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The Goat Farm

Standard Warning About this Story Containing Zoo Sex!Anthro and Non-Anthro!Copyright by Ramseys 2012I hope you all enjoy For needed background, please read 'The Goat Farm' first. The Goat Farm 2(Jeff's story)  Jeff was your typical High School graduate... Short black hair, skinny, 'wiry' some would say... But when you consider that only about one in fifteen young folks that enter public High School ever make it to the end... Jeff is not the normal young person. He got his diploma in a trade. He's a very good driver. Took to the massive big rigs in no time. Turning, backing up, parking... He could park the huge vehicle quite literally on a dime. So with his newly minted Commercial Drivers License in hand, he got a job at a local lumber company making deliveries. And being the new guy, a young one to boot. He got all the crappiest deliveries, in the oldest crappiest truck, to the most difficult locations. But he really needed the job, so he kept quiet. His folks, for a graduation present, had all the locks changed and his stuff was on the front step... Seams their government mandated parental duties were fulfilled. Then one day, when he was just getting back from yet another crappy delivery to a stone quarry. He was walking across the lumber yard, trying to beat some of the limestone dust off his clothes, when the foreman hollered from the office. Veering from the path that would have taken him to the showers, he headed to the office. On his way, he noted that a truck was just finishing up being loaded."What'sup?" He asked the overweight foreman."Got one more delivery."Jeff looked at the clock, 15 minutes until quitting time. His refusal could cost him his job."Where to?""That new country club. And this load got forgotten until now. They've been buying a ton of stuff here, so we've got to keep 'em happy, even if they are a bunch of dumb animals."Jeff looked again at the truck... One of the new ones... Heck it would be worth it just to get to drive sometime besides that piece of shit they gave him."Sure... Be  happy to save your bacon, boss."   ********************************************************************** The Kangaroo looked at Jeff's CDL and company ID. Scanned both and had Jeff look into a retina camera."Where's the regular drivers?""Home or a bar, I guess... I got the overtime load on a Friday."The 'roo told him to wait, and went into the guard shack. After a phone conversation, that Jeff could hear a little bit of... "No the truck is fine and that load is still strapped to it.... I'm just doing my job!... If you had done your's, I wouldn't have to check on a new driver."Jeff had hung his head out the window of his truck, admiring the flowers around the guard shack... He gave a slight start with the face of the guard 'roo come back into his field of view. 'Ollie' (The name tag said) handed Jeff a lanyard with two plastic tags. A white one had his full name, a bar code and a magnetic strip on the back. The other was a bright green tag that said "Delivery Driver" and a number. "When you leave, turn in the green one and keep the other one incase you come out here again." Then the kangaroo handed back the invoices for the load and pushed a remote on his vest that made the orange and black stripped stop bar swing up. "Follow the 'B' signs.""Thanks" Jeff said and stuck his hand out... It was the 'roo's turn to look surprised... Taking the offered human hand in his paw, he carefully shook and then released it. With a happy wave, the young man drove into the construction site. Leaving a perplexed kangaroo staring at his paw. ********************************************************************** One day in school, for extra credit, Jeff stayed after to meet 6 members from the I.A.O. (Island Animal Outreach) A pair of each of the three animals found on the island. Two hogs, two kangaroos, and two goats. They out numbered the students that stayed.Jeff asked polite questions, he class mates made rude remarks. Jeff looked at the modified hooves and paws... Marveling at each. The animals were fully clothed... Jeff sort'a wished they hadn't been.. he had seen a few photos showing the huge balls that normal boars and bucks possess, and wondered if the 'uplifted' animals bore the same. So while shaking a kangaroo's paw wasn't a common occurrence for Jeff, it was one he had done before and knew what to expect. ************************************************************************* Sure enough the road made many splits and Jeff was soon on the 'B' one that led around the massive chalet to a huge barn. Soon he found the area that looked like they were waiting for him. Leaning out of the window, Jeff asked an all brown goat were he wanted the load to go. The buck, dressed in a heavy duty carpenter apron, pointed to a temporary loading ramp. Jeff parked the truck within an inch of the platform. Hopping out of the cab, the human set to work loosening the tie down straps and rolling them up. Suddenly Jeff got the feeling that something wasn't quite right... He stopped and looked around... All the animal workers was looking at him."Ahhh... Am I doing something wrong?" He asked the group. The goat that had told him where to park spoke up. "All the other drivers never get out of their trucks... We do all the unloading.""Oh.. Sorry I didn't know I wasn't allowed to get out of the truck." Jeff turned to head back to the cab."You can get out... There's no rule that says you can't... It's just that the other drivers sat in their cabs with the AC going.""But why?... This place is amazing... You guys are amazing... " The human stood looking at the different goats.. there were even a few kangaroos with shop aprons on.Just then a doe goat came out of the office trailer that sat between the barn and main chalet. She was all white with a green summer dress on. She came up to the foreman and spoke quietly to him. He nodded and turned to me as she retreated to the trailer. "Care for a tour of the place? We can get this load for you."Jeff was given a hard hat and he followed the foreman. The place was getting close to being done, but of course all the little details take time. "Another 8 to 9 months the front office figures." Then they wondered over to the barn. It was mostly done. They even had some of the normal animals they were going to have in the 'Farm Encounter'. Wide open floor with a smooth rubberized covering. Along the back they had it set up so there was an open pen inside where food and water was kept, an enclosed stall for cold weather and to just let the animal 'hide out' if they want to. The back of the stall opened to an outside paddock area and past that, for the bigger critters, (Horses, donkeys, cows, who aren't here yet) large pastures.The animals that were already here were 8 hair sheep. (In cold weather they get an undercoat, but in warm weather it sheds, so no need to shear.) A dozen or so goats. (Anglo-Nubian like the goats from the island) And 4 pigs... (Again the same breed as the island  pigs, Durocs) They were standing in front of the pig pen when a sow ambled up to them. Jeff asked if he could touch her and the foreman wasn't sure. Just then a doe bounded up. She was a brown with white patches. She wasn't wearing anything."Hello Robert, showing a guest around?" Just then she noticed my bright green "Delivery Driver" tag. She seamed to get flustered at this... "Oh.. Ahh.. Hello. You got out of your truck."Jeff did his very best to keep from looking too hard at her crotch teats. "Ahh, yea... I seam to be a bit of an oddity in that regard."Robert the buck goat said to naked doe, "The driver was just asking if he could touch the pig?""Soffie?... Sure, she loves attention."Jeff was happy to be able to turn away from the two goats, to hide his growing erection. He leaned over the low fence and slowly started scratching the sow behind the ear. He noted how soft she was there. Contented grunts came from the pig. "My first time to touch a real pig." Then he realized what he said.. "I mean I've touched a couple of the island pigs.. they came to my school. But as far as one you'd find on a farm around here. This is the first."The two goats had a whispered conversation while Jeff was distracted with the sow. The doe spoke, "That is part of the reason we're going to have the 'Farm Encounter' area here. So people can either relive or get acquainted with normal farm animals... You seam to be someone that would like to visit here."The human gave a slight snort. "I wish... I'm not exactly Country Club material.""Maybe the next time you're out here then." The foreman suggested."No... I doubt I'll get by here again anytime soon." Jeff sound wistful. "The drivers are all union and seniority gets to pick what deliveries they take... And this is a favored one. So I'll not be back unless they have another screw up and they need someone to work late on Friday." The human could see that the goats were just finishing up unloading his truck. "And I better be getting back... Thanks for the tour, and letting me pet your pig... I'll remember that."The 'up lifted' animals stood around and watched the truck as it drove away."Think he'll come back?" Molly the naked doe asked the buck foreman."Yea... did you see the way he was looking at you?... He'll be back." ******************************************************************** On Monday just before noon a delivery truck pulled up... Parked about five feet from where it was suppose to park and the window rolled down and a burly arm thrust the invoices out into Robert's hoof."Where's the young guy?... We asked for him to deliver.""Listen goat.. I don't tell you how to do your job, so don't try to tell us how to do ours." And the window closed. ******************************************************************** Jeff had just sat down on a picnic table at a rest stop. He could hear the ticking of the hot metal as his brakes cooled down. His truck, over loaded with granite slabs, had once again made the trip off the mountain, and Jeff was letting things cool before heading back to the lumber yard. His phone chimed... A message. 'Who could that be?" 'Jeff Scott: We would like to see you after work today concerning a job offer.Your travel expenses will be reimbursed.  -- Robert: Capricorn Construction' ******************************************************************** Jeff sat in the guard shack talking with Ollie, while waiting on a taxi."I went in and told 'em I was giving my two weeks notice... Next thing I knew they had two guys watching me clear out my locker... I couldn't even keep my cap!"The 'roo nodded and stated, "This is a much better outfit to work for.""Yea, I'm quickly finding that out... After spending all morning filling out forums and signing every piece of paper in the joint. I'm now find myself with a lunch per diem in my pocket, waiting on a cab so I can go pick up brand new lease truck I'll be driving for 'em." ******************************************************************** Friday of that week, Ollie hopped into the cafeteria, spotted Robert and joined him at his table. After some small talk the 'roo asked..."You know where your new driver goes at night?""Home?... But it's obvious from your question that's not correct."The big kangaroo nodded... "I did the background check on him, I know he lives not too far from his old job, meaning it's a hell of a long ways from here. Too far to walk, or ride a bike even. No busses, and a taxi... Well even with the better pay you all are giving him, still wouldn't be enough to cover a taxi to and from every day.""So where's does he go?" The brown buck asked."Last night a patrol spotted a light in his truck... They gave it a 'bounce by' and they seen Jeff in the truck bedding down for the night." ********************************************************************* Jeff made his last trip for the day. Robert was waiting next to the time clock for him."We got something for you I think you'll enjoy." Was all the buck goat would say as he led the human to a part of the barn not quite done. The 'Members' area. Small rooms that the members can request for the night. Never know when a member would have a need for a room over night... Like when the wife kicks him out. Actually these were 'overflow' rooms in case the half dozen in the chalet were all taken. The hallway only had a bare bulb as did the room Robert opened the door to. But inside... It was fantastic... A bed made obviously by the carpenters, 2x6's and 2x8's had been carefully bolted together. Heads recessed, all edges smoothed and sanded. A full size mattress lay on it, blankets were used for sheets, and one was folded up for a pillow. A chair from the cafeteria stood next to it. The walls hadn't been painted yet and the floor was just bare concrete."Well... it's not very fancy, but should be more comfortable then the cab of the truck."The human was dumbstruck for a few sec, then said. "You did all this for me?... I guess you found out. Come to think of it, I thought I saw a pair of kangaroo ears flash by the truck window...""You're a good man Jeff. Sometimes dealing with suppliers... well the humans talk about fairness and equality... I'm sure you get some of the hatred because you work for us."Jeff nodded, a little ashamed at his fellow man, some of the things he's heard hadn't been kind. Going out to the truck he brought in his personal stuff. Razor, towel, soap, spare clothes, laptop, and phone. He'd have to figure a way to stop by his old place and get his beat up gaming console and some second hand dishes.Later as the young man lay in his new bed he had to smile... "I'm living in a barn with animals..." Which to him, didn't seam odd or wrong at all. **************************************************************** Since the suppliers were all closed on the weekends there wasn't any deliveries, but the human happily hopped on the little used forklift and was soon moving and stacking material so the carpenters wouldn't have to walk as far to get needed supplies. Later Jeff found out that the island animals don't have the depth perception to safely use the machine. Which accounted for the audience he had for most of the day. Even the seldom seen hogs popped out of their offices to watch.About three, Robert called an early end to the work day. Went over to the human and thanked him for pitching in like that... It was, after all, his day off.On the way to the shower Jeff passed by the pens for the 'normal' animals. Soffie was standing at their usual corner. The human had been spending part of his lunch times petting the pig. So he stopped and was cheered listening to the sow's happy 'oinks'. Molly came by, naked as usual, and told the human that Soffie was used to him and if he wanted, he could hop the fence and get closer to her.Jeff was surprised and a bit honored, Molly really watched over her charges here in the barn. Soffie seamed happy that the human was sitting down on the hay next to her. First thing she did was to stick her flat moist snout into the human's arm pit and snuffle deeply, giving happy grunts and squeaks in the process.Molly leaned over and spoke softly into Jeff's ear. "Human sweat has some of the same chemicals as in boar's saliva... Soffie probably thinks you're a boar that's come to court her." Before the human could say anything, the doe had pranced off to the other end of the vast barn. The young man sat rather stunned until a snout in the ribs brought him back to the job at hand, scratching Soffie."So you think I'm another hog... Hmm?" The human never tired at all the different happy sounds the sow could make, as he scratched her behind her floppy ears, under her jaw, or between her front legs. Soffie turned sideways and Jeff continued to scratch her dull red hide. Again out of nowhere the naked doe was leaning over them with a stiff bristled brush in her hoof. "Here..." she said thrusting the implement at the human. "She likes this." And she was gone again.Carefully Jeff stroked the brush over the sow's tough skin. Sure enough, the animal leaned closer to the brush. Along her back and down the flat sides of the pig, the human brushed and brushed. He got lower and lower on her side, until he was starting the curve under her belly. But the skin was softer there so he switched back to his hand. He got closer and closer to the line of teats... Should he?"SHE LIKES THOSE RUBBED TOO." came the voice of Molly from several stalls away. The human jumped like he'd been shot! Once his heart left his throat, he began to rub her many teats, as well as the very soft strip of pig flesh between 'em. Soffie finally tired of having her boobs massaged, she turned again... Only this turn presented Jeff with a view of a very pink pig pussy. Figuring Molly was watching from someplace, the young man picked up the brush and again brushed the thick pig skin. Around the curled tail and down both hips. All the while he stared at the pink mound of sex flesh. He knew Molly washed the pigs everyday... She was so very clean... His mouth was dry... He licked his lips, wishing he could...Jeff wondered to the tack room in a daze... Strange new thoughts were swirling around his brain. He put the brush on a shelf next to similar ones... And wondered to his room. One of the carpenters had built a small desk and left it outside his door. "Like Elves or something." he mused aloud at how things just seam to appear. The human carefully carried the desk inside his room and put it against the wall. Stepping back he saw they had even put a small drawer in it. Pulling it open there was an  envelop inside. Opening the unsealed letter... The letter head was from security. From the desk of Ollie North, head of security. To: Jeff ScottSubject: Wi-FiSecurity would appreciate if you would help beta test the Wi-Fi that will be used here. Please report any loss of signal, or interruption of service to this office.You have unlimited usage.Thanks for your help: Ollie North At the bottom of the page was a log in name and password. ****************************************************************** After supper Jeff returned to his room. He had thought about going to see Soffie again, but he wanted to check a few things out, before his had a second 'date' with the pig.The laptop battery was nearly flat. (They hadn't made the 'Zero Point' battery small enough to fit in a small device.) So he had to move his new desk slightly so the power cord from his old Dell would reach. At least the job at the lumber yard had paid Jeff enough so that he could afford the fee to get his laptop switched to 'adult' mode, since he was over 18.Google told him about the reproduction cycle of hogs. And how the boar's penis worked. Youtube showed him the 'mechanics' of how pigs mated. And because the island animals were not 'animals' by law, there was porn with humans and island animals, since it wasn't bestiality.  ******************************************************************* Actually some of the porn had been made with normal animals. And when the law found out they arrested them, only to find out the new laws were too broad and too vague. So new ones were passed, only the island animals, who weren't really animals, could shag 'normal' animals, because they could 'read' the body language and could tell if the animal was consenting. Then a farmer was turned in by his ex-wife for having sex with a goat... On the stand the farmer said that one of those island goats had come by that very day and told him, that particular doe goat was really wanting someone to shag her. So he did. There's still was no clear law, after all these years. ******************************************************************** With all the Youtube vids and the porn, Jeff was able to brush Soffie's bottom without freaking out. Which he did. Along with the rest of her, everyday of the following weeks. Sometimes he'd be out there even after the lights had been turned down. He thought he noticed something Monday... By Tuesday he was sure... Soffie was coming into heat. Her cute pink cunt was swelling. Wednesday he made a bold move, he rubbed his hand over sow's mound. Just a quick swipe... Then longer, lingering rubs... All the while the hog made her happy sounds. Thursday he let his finger slip in the increasing growing pussy... He found her sharp fleshy point of her clit. This brought a squeal of pleasure from the sow. He tried to slip his finger farther into her, but Soffie wasn't quite ready for that and moved away... But as wet as she was, surely her 'standing heat' as the articles had called it, couldn't be that far off.Friday he came to her just after the lights had been lowered to the night time levels. After her normal greeting of deep inhales and snout poking into armpits, she just stopped moving, as if she suddenly was rooted to the floor..."Could it be now?" the human wondered... He had watch the vids of how a boar 'work' a sow. Nose lifts along her flank, snout bumps around her rear, and finally the chin on her rump. Jeff got up and using his hands the lifted the flesh around her belly, the moved behind her and put his hand on her rump... She stood still. Her vulva was easily twice it's normal size. The human looked around... No sign of Molly. Slipping his shorts off, he had no underwear, the young man now tried to figure out how to get his fully erect eight inch cock, down to her level. Spreading his feet wide apart, he flexed his knees... The sow's cunt was very slick. The fluid fairly bubbled out of her slit. One hand on her back, with the other he pressed his uncut cock head against her puffy lips. They easily opened to let him slide the first few inches in. He stopped to see if Soffie wanted him to stop. What he got was a sow backing up onto his cock, while making happy sounds. There was no lube that could have been as slick as what the pig was putting out. Jeff slid deeper into the silky smooth, oh so warm pig pussy.The human started to slowly stroke his cock in and out... Damn she was so hot... And Damn she was so smooth... And Damn she had some nice muscles in there. It had been many a month since Jeff had a pussy to fuck. And this one was fucking perfect. He picked up speed... His cock was rock hard as it stroked the animal's cunt... Soon his groin was giving meaty smacks to her bulbous pig butt. With both hands on her hips he held some of his weight off his complaining knees. He wasn't used to being in this position but he was way too far gone to quit now. Faster he pounded her swine flesh... The human wished he had taken his shirt off too, he was getting hot, sweat dripped down his face and onto the hog's back... He breathing was becoming ragged... Close... He was getting close... Squeals and grunts, Soffie was happy... So was the human... With a sharp gasp, Jeff dumped his first load of human semen into the hog... Another stuttering stroke and another blast... Then a third... The forth and final stroke and spurt... He nearly collapsed onto her back, knees giving out... When his softening cock slid from her hole, he rolled off her and into the hay next to her.Almost at once he noticed a bigger hog approaching them. From his full tusks Jeff knew this was a boar, and could be dangerous for him to be in here. But the animal attention was clearly directed towards the sow and not him. After some greeting grunts and squeals, the huge male wasted no time in putting his chin onto Soffie's rump. Again she stood still and quickly the boar had heaved himself up and onto the sow's back. The pinkish red corkscrew cock was soon thrusting in and out of his belly sheath in search of pig pussy.After watching countless vids of farmers helping aim boar dicks at sow's cunts... Jeff decided he'd give the boar a helping hand. Scooting closer, he reached out and caught the waving skinny dick and aimed it at Soffie's puffy twat. The human noted she was dripping his cum. Quickly the osculating cock slipped into the wet pig twat. He saw the boar heave himself farther up onto Soffie's back as his cock slid farther into her."Thanks kid." The deep melodious voice made Jeff jump. An island pig! He knew there was a couple here... The male was called Murphy. "She sure is a great fuck, isn't she?" The human could only squeak out a "Yea". Was he caught? Did they even care? The huge island boar sure didn't seam to mind diving into sloppy seconds. Leaning back on the hay Jeff watched the two hogs go at it. He could see Murphy was still stroking his cock back and forth in the sow... But soon his cock must have caught in her cervix and twisted in... And if he was like the boars he'd watched on Youtube, he'd be in her for a quite a while.Only a few feet from a fantastic sex show, Jeff's cock started to stir back to life. Soon the human was slowly stroking himself as he imagined the boar's cock buried into the sow's griping cervix, making the male pump out his cum into her waiting womb.There was something stepping on the hay next him and a soft voice saying, "Now there's no need to let this go to waste." And before he knew it, Molly had her hand around his cock, gently stroking it. Her other hand held a bottle of lube that she slathered onto his penis. Then she was over him, her hind legs did that fold that only digigrade legs can do, and she was sliding her cunt down his cock shaft to end up with his balls against her ass. A short fluffy tail gave a quick wag, sending her feathery tail hairs to caress his scrotum. The doe gave his cock a squeeze with well trained cunt muscles, and then said, "You got a nice cock." After which, she started bouncing up and down on the human's 'nice cock'.Leaning foreword, the doe goat rested her hoof/hands on the human's chest, as she rode his cock. Jeff had just gotten into her rhythm, when she stopped, gave a soft bleat, her cunt spasm around his throbbing cock... Then she was back to bouncing up and down on his groin. Looking over at the two hogs, the human was sure Murphy had a smile, and gave him a wink. Having just cum in Soffie, he had a ways to go before he could cum again. But the doe goat didn't seam to mind, she kept up her steady beat, stopping from time to time to do her goat orgasm. The pattern of white patches on brown was dizzying as he watch Molly get off on his hard cock. Laying his head back, he just concentrated on the hot goat pussy that was caressing his dick. Every once in a while, one of Soffie's happy squeals could be heard as well as the goat's soft bleats.Being nineteen, it didn't really take all that long before the human started to feel the tightness gather in his loins. Looking down he watched the goat's pussy lips, pulling out and pushing back in as Molly rode him. With his own lustful groan, the young man gripped the goat around her belly, just above her heaving hind legs and added his own thrusts to their fucking. With a low cry, "I'm goin'a cum!" Jeff pulled the doe down, onto his twitching member. Molly uses her trained cunt muscles to grip the human's cock as it spewed it's white seed up into her animal twat.For the second time that night, Jeff's orgasm raced through his body, blast after blast of his gooey white cum erupted into the happy doe siting on him... Then... Quiet... Molly slowly lowered herself onto the human's chest. She bent her neck down so she could nuzzle his face and neck. "I'm glad we were right about you." Her voice was heavy with sex, as she whispered the words into his ear.With two fucking hogs in the background, and Jeff's slowly wilting cock still being milked by the goat's twat. The two quietly talked... Or rather the human listened as the doe told him about how the men on the island made the doe goats 'Sex addicts'. And how they were always on the look out for willing partners. That humans and animals, 'natural' or island animals, could never make young. And even Murphy's fucking of Soffie won't make little pigs, since she was a 'natural' pig. Another trick the men on the island played on them. They wanted to do, and see, lots of fucking, without lots of little ones. The only way she could become pregnant was with an island buck.The two were then quiet. They watched the growing puddle that grew between Soffie's hind legs as Murphy's cum steadily dripped from her puffy lips. "You didn't look all that comfortable when you were fucking Soffie." The doe softly said."You were watching?""Sure, I wanted to see if you'd fuck her."The human nodded and since everyone was so cool with him fucking Soffie, he said. "Yea I wished I had something to kneel on, so I'd be the right height. Just then the massive red boar pulled his cock out of Soffie and slid off her back. With what sounded like a very self satisfied grunt, the big male lumbered off. But not before a casual, "Have fun you two." was tossed over his shoulder. Soffie seamed to have had her fill of sex for the night and wondered over and laid on the soft hay.Both human and doe looked at their still joined genitals. "We seam to be a sticky mess." the goat noted. Molly stood and Jeff got a good look at the pussy that he had been so deeply buried in. Sort of a dusky brown, except where it still gapped open from the girth of his cock being in there for so long, it was reddish pink. A white pearl of his cum dripped from her. Reaching down, she helped the human to his feet. She grabbed her bottle of lube, he snagged his shorts from the fence where he had tossed 'em. The two wobbled to the showers.Back in his room. Jeff was soon in a deep happy sleep. ******************************************************************* Jeff was up at his normal time, and headed towards the cafeteria. But not quite making it. Nora the all white goat doe from receiving, stopped him. "I hate to ask you on your day off, but could you make a trip into town for a small pick up?""Sure, not a problem." The human was in a very good mood."Well you'll need to leave right away, the store's warehouse staff leaves at 1:00 on Saturdays."The human changed course and followed the goat to the receiving office to get his paperwork he'd need for the pick up. Just as he was heading out the door to his truck he met Molly, with a plate with three large chocolate chip cookies on it and a large glass of orange juice. "I heard you were having to head out without breakfast, so I got you some cookies left over from last night. And Bill send you a glass of his special juice."Jeff took a cookie from the plate and the glass. "Bill?""He's going to be the head bartender... I guess you've not met him. He's an all black buck with a really nice set of horns."The human wondered if, 'nice set of horns' was code for something... Since the juice was in a 'glass' glass, he downed it quickly and snagged the rest of the cookies off the plate."Thanks Molly..." he wanted to say and ask so many things."You're welcome, now you better get going." She took the empty glass from him. "We'll talk tonight."Jeff headed to his truck, the 'special juice' had a bit of a bitter after taste. He'd better mention that to Bill if he was planning on serving that to humans. ****************************************************************** He made it to the store by 12:10. He was glad he didn't make anyone stay over. Especially since it was just one package that he stood on end in the passenger side of the flatbed's cab. If the fast food place hadn't been in the same shopping center, he probably wouldn't have stopped... Seamed his thoughts were returning to last night. He got his sack of food to go and carried it in front of his groin as he walked back to his truck, to hide his growing stiffy. Safely in his cab he hit the AC and wolfed down his sandwich. Switching on the motor, he werrrrred back into traffic. He absently munched his fries as he wound his way out of the city. It was after 3:40 by the time he got back. He was so preoccupied with his thought's, he nearly blew by the guard house. Good thing Rolph was quick on the remote or else he would have snapped the 'stop arm' off. Backing the truck up he rolled down the window and apologized to the 'roo. "I'm really sorry.. I was lost in thought... I..." Rolph just smiled good natured and said he was happy the human had provided a bit of excitement to a boring Saturday afternoon.Jeff and the heavy box was in receiving by 4:00. Nora took the paperwork and pushed the box back to the human. "It's for you." was all she said. The human lugged the box to his room. Just outside the door sat a small package. The box went on the bed and going back he grabbed the smaller package and put it on his desk."Might as well start small and work up to the big one." he muttered aloud. The small package contained a bottle of lube, like Molly had last night. "Well I guess this makes it official..." he thought. They were cool with what happened last night. That thought made his dick throb in his pants. He tore into the big box... Some sort of exercise equipment... the instructions showed someone kneeling on the adjustable pads and doing a series of stretches and yoga type moves. Jeff stared at the pads... Not only were they ok with what happened last night, they were supplying special equipment to make it easier for him.The knee pads were connected together with a bent u-shaped bar between 'em. This he put over his shoulder and grabbing up the bottle of lube, he headed to the pig pens. His full erection tenting his pants, leading the way. ****************************************************************** Soffie seamed to be waiting on him. She gave her 'happy to see you' grunts and turned around so her swollen vulva was inviting him in. His clothes were off in a flash. His hands shook as he adjusted the knee pads and placed them to just either side of the sow's hind hooves. As wet as she looked, the human didn't think he needed much lube, but he splashed a thin coating on his rock hard cock before dropping to his knees, and thrusting into the waiting swine. Soffie gave a bit of a 'surprised squeal' but quickly started making happy grunts.Jeff never felt so... Alive?.. lustful?.. Just plain horny. He was quickly pounding his cock into the puffy pig cunt. He grabbed the sow just in front of her hips, to help pull himself deeper into her. He could feel the swollen puffy cunt lips of the sow squish against his groin. Every nerve in his body seamed awash in lust. The sight of Soffie's broad red back, and the faint musk of her heat. The wet slop of her natural mucus as his pounding cock slammed into the wet swine pit.'Yes Yes... I'm going to cum!' a voice in Jeff's mind screamed. 'Yes, let me cum in her!' The human's fast rhythm never faltered right up to the moment of release. Then he was blasting huge wads of whitish human cum deep into the animal's pussy. Again and again he fired his semen into her. The walls of her swine tunnel were hosed with his jets of cum. Five, six, seven times.. Another, eight! Massive loads of human ejaculate were unloaded into the sow. Finally he was just sending small spurts of gooey white liquid to add to what had pooled in her vagina. The young man slowly bent over and as the last of his cum dribbled into Soffie, he laid on her back... His breaths were deep and ragged... Finally he recovered, the fog of lust seamed to lift some.'Damn!' he thought, 'Who knew sex with a sow could be so intense.' He must have had some reservations last night, but now he had no such inhibitions. At least that's what he figured had happened.Several minutes later, he was still rock hard... And still buried in Soffie's warm cunt. he lifted himself off her back. Small movements made his cock throb. Slowly the human started to fuck the sow again. Soffie's happy grunts were like music to the young man's ears. More sexy then any human female utterances. Jeff looked down to watch his cock plow in and out of the puffy nether lips of the sow. Her tail in a tight curl, twitching in time to his powerful thrusting. Just a few months ago, he never would have thought about fucking a sow... Now it seamed like the most natural thing in the world...Out of the corner of his eye he noticed another hog wonder up... It wasn't Murphy... Another sow... She came closer, he could see her lift her head and scent the air. Even the human could smell the heavy musky scent of sex hanging in the air around he and Soffie. Having another sow watching them seamed lewd... And exciting... He slammed into Soffie even harder... His lust rising in leaps and bounds... His cock churning the mixture of her mucus and his cum into a frothy liquid that leaked out with each stroke... 'God she feels so damn good!' he thought... His first blast of cum rocketed deep into her... Followed by another even stronger... Thick gooey ropes of human semen jetted into the pig's vagina. Powerful blasts sprayed her mating tunnel... Then the human was spent... Just a dribble of cum..."Hey kid, you want to stop hogging the sow?" Murphy's deep voice rumbled behind him. "Let somebody else have a go with her."Knowing the massive boar was just behind him, Jeff's erection finally wilted. The human pulled out of the sow. A thin string of sticky translucent cum connected the two for a moment, before breaking and starting a journey towards the floor. Standing up, the human reached down and picked up his kneeling blocks. He stopped for a moment to watch the rope of his semen gather speed as gravity pulled at the viscous fluid that leaked from the  puffy pig vulva.Murphy walked up to the sow. He looked at the cum that flowed out of Soffie. "Geeze kid, you part boar or something?"Jeff stammered... What does one say in a situation like this? "I'll... I'll clean her off for you.""Won't be necessary kid." The powerful hog heaved himself up, onto the sow's back. Murphy's cock made a few pokes at the sow's rump before Jeff remembered to help. Seamed a bit surreal to be helping another male plow into a pussy you was just in. Backing away, the human bumped into the other sow that had been watching all this time."Oh... Hello there." Jeff knelt down and started to rub the sow's ears. "You seam very interested in what's going on here." The new pig started making happy sounds, but soon turned her red bulbous rump towards him. Her light pink pussy lips were shaped like a small mound. Her tightly curled tail seamed to wag almost dog like as he looked at her."Well you seam happy to show it off, now do you want someone to do anything with it?" He mused aloud. Reaching out he scratched around her rump above her tail and down both sides around it. 'Well she seams to like that.' Jeff thought to himself. Next he lightly ran his fingers over the soft mound, and the sow stood still. The human's lust tickled something in the back of his mind and before his knew it, he was leaning in, putting his lips around the pig's pussy mound and was lightly sucking on it. Which made the 'happy sounds' the sow was making become even louder. The human flicked his tongue over the soft flesh... And then inside... His exploring tongue soon found her spear like clitoris at the bottom of her slit. Every time he'd make contact with the sensitive organ, the sow would hunch up her back and give a little squeal. But she never made a move to get away from the onslaught of tonguing. All of which had brought the human's lust back up to full boil.Jeff pulled his mouth away and picked up the lube bottle, squirting some on his fingers and smeared it over her mound. Carefully he slipped his finger into her opening... She pushed back... Deeper he slipped his middle finger into her snug cunt... The sow still made happy sounds and never tried to move away. The human's throbbing erection demanded to be tried next. Standing up and retrieved his kneeling blocks and placed them on either side of her. Next he slathered a good coating of lube over his rampant cock. And knelt behind her. One hand on her back and the other aiming his hard cock at her nether lips.Her vulva opened to accept him... He pushed deeper, she pushed back... The snug tube stretched around his cock... He was half way, stopped and pulled out, he applied more lube and slid back in... Easier this time... Deeper... Deeper... Her warm vagina welcomed the young man's penis into it's depths. When his balls touch her rump, the human whispered. "Tight.... oh so tight."For a few moments he just held himself deep in her... but his lust wanted more, it wanted to fuck her... Pulling back slightly, then pushing back in... Then longer and longer his strokes became. The sow's cunt loosened... And soon Jeff was fucking her with long powerful strokes of his cock. His lust was happy, it liked fucking pigs... He like fucking pigs... 'God... so hard' Jeff marveled at how stiff his cock was. 'Like steel'... Again and again he drove his hard cock into the sow's cunt. The human felt his third orgasm of the day, start to build. Stealing a glance at Murphy, by the blessed out look on the boar's face, he knew he had screwed his cock tip into the sow's cervix, and was sending squirt after squirt of his hog semen into her uterus. That thought was enough to send the human's own cum to start rocketing down the length of his cock and blast into the sow's vagina. This third orgasm rocked the young man as hard as the first two. Jeff could scarcely believe the amount of cum that was pumped from his glans and into the sow. Not that he minded the intense feeling of pleasure he was getting from wave after wave of orgasmic bliss. ****************************************************************** Jeff lay sprawled on the sow's back. The world finally stopped spinning and his breathing was returning to something more normal... He was still very hard... And the sow was still milking him with her squeezing pussy muscles.A sudden movement to his right... Soffie must have moved. He could see the long thin penis stretching from her cunt to Murphy's belly sheath. With a grunt and a quick lunge the boar was once again fully on her back and his cock was hidden from view as his sheath opening was pressed against the swollen vulva of the sow.The young man's cock lurched and throbbed at the sight... He was ready to go again! Levering himself up with his arms, Jeff looked down at the deep red skin of the sow he was still buried in up to his balls. He watched his shaft slowly appear from pink neither lips that stretched in their reluctance in giving up the thick penis... Then puckered back in as if sucking the cock back when he pushed back in. The wetness of the lube, his cum, and her mucus shown in the late afternoon light. Again he felt as if his whole body was one big sex organ. He closed his eyes as he pick up speed. Faster and faster the human fucked, until he was again slamming his groin against firm meaty rump of the sow. All three hogs were making happy grunts and squeals as the scent of their musky sex filled the air around them. Even the human was adding soft moans to the chorus, as well as a staccato rhythm of slapping flesh."OH YEA" came out as a mixture of groan and shout as the human achieved orgasmic bliss for the forth time that afternoon. "Fuck yea." was softly uttered nine times, once for each blast of Jeff's cum into the happy sow. This time the young man seamed locked into his position. Head lulled to one side, eyes still closed, slacked jawed. Breathing deeply as he relaxed as the last of his semen was milked from his cock... That was still far from flaccid. Someone was stepping through the hay behind him. A warm fuzzy body pressed against his back and a white goat muzzle slid over his shoulder and along his cheek..."Sally, you mind if I borrow our young human for a bit?" It was Nora... She wanted him!The sow that was milking his cock spoke. "Sure... Just remember where you found him."The sow was another island hog! And she hadn't said a word the whole time he was fucking her. Jeff looked over at Murphy, who looked like he was enjoying the whole thing... Not just the sow screwing."Sally meet Jeff... Jeff meet Sally.""Nice to meet you, I'm sure." The sow said in a 'valley girl' voice.. and gave his cock an extra firm squeeze."Are you two being mean to Jeff?" The white goat doe asked in mock concern."Heck no." came Murphy's deep voice. "I let him have first go with Soffie here."Nora left Jeff on his kneeling blocks, still stuck in the sow. She went over to a soft pile of hay, bent down on all four's, did the front leg kneel and hind leg fold up just like a normal goat would do. "Come on over here, you look like you need a break from all that sex."For the first time in a couple of hours, Jeff's 'one eyed monster' had finally flagged and was looking at the ground. He didn't look at his cum leaking out of Sally's pussy, for fear of making himself horny again.He had just sat on the hay next to Nora, when Murphy slid off Soffie's rump. There was no missing that ribbon of cum that flowed from her soppy twat. "I think we did a pretty good job kid. She looks well fucked if you ask me." And with that pronouncement, the big boar walked over to a patch of hay and laid down. Soffie followed, and after sniffing Murphy's belly where the end of his sheath was, she went around and laid with her back to his... Sally had turned to watch and then turned back to the human. "I'd say Murphy was correct. You two did do a heck of a job on poor Soffie." She then gave him a wink. "And you did a pretty nice job on me too... I'll remember this for quite a while." And she too wondered off and laid down at the far end of the pen.Jeff nodded towards the sleeping boar and sow. "Too bad they can't have kids between 'em.""So Molly told you about island animals and normal animals?" Nora asked."And humans... About how I can't get anyone here pregnant."Jeff laid back on the hay, a cool breeze blew in for a few moments. He enjoyed the cool on his still heated body. "Feels good"... The human look around and in a low voice he asked Nora. "Ok.. What did Molly give me this morning?... I mean cumming four times in a row like that... That's not normal, even for a porn star."Nora told him about the 'super sex' drug the men on the island had made for themselves. And how they became addicted to it. To the point where they didn't eat, didn't sleep, they just kept fucking the animals. That was why he couldn't ever tell anyone about it. If it got out into the world, mankind would fuck itself to extinction. They had given him a tiny dose of the drug. Nothing like the dosage the men on the island were giving to themselves."Why give the drug to me?""We need to learn about it and it's effects. And we wanted to give you a reward for being such a nice human to all of us." Nora's voice had a pleading sound as if she wanted him to understand and not be mad at her. "It'll wear off in a few more hours.""Well then...." Jeff sat up and looked at the white doe. "I guess we better get on with the testing." The human really couldn't be mad at the goats. After all they were in a permanent state of sexual need. He was only going to be like this for a few more hours."I'm betting you'd be a willing partner for the next test?"Nora gave a happy bleat and said. "Oh god yes. I've always wanted to do it, what you humans call, the missionary position."Jeff got up and retrieved his bottle of lube. From the porn he'd watched, missionary with a goat, one just had to roll said doe over from the position Nora was in now. By the time the human had picked up the bottle to then turn back to her, his erection was once again full hard. Kneeling in the soft hay, he carefully rolled her over... Which she did very easily. "I've been practicing laying on my back." She almost sound like she was blushing at the admission.First thing Jeff noticed was her bright pink nether area. Her tiny rosebud of a vulva was already wet with her juices. "You sure you can take me?" the human asked."Yes, very sure... We doe's can stretch a lot." And again he could almost hear her blush as she added. "I've been practicing with a dildo.""Well Molly sure didn't have any problem last night. She must have been really worked up the way she started cumming as soon as she sat on me.""Did that bother you?""Heck no, I thought it was uber sexy." Just remembering Molly last night, his lust flared up. With a lustful groan, he got into kneeling position behind the doe. With suddenly shaky hands he barely got the lube open and coated his throbbing erection. He closed the top and tossed the bottle aside. Taking his cock in hand he started to aim for Nora's animal cunt... Just not quite the right angle... He took her hind legs in the other hand and pushed them farther up, making the goat rump roll up more. 'There', he thought, 'That should be just right'. Leaning foreword, he pressed his glans against the pink opening. Sure enough it opened easily to let him slowly slide his rampant cock in. He watched as the pink flesh gobbled up his cock. As with Molly last night, he slid completely in without stopping. The hot goat flesh wrapped around his cock... He leaned foreword more, he didn't have to hold her legs, his belly held them in place... Nora gave a soft bleat as he hilted in her. Again a short hairy tail wagged against his balls. Jeff lowered himself onto his elbows on either side of the goat's body. He had her trapped under him. But the only sound she made was happy little bleats. Slowly he started fucking her. Lifting his loins up to pull out and then back down to drive back into her silky vagina. Her vulva twitched and tried to grip his slick shaft as it thrust in and out of her. Even at this slow pace the doe was soon bleating and quivering under the young man. Jeff would stop at these times, to let her enjoy them, then continued his slow fucking of her sex. He started to grind himself against her when she started moaning and twitching, he must have been tweaking her clit, because she seamed to have a more intense orgasms. By now the doe was panting and her bleats became louder... "Fuck me..." she whispered. "Fuck me hard." Looking up at her face, he saw her looking back at him. Her wide spread horns kept her head directly pointed at him. Sliding his hands under her head he lifted it so he could be rub his lips against her's. Her tongue flitted out and 'kissed' him. Jeff rocked his hips from side to side... She shuttered and bleated... He let her head back down into the soft hay and resumed his thrusting into her... Faster this time. Long full strokes... Harder and faster the human fucked... His own lust rapidly heated... Quickly the fog of sex overtook the young man as his hips became a blur as he pounded the white doe. Jeff's breathing became as ragged as the goat's... On and on he fucked her... Lust flared... Muscles bunched... Semen blasted forth."Ahhh... shit that's sooooo good." the young man cum hard, for the fifth time. He hugged the doe to him as he held himself deeply in her milking cunt. A third animal's vagina was coated with human semen. Whitish fluid jetted into her... It blasted so hard that it flooded the very deepest part of her cunt... Nora heard the human cry out and felt him shutter and buck above her... She could feel the powerful jets of cum being blasted into her. And she too was amazed at the amount of semen the young man pumped in. She had never been so full of cum... Even after a orgy with a dozen bucks! The goat felt the human relax on top of her, and his breathing slowed and became steady.He had passed out! 'Good thing he's skinny' Nora thought to herself. Since her hoofs were under him, it was easy to roll him over onto the hay. Jeff's arms and legs flopped out into a 'spread eagle'. His still dribbling cock also flopped about smearing his belly and thighs with jizz. The goat could see the human's chest rise and fall with his steady breathing.Molly stepped over the fence and knelt next to her friend. "He's not dead is he?"Nora giggled and said, "No.. just overcome... it was his fifth time this afternoon."Molly looked at the white doe's pussy and at the mass of oozing human semen bubbling up. "Damn, looks like you had a go with Murphy." she noted."You know, I've not done him yet." Nora stated "Seams like he's always fucking Soffie or some other 'in heat' sow.""I wouldn't bother." Molly offered, "Connie did him once, she said he was great at first, but then she had to clinch around his cock so tight to make him cum. By the time he was done she had sore muscles and a jelly plug that dissolved when she was in the shower, thank goodness, he must'a pumped in a pint she said."Nora listened to the information and said, "Thanks for the warning. I guess I'll stick with ruminates...", she added, "And humans"."Lay still for a minute, I'll go get a towel." Molly got up and was quickly back with a couple towels and a wet washcloth. "Here you go", as she handed a towel to Nora and knelt next to the sleeping human. The brown goat with the white patches cleaned the human the best she could, wiping up the mixture of various sexual fluids. Nora put the towel over her cunt and rolled onto her belly."Whoa... maybe not a pint, but a good half a cup at least. That drug is really something". Standing up the white doe held the towel to her groin. "I feel like I'll be dripping human cum the rest of the day."Molly got up and surveyed her handy work. "I guess that's good for now, at least he won't be so sticky when he wakes up."The two goats left the pen and went their separate ways, Nora to the showers and Molly back to taking care of 'her' animals. *************************************************************** Jeff slowly returned to conciseness... What a dream he had... fucking pigs and goats... even now he was dreaming about getting a blow job... wait... He got an eye open and looked at his groin. There was a sow's head bobbing up and down. With a groan he laid his head back down. He was rock hard again... Who wouldn't be? That hog really was doing a great job. He looked again... "Sally?" The sow only oinked and kept up her head bobbing and her tongue swirling around his shaft. Her long snout easily took him full length... Her flat nose blew hot breath into the hair around his cock base. 'Who knew pigs could suck?'.She must'a been at this for a while, because his loins were already starting to feel that tingle... The human moaned and started to buck his hips up into that wonderful wet swine muzzle... "Oh god yes!" Jeff cried out as his orgasm roared through him... His body went stiff as his cum shot up like a volcanic eruption, spewing hot cum into the back of the pig's throat... muscles worked... cum jetted up... blast after blast... only five this time... The drug must be wearing off. With a great deal of happy grunts, Sally slurped up every drop of human semen, and sucked for more. The young man reach down and gently pusher her sucking muzzle from his cock... "Too sensitive!" Jeff croaked. "The head is too sensitive now".Sally laid next to the human, she was still eyeing the wilting penis."Don't you ever get enough?" Jeff asked with a chuckle."Do you?" Asked the sow."Yea... after six times, I think I'm done for a while." admitted the human. ***************************************************************** And so began the biweekly orgy. And a few months later, by unanimous vote, Jeff was promoted to "honorary animal". And was given access to the private residence wing of the barn. Soon after he moved in with Sally.  

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The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:17 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:18 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:20 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:21 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:23 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:26 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:28 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:29 AM
The Goat Farm - by Tpony - 09-21-2017, 01:36 AM
The Goat Farm - by ferritlove - 09-22-2017, 01:05 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 11-24-2017, 11:11 PM
The Goat Farm - by cabron45 - 12-03-2017, 04:16 AM

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