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The Goat Farm

Standard Warning About this Story Containing Zoo Sex!Anthro and Non-Anthro!Copyright by Ramseys 2014I hope you all enjoy Oh.. this one has just a tiny bit of MMF at the very end. For needed background, please read 'The Goat Farm' 1, 2, 3 and 4 first. The Goat Farm 5Joseph's story   As with all young Amish boys, Joseph was thoroughly indoctrinated into the Amish life and religion. All of which was immediately contradicted as soon as he set foot off the dairy. Cars, cell phones, electric lights. All were good things he figured, not the 'Work of the Devil'....But he was told time and again, that he was too young to recognize 'Demonic intent', and to trust his elders for guidance. Watch your older brother and see how one truly lives the pure and righteous life.'Lust of women', Bad.'Masturbation', Bad.'Pornography', Bad.'Lust of men', Very Bad.'Impure thoughts', Bad to Very Bad, depending on what they are.But the older boys talked of women and having sex with them. Add in the fact that all the young Amish girls his age, were pretty much spoken for. By the time he was to start courting, there wouldn't be any 'acceptable', (Amish) girls left! He was starting to understand the younger buck's frustration. Of the four breeding bucks they had at the dairy, the youngest one was always pushed aside and the older ones mounted the doe in his stead.Ahh yes, the goats.... He never understood the rough treatment they received from the other men on the farm. Maybe they saw how free and natural their lives were. Walking around all day, just eating and sleeping when they wanted. Even pooping and peeing in front of any one, at any time. The doe's didn't have to work at making milk, they just did. And the bucks had no other job in their lives other then to check on the doe's and breed them when they would stand in heat.Joseph thought they were heavenly! Surely they were one of god's creatures. Everything the goats did was wondrous to him. Any free time he had, was spent with the goats. Even his chores were a delight if he got to do them around the goats. And as with all good things, he was chastised for spending too much time looking at the goats. Was he being lustful while watching the bucks service the doe's?To be honest, he was. The massive scrotums swing between the male's hind legs, was mesmerizing. The quick flash of pink as they attempted to mount the doe's was exciting. And that puffy slit under the tail, the prized target of the bucks, was lust inspiring.But like the good son, he resisted the urges he had to join in.... Until one day.  Joseph had gone into the horse barn to get some nails to fix one of the milk stands. He was looking through the old coffee cans trying to find the right sized nails, when the door at the far end of the barn opened very quietly, and in stepped his oldest brother. He was about to call out a greeting, when the actions of his brother seamed strange... Like he was making sure no one saw him enter the barn. He softly closed the door and walked directly to the stall that held the 'Carriage horse'. A retired 'Trotter', father had bought from a race track. She was already trained to pull a cart and even thought she was too slow for racing, the mare was plenty fast enough to pull the family to church on Sunday. Grabbing a bucket from next to the door, Joseph watched as his brother slid the door open and slip inside the stall. Once the door slid shut, he could hear his brother talking softly to the mare. He must have had a carrot in his pocket, for he held one up and broke off a piece and offered it to the animal. From where Joseph was standing he could see through the bars that ringed the top half of the stall. He stayed in the shadows caused by the large farm wagon. Then he saw his brother break up the carrot into smaller pieces and put them in the feed pan. The mare stepped to the pan and started munching on the offered food. Meanwhile Joseph's brother set the bucket down behind the mare and he unbuttoned his pants, stepping on the bucket he let his pants fall and reached out and lifted the horse's tail. With one hand he rubbed the black lips of the mare's cunt and with the other he jacked his dick to make it hard. Once he had accomplished that task, he spit in his hand and rubbed it on his hardened cock. He wasted no time in leaning foreword and rubbing his dick where his hand had been. The mare's lips parted and Joseph watched his brother slid his cock into the animal. The young Amish man quickly started to fuck the mare, as a stallion would... And almost just as quickly as a stallion would, he climaxed into her. He jumped off the bucket and patted the mare on her rump. He softly told her that she was a great 'fuck', and he'd see her again. Joseph sat outside the milking parlor. It was still a half an hour before the start of evening milking. He had fixed the milking stand, gotten the Stainless Steel buckets out, put the cheese cloth in the strainer and sat it on top of the big milk can. Everything was ready, so the young man sat just outside the gate that let the goats into the holding pen before going into the milking parlor. The scene in the horse barn played through his mind over and over... His brother... The one he was suppose to watch and emulate... Fucking an animal.... Sometimes fate comes along and gives you a big 'ol wet sloppy kiss. It makes you a deal you can't refuse. And then is sits back and watches as your life is completely changed. Penny, an all white goat doe came up and nuzzled Joseph's face. When the milking was done, father announced that their mother's sister was feeling poorly and that he'd be taking her over to their farm, their three sisters were going in case there was any 'woman's work' that need to be done. And the three boys were to watch the place and do morning milking.Joseph couldn't help but wonder if his father noticed, his eldest son's seed leaking out of the mare's pussy, as she trotted over the rise. The black carriage had no sooner disappeared when Joseph's two older brothers informed him that he was to watch the place, because they were going to a friends house to play video games. And soon their bicycles disappeared down the road in the other direction. Even the dog was heading across the field, probably in search of a bitch in heat.He had been left alone at the dairy before. Joseph reached up and touched his cheek where Penny had rubbed her muzzle against his face. But never with all these new thoughts.... There was a tightening in his pants... Or new lusts.Just eight hours ago, the young Amish lad would have staunchly repressed the images that floated through his brain. All of them were of a white doe goat. We'll never know why. Maybe it was because of all the humans on the farm, he was the only one that treated the goats with love and tenderness. 'They provide the family with an income... Why not be kind to them', Joseph reasoned. If this was the 'why', or was there something else the doe sensed about the lad that made her lift her head and start trotting over to the young man that stood in the open barn door. He knelt and greeted her with soft words and a hug. Rubbing his hands over her body, he stopped at the spots, she seamed to enjoy being scratched. But the tent in his pants urged that things 'move along'.Joseph stood and stepped back into the dim barn, Penny followed. He walked across the hard packed dirt of the barn floor, to the birthing pens. One had, in the corner, a concrete pad. It was here long before it was an Amish goat dairy, so no one knew it's original intent. He turned and watched as the doe pranced over the floor to him. Again he petted her before leading her into the empty pen and over to the low platform. Like all goats she liked being on the highest thing she could find and quickly hopped up on it, looking rather pleased with herself as she pranced about. Her long ears flapped and her tail twirled. A pink udder with two large teats swayed beneath her. The human wondered, how could god make such perfect creature, if not to fall in love with?The tent stood larger, putting more pressure on the lad's mind. He quickly stripped out of his pants and hung them on the side of the stall. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a solution to a problem he was just now realizing he had. A beam of late afternoon sunshine shown through one of the cracks between the siding on the barn. It lit up his nine inch cock. His brother's penis was much smaller then a stallion's, when he fucked the mare. Joseph, on the other hand, was much larger then a goat buck. Not that he would hurt Penny, since she had already kidded in her recent past, and he was no where near as large as a baby goat, he still wanted to make sure she was going to enjoy this too. What that bright beam of light had also lit up, was a bottle of 'OB Lube'. It was there in case a doe was having problems giving birth, one of the skinny armed children, would 'lube up' and stick their arm up inside the doe and pull out the kid. His sister now had that honor, but when he was the only 'skinny arm' on the farm, it had been his job. So he knew that it was just the right thing to use.Used to being 'positioned' on the milk stand, the doe was very compliant when Joseph turned her rump toward the side of the platform. He backed her up to where her hind hooves were close to the edge. Kneeling down, he drank in the sight of her nether area. The brilliant white hairs that surrounded the island of pink flesh. The small slit that he had watched a slender goat cock slam into, and two perfect goat kids stretch their way into the world. She smelled like the late summer grasses she fed on. Soft yielding flesh met his fingers as his gently probed the lips. Penny pushed back... 'She wants it too', though the young man.... Standing, he pulled his foreskin back, applied the lube, and pressed his naked glans against her vulva. The animal's warm soft flesh opened to allow the human's cock tip to enter her. Neither tied or hobbled, the goat stood and gobbled up the penis that was shoved into her nether lips. Deeper the lad sank, into her warm body until his was fully hilted in her sex. Joseph understood... Why every male farm animal he had ever saw, wanted to get their cocks into the female's cunt... It was Fantastic! Being a virgin, he had no idea... Now he knew. Putting his hands on Penny's hips, the young human begin to thrust in and out of the doe. OH MY GOD! What a feeling... Nothing he could have imaged, can compare to what his dick was experiencing right now. The soft warm goat flesh that hugged his shaft as he fucked her pussy, was fantastic. His glans plowed through the pliant flesh of her vagina, sending waves of pure pleasurable lust back to his brain. Even if his father was to suddenly appear, the young human would not have stopped his fucking of the white goat. Joseph slowed down his frantic thrusting, to 'make it last longer'. That lasted only for a few moments, then he was picking up speed. The lewd squishy sounds of sex filled that corner of the barn. Again the boy forced himself to slow down... And again he quickly returned to his lust filled pounding of Penny's rump... Then a sudden tightness gripped him and the human was blasting his whitish translucent jizz deep into the willing doe... Joseph nearly passed out from the lust bursting through his body... The white feathery hairs of her tail, brushed back and forth at high speed across his black curly pubic hairs that surrounded his pulsing cock... His heart pounded in his ears as another wave of pure joy washed over him... More cum.... His breath came in loud gasps... This was much more intense then when he masturbated to orgasm...  More cum.... Not in a million years would the young lad be able to describe the pure joy he felt... His sweaty palms made Penny's white hair damp where he gripped her hips... His cock was awash with lube, cum and doe jizz... Finally the young man released his hold on the doe and staggered back, his semi-hard cock was dragged from her bestial cunt, his issue bubbling from the piss slit. Thin streamers of human cum stretched between man and goat, then broke and started racing to the ground.Penny spun around and looked at the boy, that her sexy body had just changed into a man. She was unaware of the lust she had created that fried the young human's brain. All she knew is, what they just did felt wonderful. His thick human cock really stretched her cunt in marvelous ways. She had never had her clit so stimulated before.... And the long time he was doing it... She gave a soft bleat to the nice human that leaned against a barn support. Joseph looked up and saw Penny looking at him, her tail quickly flashing in a beam of sunlight. Over the next two weeks the young Amish lad found ways to be with his Penny six more times. Six times of pure heaven.... Six times his cock blasted his seed into an animal. It was after that sixth time, when his father saw his youngest son, with one knee on the ground and his arms wrapped around a goat. Summoning up his best 'fire and brimstone' voice he asked the lad if he had carnal knowledge of that beast. The question caught Joseph so off guard, he just stammered and turned a bright shade of red. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Joe", as everyone called him now, head still spun a bit as he thought back on the month's events. Seeing his brother having sex with a mare. Seeing his own cock sliding into the pussy of a goat. Seeing his father's face as he guessed what his son had done. Seeing the family's dour faces as he was told to leave and never come back. All except his oldest brother's face, it had a very smug look on it. Seeing the friendly face of Fred Brown as he offered him a place to stay. Seeing Gerty come down the front porch steps and giving him a hug. Seeing Penny coming through their kitchen door. Seeing the police officer and answer his questions and swearing to a statement that legally separated him from his family so he could do what he wanted, when he figured out what that was of course. Seeing the Island Buck Goats naked and free like the milk goats they took care of. Seeing the orgy. If someone had said to him that, 'two months before your eighteenth birthday you'd take part in an orgy with goats, humans, and a mastiff'.... He would have thought they were insane.He fucked Penny... His lust seamed boundless... Joe's cock quickly returned to full hard after each orgasm... At first he only fucked Penny. But she must have grew tired, for she went over and lay down next to the hay rack with the other well used doe's. But there was a steel gray goat, with twin cream colored strips down her face. Even though the cum of several bucks streamed from her slit, she still wanted him to fuck her. She knew of humans and their thick cocks... 'It must be because of this closed stall, where the smell of goat sex hung thick.' Is what Joe told himself, as to why he was able to perform so well and so often... His dick fairly squished as he entered her. Goat semen flowed back down his shaft and dripped from his balls. But even with so much use, she was still snug around him. He started slow fucking her, and glanced about the room....Jeff the driver, was thrusting into the mastiff that lay on her back. She looked like she had her two front paws pulling the human to her in an embrace. Mr. Brown was fucking an all black doe, he could see her smoky nether lips wrapped around his cock as he stroked in and out of her. Gerty was laying, chest down, on a raised beam of some kind and had a line of bucks waiting their turn at dumping their seed into her brown cunt.Joe closed his eyes and fucked the doe with strong deep thrusts. ----------------------------------------------------------------      "I hope everyone had enough to eat." The sound of Sally's amplified voice shook the young man out of his reverie. The auditorium suddenly came back into focus."You looked a thousand miles away there." The deep voice came from Karl, the biggest blackest man he had every seen, who was seated next to him. "Yea... just remembering the past month.""We'll have to compare notes sometime, my past month was rather interesting too.""Since our ranks are growing rather quickly now, I thought this little get together would help us get to know the new faces." Joe watched the General Manager of the Country Club as she spoke to the nearly full room. Although his view was mostly from behind the reddish sow. She had on what could best be described as a horse turnout sheet. But it was more frilly and tailored to her body. It covered her from around her neck, across her back, and down to her knees. So all her bits and teats were covered. Since there was only staff present, she decided to forgo her cart and just stood with her front feet on a heavy duty stool. And she was the only speaker, so the mic was set to her height.Joe was seated on one side of the stage with two other 'new' humans, ten doe goats, three bucks and a kangaroo. The other side sat the various department heads. In the front row of the audience, sat Jeff, boyfriend to Sally.Unlike most humans, when they get in front of a captive crowd, the sow didn't drone on about every little thing. Instead she was introducing Ollie North, the head of security.Just as he began to stand, another kangaroo seated next to Jeff leapt up and shouted, "TEN-HUT". Suddenly the back three rows of the auditorium, all security 'roos, stood up and snapped to attention. Ollie surveyed the scene... Slowly he brought the microphone up to his mouth.... "Rolph..." he addressed the 'roo standing next to Jeff. "You're an ass-hole." But the 'roo just raised his hands and turned around to face the Boomers.... Waving his arms like a conductor at the Philharmonic, the standing kangaroos started singing 'Happy Birthday'.... By the time it ended the whole room had joined in. Ollie just stood shaking his head and looking at the floor. When the last note was sung and the cheering died away, the head kangaroo again lifted the mic and said, "Rolph... You're still an ass-hole." Which brought a whole new round of cheering from the back rows.Ollie finally got his guards back into their seats. And just as he was taking a deep breath of air, Sally's voice cut off what ever he was going to say. "If you launch into Patton's speech, I'll fire your tail so damn fast." Amid the ensuing laughter, the big 'roo kicked at the floor and did his best, 'Awww shucks' mime. Joe thought all big companies were somber and serious, but the peals of mirth that burst forth, made the young human smile.The first new human to be introduced was... "Bruce Campbell ... at least that what he calls himself, were still looking into that." Some giggles from the other department heads. It was a bit of an inside joke. No one would have gotten this far without the head of security knowing everything there is to know about a person.A tall slender man stood. He had a refinement about his bearing. Someone who knew his way around a board room as well as bar room. He had the obligatory khaki shorts and a golf shirt from the soon to be opened gift shop. "Good evening ladies and Bruces..." He had a thick Aussie brogue. And got some laughs from the rows of 'roos. "Well all joking aside. I'm happy to be here and joining this fine organization. I'm originally from Australia, moved to Texas about 20 years ago." The last part was given in an equally thick Texas draw. "Well long story short. I was able to connect some capital with some investments, and I got in on the ground floor of some lucrative deals. So at the age of fifty, I get to retire and become a security guard.... Oh, I almost forgot the most important part. ten years ago I went back to visit my home. And it was there, I met and married my wife... Gura". Heads turned to where the man was pointing and a flyer stood up.That sent a mummer through the audience... Someone whispered to another, "Gura means 'wind' in Aboriginal." "I'd be happy to stand up here the rest of the day, telling about how we met and all that. But I think that's enough for now." And with that, he handed the microphone to Karl, and sat back down.The massive black man stood, took a step foreword, planted the two tree trunks he had for legs, stood ridged, shoulders back, eye straight ahead. He looked like you could come back in 24 hours and still find him in that exact same spot. "I am what the world calls a 'Beefeater', but I look nothing like the guy on the gin bottle." That got a laugh. "As some of you may know, I'm the product of genetic manipulation, just as all of you are." Any where else in the world, such news would have been greeted with some fear... But here the assembled persons just nodded. "According to Island scientists I'm about 30% Zebra."Joe had heard about the Beefeaters, but had no idea as to how they came to be. Karl told about his training in his country's academy for 'Palace Guards', and how he was a "scrawny washout".  "What they didn't know, I had much more zebra in me than the other trainees. So I was a late bloomer because of that." Karl's voice had a note of pride in it. As if he had shown all those instructors that he was the better man.The tree uprooted itself, and handed the microphone to Joe before sitting back down.  Joe was not one for public speaking... But he was able to get out a brief history of his life. When he told about Mr. Brown and Gerty, there was shouts of, "Yea Fred" and "Go Gerty" from some of the goats he was working with at the dairy. It was only after he had sat down, he realized... That since the 'orgy' was a normal event for new arrivals at the Brown Dairy, they would know he was at one. And promptly turned red. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Molly was every bit as nice as her sister, up to and including jumping his body the first chance she got. Penny fitted right in too. She seamed to approve of having the Island Goats take care of her. And of course they were nice, not only to Penny but to all the doe's. The strangest thing for Joe to get used to, was that there were the female Island goats that also worked at the dairy. It was about a seventy - thirty mix of bucks to doe's. All of the buck handling was done by the females. They had a system of putting the buck's name on a chalk board, that were due to be used for breeding one of the milk goats. That way all the island goats knew which bucks to 'rest'. ie: not empty them of needed sperm. Any way, Joe wasn't totally surprised when Molly told him about how the Island goats had a 'built in' need for sex. He had heard rumors about such a thing. That and the fact Joe had been 'balls deep' in about half the female Island goats at the dairy in the short time he had been here. Another month flew by, and before long it was his birthday. Molly didn't have training in human social customs, so she called her sister, since Gerty live out in the human world. "Eighteen is a big mile stone for humans. (Oooooo that's so good.)" Molly could tell she had caught her sister in the middle of an impromptu fuck sessions. "Not only is he now old enough to legally, (Harder...Oooo god yes.), do everything he's been doing these past months, but it's going to be the first one since he was booted from his family." In the background she could hear Fred climax into her sister. "But remember he spent his whole life as an Amish, (Don't you dare wipe that on my ass.) so he's not going to want a bunch of material things. Maybe some clothing, but mostly, he's just going to want friends around." There was the sound of a kitchen chair being moved and Fred sitting down... The dairyman knew he could be heard so his said in a loud voice, "Tell that sister of yours I'm going to come down there someday and find out is she's as good a fuck, as everyone says she is." "Now who's 'everyone'?" "I've heard back from some of the boys that's ended up down there." "Now that's a good idea Fred." "Why thank you... Aaah, What idea?" "Going down to Texas to visit my sister and be at Joe's birthday party." "Oh Yea.. that is a good idea." "Talk to you later sis, I need to take a shower now... Pervert!" "You're the one that keeps flagging that tail'Click'." Peggy, the head of Hospitality, must have figured Joseph's birthday celebration would become a test of her staff. They had done other 'events', but those were in the banquet room, this was to be out in the main barn, far away from the well stocked storerooms. This is were planning pays off in having everything they needed, without dashing back for forgotten items.The decorations were strung everywhere, the cake was immense, half chocolate and half carrot. With a bas-relief portrait of the man of honor. Even had a kangaroo for the DJ. Bill ushered one of seven potable bars to an out of the way corner. He didn't figure on serving much alcohol, but wanted to be ready. Mostly he just had soft drinks and beer. Brilliant white table cloths were smoothed on long tables, they were then, laid out in fine crystal, silver and china. Intricate table decorations. The black doe looked like a Southern General as she inspected her linen covered battle lines. An approving nod to her hospitality staff. A quick check with the kitchen... Everything was in readiness. Joe had just finished morning milking. The other dairymen? dairybucks? The English language was still catching up with the realities of Island Animals in society. Any ways his work mates wanted him to take the day off, since it was his birthday, but he refused, saying, "He never got it off at home, so why should here be any different." Jeff rolled up in one of the shiny new golf carts. "Hop in and well go have lunch up at the restaurant that's nearly open up at the main Chalet." "Nearly open?" Yea they got the grills and deep fryers up and running. And their looking for guinea pigs." "Do I look ok?" "I'll drive you over to the bunkhouse and you can throw on a clean shirt." When the cart veered toward the main barn, Jeff quickly told Joe, "I just need to run in here for a second... Why don't you go in and say 'Hi' to Molly."The kangaroo spotted the young man coming through the door and promptly hit the 'start' button. Suddenly the barn was filled with 'Hail to the Chief'. Joe's knees were shaking by the time Molly and Gerty got him to his seat of honor at the table on the raised dais. Jeff had made an impossible quick change into a tuxedo and was standing next to Sally, attired in a fine royal blue dress. Once he was plinked down in the oversized chair, Molly sat on his right side, next to her was Sally in her powered lift, then Jeff, an all white doe he was later introduced to Nora. To Joe's left was Gerty and Fred, Ollie North, To keep an eye on Fred it was joked. Other department heads. Across from the main table, at barn floor level, was a table that face towards it. So directly in front of Joe was, Karl and Bruce, along with his wife. They all waved at him. A human he hadn't met yet, but he could tell by the way he was dressed he was a horseman. Someone shouted at the man, to come up and met the 'birthday boy'. Once the human had traveled half the length of the other table and around to the steps up to the dais, he was in front of Joe. Molly did the introductions, "This is Cory, he's an independent contractor out at the pony ranch." The two men shook hands and Cory invited Joe out to his ranch anytime he wanted a real hamburger. The human just got back to his seat when a big black doe at the far end of the main table gave a signal to start serving.Again Peggy had pulled out all stops with the food as well. Lobster stew of some kind, a salad, small ones for the humans, big bowls for the animals. Chicken fixed like Joe had never tasted before. Glazed carrots, little red potatoes, and to wash it all down with was Bill's special Orange juice. He told Joe, when he served it to him, that it full of good stuff to make your birthday night the best ever. Both Gerty and Molly assured him that it was just juice, vitamins, and some herbs that only goats knew about. Joe looked around from time to time and was amazed at all the Island animals there was here. His fellow workers from the dairy filled part of one row. The construction crew had shrank as the parts of the Country Club was finished. Most had gone to another goat project in the hills of West Virginia. They took up another row. Security 'roos and grounds keepers, another. Every time one would notice him looking their way, they'd wave, point at their plates and give a thumbs up. which their fellow lunchers would follow suit, until whole sections of the room would wave. Once the din of silverware clinking on plates died away, the wait staff quickly cleared the tables.The cart that held the massive cake was too wide to fit between the dais and the first row of tables. Sally called down that it was fine there, we all could see it. Joe just sat once again amazed at his image done in frosting. Since  he didn't answer the question Chocolate or Carrot, both was brought up to him. Just as he was about to take a bite, the large screen, which up until now had only shown soft blotches of color drifting around, sprang to life with a scene from one of the stalls in the dairy barn. Someone was giving Penny a small, Molly approved, cake.Joe ate his cake with tears streaming down his cheeks. It was all so unbelievable that everyone here was acting so... 'normal', about his love for a goat. He was really happy to see Gerty and Fred. He noticed the time and told everyone he'd back after evening milking. Jeff dropped him off in front of the bunkhouse so he could change back into his work clothes. He was met at the milking parlor door by the head of the dairy, and was told that he was going to take this evening's milking off. No but's... or she'd have him tossed out. He didn't want to head back to the party just yet... He had lots of things running through his head. So in the afternoon sunshine, he took off across a pasture. There were still 'wild' areas left all around the farms. One was just over the hill from the dairy. But it was still a good jaunt. Lots of time to think... about his last birthday... the teacher that was teaching him modern farming. Of which he could see all around him at the goat farms.... sex with Penny.... heck sex with just about any female animal on the place.... How nice the Browns were to him.... how nice everyone had been to him... Even Jeff who didn't know him from Adam, treated him like an old friend... Even in Texas you find little patches of paradise. A small stream kept an area well green and well shaded with old oaks. Joe found one such patch and was soon kneeling on the soft green grass. He had a long talk with his god. He prayed for his family, his brothers and sisters, the farm and all the animals there.... Then he had just one question for his deity... 'Was he doing... Right?... Was this life a good life?.... Could he send a sign?' The young man didn't know how long he stayed like that. Head down, motionless, kneeling, eyes closed, the sound of nature all around him................................... There was something sniffing his ear! Had god sent a wolf to kill this sinner? A soft tongue licked at the salty spot behind his ear... Joe peeked out of the corner of one eye....  WHOA Shit! It was a DEER!  Holly cow! A wild deer was licking him. He turned his head more and she switch to his sweaty forehead. Her wet tongue swiped repeatedly over his brow. Ever so slowly he lifted his arm and softly petted her on the side of her neck... She barely twitch... His petting became more bold... She suddenly swung her body around and presented her rump to him. Joe has seen enough, in heat, goats to know exactly what he was looking at.Joe suddenly had a painful erection trapped in his shorts. He shifted things about and went back to the doe. The hairs on the underside of her tail and around the patch of pink and brown flesh, was a brilliant white. When he scratched her just above this magnificent tail, she lifted it and flagged it back and forth hypnotically. Trance like, Joe slowly stood up. He kept one hand busy petting the doe around her rump, the other reached into a pocket on his cargo shorts and retrieved the bottle of lube he always kept there. Not just for Penny but all the doe's at the dairy. He then unfastened his shorts and let them fall. Joe had long since stopped wearing underwear around the dairy, they just got in the way. He stepped out of them with one foot and kicked 'em away with the other. He broke contact with the deer just long enough to splash some lube onto his hand, then stuck the bottle in his T-shirt pocket. One hand pulled his foreskin back, the other applied the slippery fluid. Once his nine inch dick was coated he used the lube coated fingers to rub the animal's nether lips. She pushed back... His hard cock had been waiting long enough... Aiming his phallus he pushed the glans into her moist puffy lips... The White Tail thrust back, Impaling herself on his shaft! Joe nearly cum right then and their.... But fortunately he was able to maintain... The doe turned her head to look back at him, as if to say, 'That's how it's done.' Placing both hands on her hips the young human began fucking the feral deer... She was so warm... And her flesh was so soft.... Looking down he watched as his withdrawing cock shaft pulled her rubbery lips out as if sucking on him. Then folding back in as he drove into her. The doe stood with her front hooves braced, and her hind legs apart. She was ready and willing to let this human buck fuck her senseless. A soft grunt sounded low in her throat as Joe pounded his cock deep into the animal... Waves of pure ecstasy that started in his groin, and spread through out Joe's body... Through the fog of lust, the human heard the doe give another grunt as he pounded her even harder. Torn between, wanting this to last forever, and wanting to cum in her before she decided to leap away... Joe kept up his steady fucking of the deer.... He felt his lust rising and his loins tighten.... The human gave out his own animal groan as his orgasm overtook him... Not since his first time with Penny, has he cum so hard... His semen blasted through his cock's piss slit... He forgot to breath as his second load of human jizz jetted into the doe's cunt.... A deep breath and a soft cry of joy as the third wave made his hips buck... One last half stroke... His cock was awash with his own cum flooding back from the massive load he hosed her tunnel with... One more jet of thick milky human seed fired from his cock... A few more weak spurts... And Joe's hands dropped away from where he had been griping the doe. The White Tail Deer waddled away a few steps from the human. The semi hard penis slithered from the doe's cunt.... It's lips still held the rounded shape of the human's shaft... Through half closed eyes Joe could see the excess of his balls, flowing from her pussy and fell like fat, translucent, stringy, rain drops onto the grass between her hind legs.... The human found a patch of grass that looked safe. (No ant hills) And sat down... The grass had that cool damp feel, that felt nice on his balls... While his breathing slowly returned to normal, Joe watched the doe cropping some of the succulent grass near by....  'It's not suppose to happen this way.' Joe thought to himself. 'God doesn't answer questions or 'give signs'.'.... The human looked up at a few puffy white clouds in the late day sky.... Then at the doe again. 'At least not so, directly.' The young man thought back and remember hearing stories from other farmers, telling of deer that walk right up to 'em during their rut. Joe was somewhat relived that some ambiguity had been interjected into the cause as to what just happened. Joe chuckled a bit as he remember how one Sunday school teacher put it. 'Only Saints and Prophets got direct text messages.' He looked around and saw his shorts were over near where the deer was still nibbling on grass. The human noted that just looking at the doe was giving him a 'chubby'. He quietly stepped closer to his clothing, not wanting to startle the delicate creature... But she lifted her head and watched him for a moment before walking to be directly in his line of travel... That wonderful pink and brown mottled nether flesh blocking his way... 'She must want a second time.' the human thought. He cock quickly agreed and was soon at full hard again... 'Can't leave a lady in distress.' Joe smiled as he pulled the bottle from his pocket an proceeded to reapply the slippery substance to his phallus.... Remember the lessen she taught him the first time... The human never broke stride until he was balls deep into the doe's vagina. She seamed to enjoy the solid thump his groin gave her rump... Then Joe did it again, made his groin bump against deer flesh... The young man fucked her with long powerful strokes... He wrapped his arms her hips as he bent over her body... He sped up until he was punching in with short jabs... Then slowed down again, but still ended every stroke with a firm ball slap to her soft thighs... Since he had just cum not that long ago, he was enjoying his long fuck... Faster... Slower.... when he slowed down he felt the warm breath of another animal sniffing his rump... 'Must be another deer.' Joe was long past the novelty of being sniffed by a White Tail.... Speeded up and his lust was rising... 'Oh yea!' The human forced himself to slow down again.... The sniffing was stronger.... The human was too far got to wonder if the damp grass he had sat in was where an estrus doe had pissed, or for that matter if the deer sniffing him might be a buck.... Joe bucked his hips in orgasm, just as a strong set of furry legs gripped them in a powerful squeeze... As his semen drove down his shaft he felt another slender shaft being driven up his anus! The weight of the furry underside slid up his back, as the shaft drilled deeper... Human cum washed up against the back of the doe's mating tunnel, as warm fuzzy fur of the buck's inner thigh bumped against Joe's ass cheeks... It slide back, but came thrusting back in just in time to help push the second wad of man cum into the White Tail Doe.... Joe's mind was doing back flips.... He wasn't sure if he liked what was happening.... On the third stroke of buck cock and cum blast, the human was starting to warm up to the idea.... The forth stroke was so powerful and deep, the buck's balls swung far enough foreword that they actually bumped the back sides of the human's. Joe's ass-hole clench tight around the spurting deer cock as the last of his own cum launched into the doe, who was now having to hold all of 'em up... The doe leapt foreword, suddenly leaving Joe with nothing around his still spurting cock, or anything holding him up! The human fell foreword onto his hands and knees, just as the buck yanked back, pulling his cock free. Cum dripped from the buck's receding penis... Cum dripped from Joe's receding penis... Cum dripped from the doe's gapping cunt... Cum dripped from Joe's puckered ass hole.... All three were panting heavily... Joe silently swore that he would NEVER ask for a 'sign' from God Almighty, ever again...."You sure know how to get a guy's attention."  Sitting back in his heals he got his first look at the buck that fucked him. The deer's thick neck and massive rack would have been the envy of any hunter.... He cast his eye's skyward and shouted, "Now that's just showing off!" Both deer looked at Joe, then almost looked they shrugged, and went off to find a quieter place to mate. Joe laughed.... He didn't quite know at what, but the whole event was somehow funny... Putting on his shorts he said to himself, "No one is going to believe what just happened." Just then two heavy thumps sound behind him. Turning around he saw two kangaroos in full security vests and weapons. "We would." the biggest one said. And pointed to his long ears as if to explain hearing his statement. "Shorty and I saw the whole thing." 'Shorty', who was still taller then the human, pointed to a small peak of rocks that overlooked the area. "That buck was flashing pink the whole time he was behind you, so we figured you wasn't in any trouble.""What are you two doing out here, any ways?""Well when you didn't come back to the party, they sent out an FaN on you.""FaN?""Find and Notify""Shorty asked around and they said you head off in this direction so we came looking to see if you needed any help.... Looked like you was doing just fine for yourself, so we just stayed back and watched." Shorty nodded along with the story. "We figured you had experience with deer before... If not, you got bigger balls then Shorty." Joe had to look, and sure enough 'Shorty' had quite the bulge in his padded, kevlar 'thong'. When the human assured the big 'roo that this was the very first time he had even touched a feral deer... He got a big whop on his back. "No shit?... Well I guess you do have some big balls at that." Before anything else could be said, Shorty nudged his partner and pointed to his watch. "Yea, Shorty's right, we better be getting you home... if that's what you want?""Aaa.. You don't have to tell anyone about what just happened, do you?""Don't have to. Shorty had the scope on you the whole time, to make sure that buck was behaving, it has a video link back to security... Since they were all a bit worried about you, Mr. North put it up on the big screen in the barn."  

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The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:17 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:18 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:20 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:21 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:23 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:26 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:28 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:29 AM
The Goat Farm - by Tpony - 09-21-2017, 01:36 AM
The Goat Farm - by ferritlove - 09-22-2017, 01:05 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 11-24-2017, 11:11 PM
The Goat Farm - by cabron45 - 12-03-2017, 04:16 AM

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