one could buy a device, about the size of a 55gal. drum, that would run you whole house. AC, heat, cooking, everything. For decades!Another one the size of a briefcase, your car.Needless to say, things change. Now someone could go to the middle of nowhere and live. Thrive even.And someone did just that. About 50 years ago, on some small island someone(s) set up a compound of labs and housing. Oh yea.. some animals too.Sooner or later another someone is bound to find said island, and to poke about a bit. Signs be damned."Trespassers will be Eaten!"... HAH!The the next guy found the bones of that first guy, and was more careful.What he found truly rocked the world."The Island of Dr. Moreau Found!"Screamed the headlines. And they sort'a had.But instead of trying to make animals be more like humans...They found animals that had been made, less so.They found very intelligent hogs. Who carefully explained to the scientists that since porcine biology was very close to human, what with humans using pig heart valves and all, that the pig would be the first to be, "Raised"... As it were.While never able to stand upright, they could lay in a raised cradle and use their slightly modified front hooves to type and even draw. Normal IQ for a 'raised hog' is around 180-190. Oh and they can speak, quite well in fact. You probably have talked to one and not even known it. (They own several banks and call centers.)But they still looked like pigs. Just cleaner and had better table manors.Next it was conjectured, that because they couldn't get the hogs to stand up, they'd start with something already able to stand.And kangaroos also have very hand like paws too. While no dummies, they weren't quite on the par of the pigs. (IQ around 140-160) Turns out they make great cops. Faster then a cop on a bike... Heck in the inner city they were faster to a scene then cops in cars. And they got along better with the humans they policed. Studies showed since they didn't have the historical 'baggage' as the humans cops, they weren't seen as, "The Man". But they had a hard time walking. Oh they learned to move those big hind paws separately, but they were never going to be ballet dancers.The scientists were probably pretty pleased with themselves and went all out on the third animal to be 'raised'.They had darn near perfect balance. One would often see then standing or prancing on their hind legs. Stretching up to nibble at leaves in low tree branches. They were very friendly towards humans. And their milk was tasty. When the scientists got to the island, the goats bounced and pranced all around 'em. Helping carry, operated cameras, and answer questions.Even though the pigs had a bit of a head start in the intelligence dept. the goats were still almost as smart as the pigs. The conversion to the hoof to a usable hand was remarkable. Although the 'Two fingers, Two thumbs' took a while to get used to seeing them at work.The voice was unique. Since the nasal passages are very different, it sounded... exotic.All three had mostly normal looking animal faces. Not the typical Hollywood mushed human face with patchy furred monstrosities.About the only change was the brain area was slightly larger, but not so much as to cause birthing problems.What they didn't find was the men who did this. Well they did find their graves. And bizarre video entries in their personal diaries. Gaunt faces saying it wasn't the animals fault, they were doing this to themselves. Large chunks of their data base had been erased.Oh... That first guy's bones, he fell in a crevasse. ********************************************************************* My name is Simon, and Simon says... Ok... We got that out of our systems?Even my professors in business collage couldn't resist making jokes, the short time I was enrolled. Graduated at the top of my class, two years early. On top of graduating two years early from high school. I had started up the corporate ladder before I could legally drink.Proud parents? They probably thought my collage graduation was my high school one. I was one of the lucky few that the 'robo-teachers' actually worked, once I figured out how to get around the parental controls. My 'parents' were much too busy 'having a life'. Hell they even had me circumcised so they didn't have to teach me how to clean my dick properly.Of course today, no one made jokes, if they wanted to keep their jobs.I'm the CFO for a huge biotech company. Head bean counter, as it were.But a very good one, and was responsible for single handedly saving the company billions.I wield quite a bit of power around here. But I don't abuse it. I'm fair and quick to give credit and praise to those that earn it. Oh there's always going to be some back-stabbing ass-hole, but I have several good friends that look out for their own 'meal ticket', me.Having a doctorate in economy, does not get many women running after me. Having millions in stock options, I can buy all the women I want. But I figure that since I'm only in my late 20's, I have time for women and family later. Being a tad bit lonely is probably why I agreed to visit the place I did.First I guess I should also tell you that I like goats. I have expensive paintings of rocky crags with goats perched precariously on ledges, Statues of shaggy goats standing on rocky out crops. I have some of those resin castings of a goat herd laying around on my credenza. I even have been known to wonder through fairs to ogle at the clean, well groomed Capra hircus.So when the invite came to visit a new local 'Country Club' that was owned and run by the goats from that strange island, well...    I went. ********************************************************************* Driving up the long winding road to the place. I started noticing topiary set back from the roadway. "I bet those goats could give those gardeners at Disney World a run for their money." I quietly mused to myself. Then the first guard house, a human took my name and checked a list on a clip board. Who then smiled and waved me on. Then a massive stone wall, looked like it was part of the Great Wall of China, but was guarded by several kangaroos in some sort of camo-vest that held lots of things that would probably hurt. The roo security guard politely asked to see my driver's license, and then scanned it, looked closely at me, then smiled (Well I'm sure for a kangaroo it was a smile) and it too waved me through. (I was fairly sure it was a male. It was damn big, that's for sure. They all wear a camo-thong that matches the vest.)Past the 'Great Wall' and around a hill the main place came into view. Massive wasn't the word for it. 'Ski Chalet on steroids' I thought. Huge Logs held greats sheets of glass to showed off the light maple interior wood. I was staring so hard I almost didn't see the third guard, a male goat with a very nice set of horns, greeted me by name and directed where I should park. Or they also had valet parking... Human drivers.  Like the pigs, the male goats were clean and didn't stink like their barnyard cousins. I'm guessing NOT pissing on your face helps. Like all the goats from the island, he was an Anglo-Nubian. He was a dark brown, solid color... Well what I could see of it. He wore a polo shirt and a kilt. Not having a waist, I wondered how he kept it up?Being in good shape, I work out quite a bit and run some too, I parked and walked to the front entrance. Sure enough off to one side in a small glass booth sat a happy looking young man with a rack of keys behind him. I'm not sure why, but I veered over to the glass booth. The door quickly popped open sending a wash of cool air over me. Felt good in the heat of a late autumn, Texas morning. "Yes sir?... How may I help you?" Well they must pay well here, I thought. He was sure glad to be here. His standard burgundy valet vest bore a name tag. "Jeff". Been here long? I asked. "About 9 months now. I first drove trucks picking up stuff for this place when they were building it. I still play chauffeur from time to time. But when we're expecting folks, I park cars." Good group to work for? I asked. He nodded and gave a big smile. "Sure are, and the benefits are fantastic." I nodded and thanked him for his time and headed for the revolving door.Before coming here, everything seamed on the up and up. SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) said they were squeaky clean. Wouldn't do to be seen at some shady outfit, considering my position. I even ran them through my company's 'Vender Screener', and they came up clear. But it never hurts to check with the lower level staff. They were usually more honest then the inside crew. **************************************************************** 'Well this is it.' I thought as the door whooshed around me. My little pod of warm outside air was quickly washed away by the cool breezes from the massive ceiling fans. Did I mention that everything in the lobby was huge? 'Ok... Get your wits about you.' I scolded myself, 'I'm gawking like a 'tourist'. You've seen Goats before. They say there's several that work custodial in my own building.The front staff was mostly females, 'Doe' I told myself. Although a few 'Bucks' were also doing the heavier tasks. I was certain they were more 'bouncer' then 'bell-hop'. Some folks hadn't welcomed the 'raised' animals with open arms. Some with a little more intensity than others. Being a Capitalist at heart, 'New Markets' was the counter argument to the 'anti's' shouts. They were too... Not one, so far, had been a slacker.Reception was a long counter. Like you'd fine in a quality hotel. Behind the counter was a sow in one of their 'cradle' arrangements. She could move about on it, raise and lower her front half. But primarily it made her hands free to type on the computer's keyboard. She looked up and said with out the slightest squeal, "Your invitation please." She took my offered sheet of paper between her two hoof fingers. "Ahh yes, Mr. Simon. How very nice of you to visit us. I do hope you become a member here. You're just the sort we're looking for."I swear she winked at me.You're a bit early for the noon presentation, I'll have Nora show you to the bar. With a touch on a bank of buttons a lovely pure white doe appeared at the sow's side. She wore a white dress, plain, with straps and it went down to her... knees? Her horns were much smaller then the male's he's seen, more swept back. Those trade mark long floppy ears, smokey dark hooves, nose tending towards pink, and of course those goat eyes. Some folks really didn't like having the goats look at 'em. 'Alien Eyes' they said. I think they are quite enchanting.I guess I was a bit lost in those eyes, because the hog lady was saying... "Mr. Simon.. Will she be ok for your escort for this evening?" rather loudly. And I had the feeling that wasn't the first time she had asked. "Ahh Yes, sure... She's perfect." I finally stammered out."Good, she'll meet you at the end of the counter, have a pleasant stay...""Oh, one other thing, I noticed you talking with Jeff outside, was everything ok Mr. Simon?""Just fine, I was getting the local weather report."******************************************************************** Nora put all the 'show goats' I had ever seen to shame. The curve of her nose, the way her horns flowed back the length of here ears were all out of the textbook. I wondered how long she spent brushing her fur to make it shine like it did."There is a bar tucked in the back where we can wait, Mr. Simon". Her voice was pitched just low enough to be exotic sounding.... "Mr. Simon"? "Oh I'm so sorry, I was just admiring this massive lobby area." I quickly added. "And please call me Gene.""Well Gene, if you'll just follow me, we'll head back to a nice little bar in the back. And I can maybe answer some questions you might have".The bar was really something to see. Ornate wood turnings, fluted and filigree everywhere, dark oak. What one thinks of when you say, 'English Pub'. Only the hairy goats with the big horns weren't on the sign, he was Bill, standing proudly behind the well polished wood bar."Have anything you wish," Nora brightly announced, "Our Bill is quite the mixoligest." "Unlike some in my office, I don't drink quite this early in the day." I told my lovely companion, I turned to Bill... "I'll just have a cold Orange Juice.""Ahh well you are in luck, Bill has a wide selection of fruit juices, and makes a wonderful Orange Juice 'Plus'.""Sure", I told Nora, "just as long as there no alcohol in it."On the way to our seats I heard a blender come to life behind the bar.I held the chair for the lady goat and I had just made myself comfortable when the buck fairly pranced up to the table and sat a large glass of Orange Juice Plus in front of me."Please let me know what you think of it sir." The shaggy barman intoned, "I've been experimenting with different mixtures of juice and extracts. I hope humans find it as refreshing as we."I lifted the glass, and after a salute of the glass to the buck, I took a sip. Well there was no denying that his mixture was quite good, and I told him so. And that I'd follow up with him after finishing the glass. He wore a barman's apron, and little else that I could see, it wrapped completely around him. Leaving his solid black hairy back exposed but from the waist down, he was fully covered. Only two black goat legs with shinny black hooves stuck out below."It is most kind of you to encourage Bill. He's been driving poor Jeff nuts having him tasting different concoctions. " Nora watched me drink..."Aren't you drinking anything?" I asked my hostess. She looked slightly distressed at my question. "You said I could ask questions once we were back here." I reminded the doe."Ahh well yes, it just that watching one of us drink... We can't use a glass as you do.... It might be a bit, 'off putting', the first few times you see us drink." She looked at me hopeful that her answer was sufficient, and I wasn't going to ask her for a demonstration."Ok" I said, "We'll leave that for another time." I paused and looked at the bar, took another drink of the juice mixture and said. "Then tell me about Bill, all the Nubian goats I've ever seen had short hair coats, like your's. Why is Bill's so long?"Nora looked happy again, I had obviously asked a question she knew the answer to."Well the herd of Anglo-Nubians on the island wasn't quite as pure as everyone thought... We're not even sure the men on the island who bought them, were all that worried about the purity of the herd. But through DNA testing we've discovered there were a couple other breeds of goats along the way. Bill has a lot of Swedish Landrace in his family tree.""And how do you feel about that?""About Bill being a different breed?" She looked puzzled for a moment. Then she tapped herself on the side of her muzzle. "Oh.. Duh.. Yea I forgot humans have had... 'issues' lets say, with breeds, or race as you call it."I nodded, indicating that was exactly what I was asking."Well myself personally, I have no problem with Bill. In fact I have one of those other races in me... I'm part Kiko." She thought for a moment. "You know, I don't think anyone has really sat down and thought about it." She looked at me, as if asking, if she'd answered my question."Well someone has been thinking about it." I took a big draught on my juice, and held the glass up and pointed to it. "I've not see a goat as hairy as Bill in any of the photos from when the island was discovered. So somegoat, had to think about breed when they had him."The doe looked a bit surprised at herself for not noticing this on her own."You know, I've never thought of that before."I finished my juice and plunked the glass down. "Grist for a future conversation." I told my pretty companion. "And dang that was good juice." I smiled at the doe, and she seam to return the grin. I waved to Bill and the buck pranced over. "Yes sir?" He asked. "That was some tasty OJ... Light and sweet but not cloying so. Just right." "Thank you sir, I'm very glad you enjoyed it." *********************************************************************** The 'noon presentation' was just as boring as you'd expect. Oh the video was really well done. Told about the history and mystery of the island. The legal landmarks as the island's animals won legal rights in the human's world. And of the businesses they were becoming a part of. The acquiring the land and construction of the 'country club'. What activities were available here. Golf of course, couple different pools, tennis, billiard room, and what really caught my attention was what they called a 'Farm Encounter' area. Basically it was a barn with a large yard around it. And some 'normal' animals. Goats, sheep, pigs, horses, donkeys, cattle... All trained not to bite. Where you could 'discover' or 're-live' the Farm Life. The film then went inside to show the gyms, weight room, indoor pool, sauna, massage and locker room, various dinning rooms, bars, card rooms, the theater we were now seated in, smoking lounge, and rooms that members can spend the night in. And finally some 'behind the scenes' footage, the kitchens, state of the art heating and cooling plant, grounds keeper, and lastly a quick clip of the receiving area... Where I think I spotted Jeff on a forklift.After the presentation we were herded into a close by dinning room that had been set up as an all you can eat buffet.  Surprisingly there was meat. Chicken and Fish... No mammalian meat. 'Well eating here is probably better for me.' I thought to myself. Say that drink of Bills was quite refreshing. I still feel.. energized. And hungry, this morning's coffee and bagels have run through. I filled my plate, something I rarely do, with an assortment of tasty looking veggies and a nice big piece of white fish. Nora followed suit with just the veggies and a large salad. Bill was circulating among the tables, looking quite regale even as he was taking drink orders. His impressive horns swung about as he chatted with the humans. "Mr. Simon... What can I get you to drink? Some more orange juice plus? I just loved the way his voice filled our little area of the room with rich resonance. "Yes please, I'd like that."Looking around the room I noted there were six couples with their escorts, all doe goats. And seven other singles, four women and three men. 'Ahh.. very wise of them, to make the ratio equal between men and women.' The singles all sat at their own table with their assigned host. One of the men had a sow as a hostess, another had a buck goat at his table. As for the women two had bucks and one had a boar. I wondered as to how the paring of host and guest was made? All seamed to be happily chatting with their escorts.Nora and I also chatted. I found out she was of the first generation to have been born off island. Her folks had left when they were still quite young and had ended up on a sort of a halfway farm until they got themselves going in the outside world. Her father has a construction company and her mom works for a state senator.'Sally' her name tag said, the sow from reception came slowly werrred by on her cart stopping at all the tables. She soon made it to our's and inquired if we needed anything and if I was having a nice time here. I told her that Nora was being a wonderful charming hostess and that the food was excellent. And that Bill made the best orange juice plus.I did ask about her heritage. "Ah.." She smiled at me. "Well all the pigs on the island were decedents of 24 gilts and 6 young boar Durocs. Our red colored skin is able to stand the sun better then say the Chester White. I watched her as she spoke. She held her floppy ears away from her head and out of her line of sight. Speaking of sight, her eyes weren't really tiny or squinty, just sort'a small but very alert. Being at 'eye level' with a pig was... different. All preconceived stereotypes flew out the window as you looked into what was clearly a very intelligent face. Again, no barnyard smell... I did notice a faint whiff of roses.********************************************************************** The slow procession of gulf carts wound it's way through the beautiful greens and fairways of the golf course. The larger ones for the couples lead the way while the two seater's were strung out behind. Apparently the uniform for the outside labor force, for both bucks and doe, were polo shirts and kilts. That were attached to the shirt, Nora informed me on the secret. On we hummed in our little carts taking in the landscaping and tennis courts. Last stop before heading back in for drinks was the 'Farm Encounter' area. Interestingly all the singles carts, except the one with the single woman with a doe goat for her hostess, all slowed to a stop. We all got out and slowly wondered through the gate into the yard area. The two pigs and their guests had been in special carts that allowed their 'cradle' units to drive into the back of 'em. So after a few minuets, we were all wondering among the 'normal' livestock. This must have been a heavily wooded area, and they had carefully removed trees to form an open grassy pasture in the form of a giant donut, with trees around the outside and a clump in the middle. Water troughs dotted the area as well as mineral feeders, benches and patio type chairs were also throughout the green landscape. The smooth path wondered through the trees. For some unknown reason, I reached down and took Nora's hand in mine. When I realized what I had done I quickly let go and apologized profusely. Nora only gave a short laugh, almost a bleat, and took my hand in her's and turned to lead me down the path. I looked around to see if anyone saw me, and was pleasantly surprised to see some of the other guests having some sort of physical contact with their escort. Then is struck me, 'We all look like we're on dates!' I thought to myself.We sat on a bench, in the shade of a giant old oak tree, next to each other and I told her about my childhood and how I had arranged for my 'class trips' to all be to farms and petting zoos. I was glad the invitation had called for 'casual' dress, the afternoon sun was warming things up. Looking through the underbrush I could just make out one the pig cradle thing.. abandoned.. I wonder if it was the boar or sow's? The sound of snapping twigs and crunching of leaves got louder as the herd of normal Nubian goats wondered closer to us. The flock of sheep marched around the grassy donut.. 'Grazers' And the goats like leafy things.. Browsers. Soon the herd was all around us, coming up and checking to see if we had anything to eat. They first went to Nora, and seamed confused at her sitting in a chair. Then over to me, human equals food.. but not this time, and soon the they moved off, except to one all white doe. She seamed to be very fond of my fingers scratching her around her ears. She had no horns, and I've read enough about goats to know why that was. But it appeared that painful process hadn't made her afraid of humans. The bright blue collar had 'Betty' carefully inked on it. "Well Betty, how do you like it around here. Her stub of a tail wagged at high speed. "She likes it here." Nora said. "You speak goat?" I asked.. only half in jest. "We're really good at reading body language... And I'd say she's saying that she likes you." Betty turned her body sideways to me so I could continue down her back and sides with my scratching. "I've always like goats", for some reason that just popped out. I looked up and Nora seamed to be watching me rather intently. Betty moved again and I look down to see I was now scratching the base of that frantically wagging stubby tail. She turned some more and I was looking at her pink under tail area...My mouth went dry, I started to sweat... And I popped one hell of a chubby. I had to shift around on the bench, hoping Nora hadn't seen my arousal. I stopped petting Betty lest my fingers betray my thoughts. "You think she's sexy?" Nora asked in a soft voice. "Yes" I croaked... and then realized what I just said. "I mean she's very pretty... A very nice goat." Nora leapt up and pulled me off the bench dragging me behind her as she headed farther down the trail. "There's something else I think you might like here." Betty follow along for some unknown reason, instead of returning to her herd mates.******************************************************************** It looked like a shed the staff would use to keep tools and such in. But the door opened to reveal a small apartment. A couple of chairs, tiny sink in the far corner, a little dresser, a rather large bed. No windows but large skylight lit the room very brightly. And there was a rather odd little raised platform to one side. Betty bounced into the room as soon as the door was open and Nora held the door for me, but instead of follow me in, she closed the door behind me and said through the door, "I'll be back in a couple of hours."Betty looked at me and gave a soft bleat. Then she turned and hopped up on the platform with her pink bits aimed right at me, tail wagging. 'You've got to be kidding!' I thought... My chubby had turned into a full blown erection throbbing painfully in my pants. 'How could they know?' my head spun slightly, 'How did they find out?' I had been ever so careful. Using an encrypted laptop that I could wipe with a push of a button. Proxy on top of Proxy servers, using Wi-Fi hot spots. Even the occasional open network. Every picture and movie of goat genitalia and goats mating were never on any machine that could be linked to me. I only downloaded a couple of movies of guys shagging goats. And I didn't keep them. I scrubbed the flash drive to cripto level and then tossed it away. So how did they know? Or are they just guessing? Even though there was some sort of cooling system in the cabin, I was sweating bullets. I looked around the little room, the dresser had it's top drawer opened slightly, I could see an assortment of lubes. There was no mistaking what they thought would take place in here.I had most of my clothes off before I realized what I was doing. I stopped and looked at Betty. Damn I had wanted this for so long... Hell with it, I got enough money socked away if I got found out and fired I could live very well for a very long time. The rest of my clothing landed on a chair along with the stuff taken off earlier. While not oversized diameter wise, I was a good eight inched. This fleshy pointer led the way over to where the white goat doe stood. I wanted this to last, I wanted to see, as well as feel. I knelt down and looked at the pink flesh. From the skin on the under side of her tail, the tightly puckered anus, and finally to the slightly puffy rosebud of her cunt lips. It look so small, but I knew from those films that she'd easily stretch. But to make sure I took my finger and rubbed it over the moist mound. Pressing it every so gently in, I was surprised when she push back onto my finger. 'Oh man she really wants this too.' I kept my finger in her long enough to discover that she a little spear of hard flesh at the bottom of her pussy. That my finger rubbing over it made her whole hind end twitch. I smiled, I knew something that most everyone else in the world had no idea, goats have a clit!I stood and stepped to the dresser, pulled the drawer open farther and selected a light lube. I didn't want anything too heavy to mask any of the feeling. I was soon slick enough that I felt I was in no danger of causing any harm to Betty. Stepping back to the animal I took a deep breath and leaned closer to her goat loins. Just as with my finger, as soon as I start to press my glans into her nether lips, she pushed back... I pushed in... Deeper I slid until I was fully hilted in the animal. 'Oh Damn' I groaned. I didn't know if I was going to cum or pass out right then and their. I managed to not do either... looking down, instead of seeing my penis I was looking at the back of a goat... Oh how I had imagined this sight! And now, there it was. I was balls deep in a female goat!Betty pranced a bit and her wagging tail across my belly broke the trance. I lightly placed my hands on her hips, just to keep everything aligned, and pulled back... then back in. I groaned again, only this time I didn't stop. One slow thrust follow another. Her hot goat flesh engulfed my penis time and time again. To read someplace; that goats have higher body temperatures then humans, that was one thing. But to experience it with your cock was something else!I was so very hard... She felt so very silky... I was soon stroking in and out of her faster and faster now. I heard her give the occasional soft bleat as I pounded her twat. I had no idea if she liked this or not.. there was nothing holder her... Well I was holder her, but not strongly enough to keep her from walking away if she wanted to. I felt the tingle begin to rise in my loins... I fuck the goat with short hard strokes... My breath came in ragged gasps... Now I gripped her firmly and pulled her back onto me as the first volley of thick white cum blasted through my cock and shot deeply into the animal. The second was as large, if not larger then the first wad... The third was the same... Forth... Fifth... Sixth...  finally the Seventh ejaculation was less... Twelve times all together. "Fuck I've never cum so hard!" I said aloud. My grip loosened on Betty's hips, but the goat made no move away from me or my still dribbling cock.'DAMN!' I thought, as I pumped lung full's of air in. 'I just Fucked a Goat!' As if more proof was needed Betty took that exact moment to step foreword. A streamer of my cum stretched between my slowly wilting cock and her pink cunt, that still retained a slight 'O' shape to it. A wad of my cum could be seen oozing out. She turned around and started to lap at my glans... OH! Still way to sensitive for that! I knelt down and pulled her to me and gave her a hug. I rubbed my hands all over her sides as I buried my face in her neck fur. I struggled to stand... the bed was close by, I staggered to it and fell in. I rolled to the center of the big bed and lay spread eagle to vent as much heat out of my body as fast as I could. Betty hopped up and lay next to me. Oh man I felt so good... alive.  And sleepy.  *********************************************************************** I awoke with slow breathing in my ear and a warm weight on my shoulder. Betty had moved so she was now laying flat on her side with her back to me and her head on my shoulder... Asleep.That was so damn sexy, I was aroused almost instantly. I rolled on my side and started to rub the goat's side and belly. My erection dug into her back hair just above her ever wagging tail. The swishing long hairs danced across my scrotum.One of the films I had watched, the man had rolled the goat onto her back and fucked her in the missionary position. Just the thought of that made my erection throb. I carefully slide out from under her head, got up and reached over her and gathered up front legs in one hand and hind one's in the other, and slowly rolled her onto her back. She looked up at me and then laid her head back down. I resumed rubbing her belly and she seamed to relax even more. Her legs fold as if she was laying on her belly with her legs under her like I've seen countless goats do. Her udder was flat as were her teats. She wasn't producing any milk at this time in her life. My growing lust had enough 'sight-seeing'... I knee walked around to her rump... A little saliva and I was good to go... I sat on my heels so I would be low enough to line up with her twat. I scooted foreword... The tip of my cock slid back into her sloppy opening. Scooting some more... This wasn't going to work... I took her hind legs in my hands and push then so her rump would roll up slightly... That was better. A more of a, down into her... I watched my own cock slide into the goat's pussy. Lips that were still puffy and very wet from our first fuck, gobbled me up. 'Damn goat pussy is wonderful!' I told myself... Rocking back and forth, I stared at my dick, plunging into an animal's warm cunt. I leaned foreword more, rolling her hips more... Until I was over her, my belly was against her's, but not my weight... I was able to move my knees apart some, and that let me pick up the pace... But not too fast... No, this might be my very last time... I wanted it to last.My cock throbbed... As did the blood in my temples... Stroke... 'Oh damn she's soooo fucking hot!' Stroke... I can feel my semen from the first time swirling around my shaft. Stroke... She was soooo silky soft. Stroke... I lean my face down... I bury my face in her chest hair and inhale deeply. She smells of leaves and forest. Stroke... She lays still... Not one hint of her not wanting to do this. Stroke.. Faster now. My lust grows hotter. Stroke.. My cock pistoning in and out of her sloppy twat was making wet squishy sounds. Stroke.. Faster now. Stroke. Soon I was pounding myself into her, the strokes made her body compress into the mattress and then rebound back up so my next stroke was even deeper then before. Keeping my weight off her as much as I could, I slid my arms under her and hugged her to me. I was holding on... I was fucking her like some beast. No... I was fucking her like some horny human. And I was loving every second of it.All those fields full of goats I didn't stop for... All those penned up goats at fairs that I never fondled... All the farms I never found out where they were, so I wouldn't be tempted to go 'fence hopping'. All that repressed lust, was being poured into the white doe goat under me. I groaned... I moaned... And finally I was crying out as my orgasm fired through my body. Again I was sending impossibly huge loads of cum, blasting into Betty's pussy. I clung to her as my lust fired it's volleys of white, sticky semen into her depths. Again and again muscles bunched and my cum was pumped into the goat's cunt. Finally I was down to just weak dribbles of goo. I gasped for air as I released her from my hug. On my hands and knees over her. Then rising up sit on my heels once more. And again I was looking down, seeing my cock that was still balls deep in the doe... I half wished I had a camera.A sound at the door and Nora was back into the room. But this time she was without her white dress... or any clothes for that matter. Like some wood nymph, she fairly danced over to the bed. She bent down, her muzzle headed for my crotch. She inhales deeply and then softly lapped at the union of Capra and Human. She pushed me back slightly, tongue flitting, seaming everywhere at once, cleaning every inch of my cock as it slid from Betty's cunt. As soon I was out of her, Nora had me lay down on the bed again. She then rolled Betty back over onto her belly, then up and off the bed. Again like some strange dance, she shooed the natural goat out the door, and was quickly back to the bed. She bounced up onto it much like Betty had done but Nora was soon standing over me... She lowered herself... It became very clear what her intentions were, and my cock seamed to approve, because it became full hard. With one hand she guided my still wet penis into her moist cunt lips and with the other she place on my chest, as if to hold me in place... 'Right... Like I was going to leave'.Unlike a natural goat, Nora knew that if she exercised certain muscles, she'd make sex more enjoyable. And she let me know that she had been doing just that as her cunt fairly milked my cock shaft, once she had me fully hilted in her pussy. But like a natural goat, there was no, 'lets just sit here and enjoy the moment, she started bouncing up and down on my cock immediately. She had both hands on my chest to steadied herself as she lithely impaled her body on to my fleshy spear, time and again. It took me only a moment to pick up on her tempo and then added my own thrusts to our fucking. My hands rubbed the outsides of her strongly muscled hunches, I could feel the power as they propelled her body's sexual motions. Suddenly Nora slammed herself down on to me, her muzzle lifted, and a soft goaty bleat came from deep inside her. I was treated to another demonstration of well trained cunt muscles, as her body seamed to just quiver for a few moments... And then it was back to her manic fucking. Again I picked up on her frantic tempo and joined in... Even though I had already had two wildly massive orgasms, I could feel the third start to build... She felt a lot like Betty.. same heat.. same silky goat flesh that engulfed my cock with each stroke... I felt my breathing become more ragged as my lust once again filled my loins with it's fire... Just as I was about to reach my own peak, Nora again slammed down on me and started her cock squeezing... I erupted like a volcano in her, my hot white lava spewed up into her goat cunt... Blast after blast issued forth, coating her insides with sticky, gooey, semen.My orgasmic fog lasted longer this time.. but when I could finally put two thoughts together, I opened my eyes and looked up at the modified goat. "What did you give me?" My voice was barely above a whisper. "I like it." I added, "But this can't only be repressed goat lust." Nora gave my cock a few more squeezes before answering. I could only groan.She admitted I had been given some 'leftover' island tech. I nodded and said, "Man you could make a mint on that stuff." But the goat only shook her head, "If we wanted to get rid of mankind, but we don't." I looked confused at her statement. Back around 1950 scientists started to do experiments on the brain. Finding out what part of the brain controlled what. Speech, motor skills, hearing, touch, and vision parts of the brain were discovered. They even found the 'Pleasure' center and by stimulating it with a small electrical charge, they could make, in the case of the research, a monkey feel sexual pleasure. They wired up a monkey that knew to get food it just needed to press a lever, gave it a second lever that caused the sexual stimulation. The monkey starved to death because it wouldn't stop pressing the sex lever. "You think that would happen to humans?" I asked. "We know it would." the goat shifted slightly on my cock, making a new shiver of lust run through me. "It's what happened to the men on the island." Those strange videos of gaunt faces, they were dyeing, they knew it, but couldn't, or wouldn't, stop. "The animals couldn't stop them?" I wondered aloud. "Would you be able to tell God to stop?... To the first generation these men were gods, they created them. How do you tell your god he's doing wrong?" Her voice was soft and low as she spoke, you could still hear a certain reverence for the men that created her race. Then her voice changed a bit. "Then it was discovered what we were truly meant to become... Sex slaves..." Nora squeezed my cock as if to add emphasis to what she was saying. "They found out that testosterone wasn't the only thing that made buck goat hyper-sexual. There were other factors they isolated, and this gene that produced it was switched on in the females, to make us as horny as the males. It worked, I can't get through a day with out some sort of sexual stimulation." Nora started to bounce up and down on me... I was still rock hard, only now I knew why. "We were to be the perfect sex partner, always wanting sex... And there's no way to change it. It's in our very DNA." Again I watched as she worked to get off on my cock... After her orgasm, she looked at me. "Don't feel bad. It's not your doing... And besides this is the only thing I've known. This is 'normal' for me... Like those rare people that are born with out any sense of smell. They really have no way of knowing what they are missing. And really don't care.""What about me?" I asked softly, a little fearful of the answer... Was this going to be the new 'norm' for me? "The effects will wear off in a few more hours." Nora informed me. "And why was this invented?" She smiled at me. "Well it seams a couple of the scientists wanted to improve on themselves. They took that same knowledge, added in a few things that will make all the secondary sexual glans in your body kick into overdrive... All your fluids were greatly increased in volume. As is your libido... You are a human version of a buck goat." I lay there taking it all in. I really wasn't angry, I sort of liked what they did... They fulfilled my wildest fantasies... What's to hate about that?*********************************************************************** Nora got off three more times to my one. We both climbed out of bed on rather shaky legs. The doe goat led me over to the small sink. She washed my cock and balls. Also the where my cum had run down my legs... But only after she had thoroughly licked me with her soft tongue... I was hard again. "You're no help." I quipped. I had just managed to get my penis to 'half staff'. "Maybe I should wait for you up at the club house." She smiled and gave a little curtsy as if she was leaving royalty. "I'll be along in a few." I told her as she opened the door. But there was a white blur as Betty was once again in the room, standing on the platform looking at my naked body. She gave a very demanding bleat and turned around. Nora and I looked at each other and broke out laughing. "It seams..." she said between giggles, "You have more that is required of you." "Yea.." I nodded in agreement. "I'll be a bit longer I guess." ************************************************************************  So ends chapter One of The Goat Farm.  

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The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:17 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:18 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:20 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:21 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:23 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:26 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:28 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:29 AM
The Goat Farm - by Tpony - 09-21-2017, 01:36 AM
The Goat Farm - by ferritlove - 09-22-2017, 01:05 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 11-24-2017, 11:11 PM
The Goat Farm - by cabron45 - 12-03-2017, 04:16 AM

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