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The Goat Farm

  Standard Warning About this Story Containing Zoo Sex!Anthro and Non-Anthro! Copyright by Ramseys 2017I hope you all enjoy  For needed background, please read 'The Goat Farm' 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 first. The Goat Farm 6The Orgy.     No one really questioned Joe's leaving, everyone figured all of this was a bit overwhelming for the young Amish lad. So once the cake was consumed and the service ware had all been collected by Peggy's crew, the four remaining humans slowly congregated on the raised dais. After everyone exchanged pleasantries, Cory struck up a conversation with Nora, one of the few 'office' goats he knew, from his duties out at the pony farm.Karl has spent most of his adult life with 'roos, so he was very relaxed talking to his boss Ollie North. Female kangaroos were not that common, so Fred eagerly engaged Gura in conversation. Sally had started to go back to her apartment to change into something a bit less formal. Molly trotted to the back of the barn to check on the miniature cows that had arrived a few days ago. That left just Bruce and Fred's wife, Gerty, who started 'hitting' on the Australian, almost immediately.   Back at the goat dairy, it was noted that Joe wasn't waiting for Penny as she bounded out into the 'done milked' pen. They had even made sure she was in the first group to get milked. So questions were asked around and when someone noted they thought saw a figure heading across the south pasture. The security 'roo was told all this, and he contacted the roaming patrols in the area and had a couple head in that direction. Knowing Mr. North kept a special eye out for the young man, he was notified and agreed the FaN was a good idea. And to keep him informed.It wasn't very long before he called his boss again, telling him that Joe had been spotted and the security team was setting up a spotting scope and video link back to security.  Jeff was still in his tuxedo as he entered the barn. Sally had just reached the bottom and the ramp that led up to the raised dais. He reached her side just as Ollie North announced, "We found the birthday boy, he went off to a secluded spot. I'm having the video feed sent to the big screen.Just as promised, the large video screen lit up with a very pastoral scene. Vibrant green grass lined a small stream. Old oaks provided massive amounts of cooling shade. A few shrubs and a stately yucca stood to one side. In the center of the screen was an image of a young man kneeling, head bowed... and an approaching White Tail Deer doe. She was behind him so the young human didn't see her. It wasn't until she sniffed at his ear did the Joe show any sign he knew of her presents. There was a collective, sort 'awwwww', as the doe licked his forehead, and Joe touched the doe on the side of her neck.The room suddenly became very still as the deer turned her rump towards the human. Every goat and most of the humans knew exactly what was going on. The mummer, "She's in heat", rippled across the barn....  Pink goat cocks began springing up.... Kilts and Polo shirts were soon flying through the air as stiff male goat cocks were thrust into moist doe cunts... The island goats plunged headlong into mating frenzy. The humans were in a bit of a daze, as they tried to take in what was going on. Seeing the feral deer show up was wild enough, but to see her offering herself to Joe was something else. There was a second pause in the room as the human with a hard-on approached the deer doe... When she thrust herself back onto the human's cock, there was a collective moan from the bucks, as a good half of 'em orgasm.The humans very quickly joined the other island animal in shucking out of their clothes. Gerty was helping Bruce out of his dress pants. Gura soon had Fred naked from the waist down. Ollie was striping out of his security gear. Sally and Jeff had been forgotten by the rest of the staff, but if you was to walk into the barn at that precise moment, you would have been treated to some very odd scene. There was a man in a tux, fucking a pig in a dress.... And up on a dais, a man was fucking a brown goat doe bent over the table, another man that had been pushed into a very ornate chair, by a female kangaroo with her muzzle in his lap, a big male kangaroo watching them with an erection. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fred was bit unsure when the female kangaroo shoved his ass in the massive 'guest of honor' chair. But he quickly figured out what was going to happen when the 'roo lowered her muzzle into his lap. The goat dairyman had talked to and seen kangaroo lips before. He had always marveled at the way they used their split upper and split lower lips to form words. He also knew that they had to visit the dentist frequently to have those fast growing teeth filed down. When her long flexible tongue started worming it's way, down around his fully erect shaft and over his ball sack... Fred had an epiphany. Kangaroo females have three vaginas, none of which is large enough to allow a normal sized human cock to enter. But Gura had married a human man... So their sex life must be a bit different....  Her fuzzy lips worked on his foreskin before she pushed it down to expose his glans. She was bent over, with her fore paws on either thigh of the human, her large thick tail had flicked her dress up to fully expose her cloaca to the big head of security. She blew warm air over Fred's exposed cock tip and then she turned her head and looked over her shoulder at Ollie North. "You going to just stand there looking at it, or are you going to fuck me"?The massive red 'roo was quickly out of his 'social' vest and thong. The long thin tapered cock and ball sack above, was only notice by Fred as he look over the female 'roo's back. But only for a moment as the male 'roo shuffled his large hind paws closer to the willing doe, her tail soon blocked any view he had of the kangaroo sex about to take place.Not that Fred was seeing much of anything at that moment, his eyes were shut as the sensation of a female kangaroo's mouth closing around his shaft just behind the head, made him shudder slightly. Roo lips are more pliable then goat's so Gura was able to form an airtight seal around Fred's cock... And she proceeded to suckle his cock.Fred hadn't had a blow job since his collage days. And playing with the goat milkers was fun every once in a while.... But looking down and seeing large ears and warm muzzle instead of his cock.... The human hoped he could hold out for a little while. Sally and Jeff had both turned to see the big TV screen. The young human could tell his sow friend was as effected by what they saw as he was, when she gave a soft 'oink' that he only heard when they were into foreplay. "Here, now"? Jeff asked in a hushed voice. Sally's answer was to adjust the lift to the proper height. The human went to her rounded rear and lifted the dress up and over her back. He could already see her nether lips were moist and her tail was wiggling with excitement. Opening his tuxedo pants, that were held up with suspenders, so they didn't fall to his ankles, his cock was soon standing proud out of the open 'V' of the black material. Opening a small compartment at the back of the pig's power lift, he retrieved a small bottle of lube, placed there for just such an occasion. While he was bent over, he couldn't pass up an opportunity to give his porcine girlfriend a deep passionate kiss on her soft pink vulva. Jeff had just applied the slippery substance, when act two of the 'deer porn' played out on the screen. Since Sally wasn't in heat, the human had to take it slow as his thick cock spread the pliant pig cunt lips. He wished he could slam into her like Joe did with the white tail deer doe. But he knew he had to go easy. Over the past few months, Jeff learned a lot about pigs that came from that mysterious island. While they tried to keep secret the fact that they were 'scary smart', he knew that his porcine lover was way more intelligent then he was. And while she would never think of it consciously, the human wondered if he was her 'pet'. And after a lot of thought, Jeff figured what he was, but didn't really matter, he just knew that they both enjoyed each other's company.The island hogs didn't have any changes done to their sex drives, that idea came later with the goats. But with sentient's, comes different drivers of the libido. While the cycle of heat had less of an effect on Sally, she on the other hoof could become sexually stimulated by other forces. In other words, she loved Jeff's foreplay. Those long flexible fingers of his, as well as his tongue and lips that would caress her many nipples, her vulva and it's sensitized clitoris. Then Jeff also knew when the time wasn't right, and left his quarter ton love goddess alone, and went out among the very willing goats to relive his youthful lust.Sally relaxed her muscles and enjoyed the full sensuous feeing of the human's cock as it slid into her vagina. The two were motionless, as the video looped around back to the start. For whatever reason, Sally found the images, erotic. Jeff could feel his pig lover was as excited by the 'deer porn' as he was. Her vaginal muscles were twitching and soft sexual oinks came from her. The young man slowly drew his cock back until just the head remained with in. Then he changed directions and plowed it back into the warm tunnel. As the out of heat sow's sex became accustomed to the human's thick phallus, Jeff slowly picked up speed. By the time the Amish lad impaled himself in the deer doe's cunt the second time, the 'pig fucker' was hammering his sow with solid thwacks of his loins. Bruce had no jealousy of his wife giving a blow job to another man, just as she had none for her husband, for plowing the soft folds of a goat.Gerty had hoped that she'd find a reason to get this new human naked. As an Island doe goat, she not only needed sex, she loved it. Especially with human men... The way they used their nimble fingers... Those lips that could suck, everything.... Teats... Vulvas... clit... even her tongue when she and her husband kissed... Speaking of tongues, the way they can wiggle them into the most sensitive places... And human cocks were just so... Wonderful. Thick, hard and can fuck forever... Or so it seamed, compared to the males of her own species. The brown goat had stripped her dress off and the human's pants down in record time. Seeing Joe's cock being driven into the deer's twat, made her want the same all the more. Handing a bottle of lube to Bruce, Gerty spun around and lay across the table. It's height gave her own twat the needed extra lift so she was 'just the right height', for the human to fuck her. Bruce was feeling pretty proud, that at fifty, he could still get a 'rock hard' erection. Even if he did have to lean foreword a bit to see all of it. Tanned hairy skin and thick muscular arms, bespoke of an active life, more then just a 'finance guy'. He had just slathered on the lube when the image on the screen showed Joe slamming into the deer doe. "Do it just like that", came a throaty moan from the brown goat. "Slam it in".Gerty wasn't just 'moist', she was near dripping... Bruce started his glans into the soppy lips, then he placed both hands on her hips... Glancing up, he slammed his thick seven inches into the doe, just as the buck deer was slamming into Joe. From all around the room, lustful bleats and moans filled the air. Gerty's own bleat of being filled in a most satisfactory way, rose above the din. Bruce's cock was gripped tight, as Gerty had an instant orgasm. Not that he could blame her, he nearly lost it too. Once the brown animal loosened her cunt muscles, the human was able to start sliding his cock in and out of her warm hole.  Cory was in the bathroom, having a really nice piss, when he heard the voice of the big red kangaroo shout out something about finding Joe... And video.Thinking the video might be enough of a distraction to allow him to wonder back to see how the miniature cows were doing, instead of going back up to the dais. Since he was in an 'employee' restroom, Cory paused for a few minuets to marvel at the floor mounted brushes and a patch of rough concrete for hoof cleaning and evening up the of the hoof walls. So by the time he walked back out in to the barn, the orgy was in full swing. The discarded clothes and the heavy musk of goat sex greeted the human as he skidded to a stop. He was at too much of an angle to see the big screen, but there was several smaller screens dotted about the room. One was behind him, on the wall next to the bathroom he just left.Turning around, the scene of a young man fucking an obviously willing White Tail Deer doe, nearly leapt off the TV. Though he had seen plenty of zoo porn, the sexual act that was playing out in an obviously outdoor, natural as hell, and was happening in real time before him... Cory's mind and stiffening cock made the joint dissension that the visit to the miniature cows, was now an imperative.   "Hold up there big guy", the brown and white splotched doe called out to the massive black man.Karl was on his way back to Jenny, when Molly intercepted him. He too had thought the scene that had played out on the big TV screen was very erotic, and knew he only had a few minutes before his big secret would be known to everyone. Not that it would be a big deal, he had already announced to his co-workers, that he was part zebra. But he just didn't feel the need to have everyone know about his oversized cock. He didn't want to appear to be 'showing off' as it were. Frank the 'barn buck' knew. Jenny, the donkey jenny, made sure of that when she insisted that Karl fuck her, that instant, and ripped his shorts off of him. She even seamed to take delight in nuzzling the swing phallus as if showing Frank how big her lover was. And while Molly's removal of Karl's shorts was less violent, it still resulted in his massive black cock swaying before an amazed goat. It also explained Frank's remark about how Karl and Jenny were made for each other.Molly's eyes seamed to glaze over for a moment, before reality flooded back into the doe goat's brain. "There's no fucking way"... Molly seamed to be dispelling a vision of that huge cock and her... She knew she somehow needed to make this, 'right', by Karl. She bent down and had Karl step out of his shorts. Of course making sure her muzzle rubbed against him. And taking his hand, she led him back into the open stalls and miniature cows. Peggy Sue stood munching her hay next to her feeder. Although she had only been here a few weeks, she had been made to feel safe here. The comings and goings of the many different creatures, no longer was a cause for concern. What she really wanted was for her human to come and make her feel all tingly and good. But the last time she saw him, she could tell something was wrong. Seamed like half of him didn't work anymore. He sat in a funny seat that had wheels and petted her with one hand and spoke softly to her. She felt his great sadness. There was a sound at her gate. It was the funny critter that walked on her hind legs and talked like the humans. She was the one that had come and taken her from her old little barn and brought her to this big one. She was like the little animals from the farm she grew up on. And she seamed to understand her much better then the humans could, even her 'special' one. There was also a human with her... A really big human. "This is Peggy Sue", Molly had opened the gate and was leading Karl into the cow's pen."She's a miniature Zebu.Karl had lived in places where the Zebu was a common breed of cattle. But they were large gray animals with big horns and a bigger hump over their shoulders. Some had been so big even the 'Beefeater' couldn't see over the hump. But the one standing looking at the human was about a third that size. He knew they had been bred to be useful on smaller farms. Looking over at the soft sounds Cory was making as he thrust into one of the mini-herefords, Karl figured it was also to create an animal that was easy to fuck.A soft warm breath made the black man looked down to see the mini cow sniffing his junk."Females get turned on by smell as much as the males do." Molly seamed to be affirming the information to herself as well as explaining to Karl. She too had looked over at Cory and was planning on getting in line after the cow, just as soon as she got things going here. Peggy Sue also seamed to want things to move along too. After some sniffing and a quick lick, she spun around and presented her toosh to the human.The gray of the cow's hairs, gave way to a smoky black colored flesh that started under her tail and made a thick strip down her bung-hole and twat, and continued down until it faded to the dark gray of her udder. A translucent streamer of cow mucus oozed from the furrow in the plump fleshy labial lips, showed that Peggy was, with out doubt, in full blown heat.After two months of daily donkey fucking, Karl didn't even hesitate. From the amount of cow-slime that slid out of the bovine cunt, the human figured he didn't need much in the way of extra lube, and only applied a thin coat. The massive black man placed his circumcised glans at the wet opening. He noted the cow didn't have the rubbery lips that had a definite edge between the 'outside' and the 'inside' of the vagina. Peggy Sue's were softer and less defined. 'They're just a big funnel for that fast moving bull cock', Karl thought to himself as he pressed inward. He figured no matter where the tip hit, it was soon directed to the top of the cunt, and into the vaginal tunnel. With an easy push, the first eight inches was soon enveloped in warm, wet, silky cunt flesh. Then she squeezed him and Karl gave out a deep guttural moan. The human shoved in another eight inches and the cow's head and tail came up a bit. The Beefeater smiled to himself, 'She wasn't expecting that I bet'. The cow gripped him again, even stronger this time. On last push and the last six inches of his black dick disappeared into the depths of the bovine sex tunnel. At first with Jenny, and now Peggy Sue, Karl no longer thought of his cock as being 'freakish' at twenty two inches. He's just able to make larger females happy. And the way the cow was twitching and gripping his cock, she was defiantly happy.Slowly the human began to fuck the cow. While not as firm as Jenny, Karl thought the soft, warm, wet flesh felt exquisite. He sort 'a wondered how something that could take the violent thrust of a bull's hard dick, could still be so wonderfully soft and pliant. Even though the cow was oozing slick mucus, and his cock had a coating of slippery lube, he still had to put some effort in making his thick cock fuck the bovine's cunt. However by the third stroke, his length was running through the cow's buttery ooze with greater ease. And after a dozen, the excess was running back to flow over his big round balls making the dark skin glisten in the light.Peggy Sue, in her own way, would never forget the first human that made her feel so wonderful, but this new man was making that ache of remembrance, easier. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Karl looked down to watch his cock stroke in and out of the little cow's cunt. More than once he had thought to himself, 'If I want to see all of it, I'll have to take step back'. Ridiculed all his time at the academy for being, 'too small', he smiled to himself because he has, by far, the longest penis of any human being.Since he's basically been adopted by the Island Animal, and the kindness they've shown him.... Well he knew he's percentage wise, more human then not. But he's mostly stopped thinking of himself as part of the human race. Karl figured he was just another animal like the hogs, goats, and kangaroos that looked at their feral brethren as just as good as they were, and as long as everyone enjoyed it.... Do it.In the quadruped classic position of a 'sawhorse', Peggy Sue was definitely enjoying it. Even though she didn't have a word for it. What this big black beast of a man was doing to her.... She hoped it would never end.The human did have a word for it, "What a fantastic fuck you are", Karl whispered to the back of the gray cow, as he too wished this would go on and on. The human picked up speed as he fucked his cock in and out of the Zebu's sex. Soon his cock was rocketing into the slippery cow cunt with as much speed as a bull would have. Soft wet sucking sounds of her fluids accompanied the beefeater's stucco hip motions, as his massive cock was fucked into the animal. Peggy Sue was in great joy... She had a human again doing that wonderful thing to her.Her head was slightly lowered, legs braced, and she stared into nothingness as her complete attention was on her rear. Tail held to one side, to allow the human complete access to her twat. Her muscles twitch and contracted around the long organ that was so deeply, deeply inside her. Whether in heat or not, the gray cow didn't understand why she wanted this, she just knew from her previous human that she liked what was happening.... She gave a shudder as a wave of pure joy rushed through her....  The air around the two was becoming warmer. Karl's dark black skin took on a sheen making him look like an Olympian god. Muscles beneath his skin  undulated as they worked to power big man's body as his pounded his cock into the cow. Man and beast seam to utter the same low note from deep with them. Peggy Sue lowed her pleasure. Karl moaned his, as he built to a massive release..... The Beefeater's huge hands gripped the cow just in front of her protruding hip bones.... 'Like handles for the bull to pull against', Karl thought as in his mind's eye he could imagine what a bull would look like as he serviced this little gray cow. Forelegs hugging her, hind legs flexing, as a bull would drive his long cock deep into the female bovine.... Just that image playing out in his mind, caused the human to flash over the edge. And in an unintentional mimicking of a bull, Karl flexed his arms, thrust with his thick legs, as he drove his cock even deeper into the animal's cunt, as the interplay of muscles and glands, sent the first of several loads of cum blasting down the long length of his cock, out of it's piss slit.  Cory was standing not ten feet away. He blinked.. he probably hadn't for the past several seconds... He had seen a lot of zoo porn, hell he even made some himself. He had been in the perfect spot to see the massive black man fuck the shit out of the mini-zebu. Even now he could still see muscles twitch as Karl must still be pumping his cum into Peggy Sue. He had thought, seeing that kid get sandwiched between two deer, was the most erotic thing he ever saw.... Damn if this wasn't right up there. His own cock, was still buried in the swollen pink pussy of the little brown and white Hereford. He had just dumped his load of human cum into her, but his dick wasn't loosing any of it's hardness. Nine hard inches throbbed in the squishy cow cunt. Cory had no way of knowing, whether or not the little mini cow had also been effected by the show, or her being in heat, all his knew is that she was still pushing back.The human slowly started to fuck the animal anew. His previous load greased the way for his cock to slide in and out of the cow's cunt.  "Still fucking, or fucking again"? Cory jumped.... He would never get used to Molly's ability to seemingly pop into existence next to him. "She still seams to want it, so why leave a lady wanting"? Cory spoke as he started his slow thrusting again. The brown and white spotted goat walked over to the gate, separating the two pens. Leaning on one of the cross bars, she look through the gate to watch the pair on the other side. The human could easily see that her goat twat looked rather used. Red puffy nether lips dribbled out a thin stream of goat jizz. Cory knew that she kept her own harem of bucks, when the need to get soundly fucked would arise.Karl also started to fuck Peggy Sue again. Molly watched for a few minutes before turning back to the other human fucking the brown and white cow. She laid her head on the cow's rump. Her nose twitched and Cory could hear her take a deep inhale. "You two smell wonderful.... Between her heat and your musk...".The human's own lust kicked up a bit, as the doe goat disappeared again. Cory's imagination held the image of Molly under a feral buck getting fucked.   -----------------------------------------------------------------------   Fred gave a shudder as the felt the kangaroo's tongue seemed to slither everywhere over his cock and balls. Gura took great delight in playing with dairyman's foreskin. Running the tip of her tongue under it, tracing the ridge of his glands. Slipping out to tweak the piss slit. Nimble furry lips worked the skin down until the purple helmet of Fred's cock was fully exposed. Of course by now the human had a raging hard-on. While just average sized, the female 'roo seemed to delight in the uncut human cock. Forming a ring around the crown, she kissed the glands in loud smacking sounds. Then with a quick jerk of her head she drove her lips down to his base. Her cheeks sunk in as she pulled a vacuum along the whole length. Fred lifted his butt, arching his back, trying to drive his dick deeper into the animal's mouth, as intense pleasure flared through his loins. "Fuck" was the only thing Fred could come up with. Gura started bouncing her head up and down in the human's lap. Her tongue continued to lash at the male phallus. The 'roo turned her head one way, then the other, using the human's dick as the rotation point. She let her teeth gently scrap the crown. Fred moaned.... Loudly...  Bruce Campbell paused in his fucking of Gerty's goat twat long enough to give a chuckle, and shake his head. He knew that his wife can reduce even the biggest man to a mass of quivering flesh in a matter of minutes.  "Gods don't stop"!  Bruce replied to the plaintive cry from the goat, "Sorry". And started to fuck the brown goat with renewed vigor. Speaking of wives.... Fred's here sure knew how to give a human a good fuck. He had shagged his share of Island goats, but the ones that had spent a lot of time with human men, seemed to be a bit better at using their cunt muscles to great effect. His naked glands drove deep into the doe's silken depths. The ridge of his helmet dragged against the soft clinging walls of her vagina. The Aussie fucked his full seven inches into the animal. His thickness rubbed the nub buried at the very bottom Gerty's cunt slit. The goat gave a grunt each time the human slammed his loins against her rump. Bruce was giving Gerty exactly what she wanted.... And good hard fucking....   Looking back at this day's events, Jeff made sure the had a copy of the, 'Deer Video' as it became to be known as. Because the normally sedate sow was squealing quite loudly.But that was a thought for later, for the human was equally, 'cranked up' by the bestial scene being flashed on the large TV screen. Man and pig drove towards the inevitable climax.Jeff's cock pistoned hard into his girlfriend's pink puffy twat. Sally's passionate squeals were drowned out by the din of a room full of bleating goats, lost in their own fervid sex.  --------------------------------------------------------  In a private room at the bunkhouse, over by the milk farm...Joseph Miller and his goat Penny were reunited.... Well they were in the same room. The "Reuniting" was just about to take place.Whether it was the cake she had been given, the absence of Joe when she bounded out of the milking parlor, or the strong scent of wild deer on him, the goat doe was more then willing to let herself to be rolled over onto her back in the middle of the young Amish man's bed.While Joe didn't know he had been given a weak dose of the 'super sex drug', for his birthday.... He just figured his near painful erection was from the day being his birthday, having twice fucked a white tail deer doe, and was on the receiving end of a well endowed deer buck's servicing....And, having his beloved goat doe laying before him ready to receive his own 'servicing'.... Even in the darkened bedroom, the sheen from a thin layer of lubricant covering the man's cock could be seen. With well practiced movements, the goat's hind legs were pressed forward, making her hips rotate upward, and human dick pressed downward to align with animal cunt. While not the quick stabbing that the deer seamed to enjoy, Joe was quickly balls deep into the white goat. He had leaned forward, her hind against his chest, keeping her mating tunnel aligned with his thrusting cock.Penny closed her eyes, as the welcome feeling of thick human cock sliding over her clit, sent waves of pleasure through out the goat's body. Joe let her hind legs slip around his body. The cloven hoofed legs stuck out on either side. The human's legs were now pressing against the backs of the goat's thighs, again keeping wet fucking goat and human parts aligned.The man's stomach pressed lightly into her deflated udder. Wrinkled soft teats teased his black pubic hair. The air trapped between man and goat quickly warmed up and his sweat was making the dried coating of human and deer jizz become sticky again. Laying his face against the animal's deeply ve'ed chest,  Joseph paused for a moment.... His throbbing cock, buried to it's root, seamed to make him feel so alive... so sexual... so male...Her quickly wagging tail made long hairs tickle the back of his scrotum, breaking the human's trance. Bringing him back to the realization he was balls deep in the female he loved. Pulling back several inches, and then pushing back, in long slow thrusts. The human fucked the white animal. While the deer had been hot and fast, he wanted to fuck Penny, warm and slow. The goat gave out a soft moan as she felt her human's thick cock gently stretch her pussy. The sharp fleshy tip of her clit, bumped along the top of Joe's penis. Hind legs twitch in the air as waves of pleasure were sent through out her body. Man and beast were lost in a sea of carnal bliss. While some folks could never conceive of the idea of putting one's penis into an animal's pussy... If he were to think on this, Joe would surely feel sorry for their lost pleasure. With nose buried Penny's white hairs, Joseph inhaled her warm musk. Hips started to move faster as the pressure slowly built. Through the fog of sensual pleasure, lust and the desire to blast a load of cum into his beloved doe goat was increasing. Like all men, Joe had masturbated, and watched, with some fascination, jet after jet of his white sticky seamen arch through the air and land a few feet in front of him.  Just knowing that this powerful jet of human cum was about to be unleashed into the goat's cunt... Made it happen all the quicker.Penny, of course, had no idea what the fluid the buck goats shot into her was for, nor what the warm thick cum the human ejaculated into was for. She only know that it marked the end of this session of pleasure. Sometimes it was for a day, or other times is was only a short while, before she felt the exquisite fullness of being fucked again. By the time the white doe staggered from Joseph's room, she had three more loads of cum pumped into her. A white translucent ribbon followed her as she made her way to the milking parlor. On seeing the disheveled, well used doe. Joe's fellow milkers knew he wouldn't be joining them this morning.                       

Messages In This Thread
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:17 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:18 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:20 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:21 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:23 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:26 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:28 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 08-08-2017, 04:29 AM
The Goat Farm - by Tpony - 09-21-2017, 01:36 AM
The Goat Farm - by ferritlove - 09-22-2017, 01:05 AM
The Goat Farm - by Ramseys - 11-24-2017, 11:11 PM
The Goat Farm - by cabron45 - 12-03-2017, 04:16 AM

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