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Way Station

Howdy all.

This story was written as a bit of a protest.

I love reading sci-fi stores and had just by happenstance I just finished reading several that the author, seemingly couldn't be bothered to describe who some of the main players were.

So I made my own vague caricature. See if you can figure him out by the end of the story.

Don't worry, I clearly explain who and what he is by the end.





This story is pure fiction. And contains descriptions of Bestiality.

Do not read if you are offended by such themes.

YOU must be 18 years old or older to read this story.

As is everyone in the story.

This story belongs to Ramseys T. Bull

While not new, I think I've changed the old Sci-Fi trope about a "Way Station" for intergalactic travelers enough to be sort-a new.

    "They are more crazy then I first thought". Was Bert's reaction when he learned how the Way Station builders can to his world. 'They' were advanced aliens (of course) that had learned how to make 'worm holes' thousands of light years long, through space. But they couldn't control where the other end was. Until there was a second unit, and then a known path could be opened between the two. So they would load up a space craft with all kinds of technicians and equipment, and jump blindly through. One such group of crazies ended up in earth's solar system. And they found the third planet out from the local star, to fall within the parameters. Finding what locals would someday call a 'box canyon' they carved back into the rocky sides. sinking holes deep into the earth's crust, they put 'super conducting' lines that were soon generating giga-jules of power from the earth's magnetic field fluctuating over the lines. Cosmic and solar rays that fell on the area around the canyon, were funneled into the power storage units. Carved out huge underground chambers for the WHAP. (Wormhole Action Platform) Along with all the other chambers for rooms for travelers to stay in if needed. (Some races reacted differently to traveling through a wormhole. And required some time to recover before their next jump.) And of course the 'caretakers' living quarters.

    Worst case is that one of those first aliens would have to stay. It's better if they have one of the locals do it. But the problem was there wasn't a sentient species... 


    Reptiles are the best. Normally long lived. Clean and require feeding only a few times a month. But some freaking asteroid screwed that up by killing off all the big ones. That left the mammals... And damn if there wasn't a bunch of different ones!

    But the builders were pretty darn good at figuring out with ones were going to someday develop a big brain. So a team was sent out to get a sample. Oh that part is easy, on primitive worlds, one doesn't have to wait long before an orphan shows up.

    They had been watching Birt's group and they seamed to be smarter than the other ones. So when the mother ended up dying while giving birth.

    Birt was born. Well almost. There was still a lot of modding that needed to be done. They had to make Birt's brain big enough to handle all the information they had to cram into it. Fortunately for the aliens, all they had to do was to load Birt into the med unit, and it would take care of everything.

    It has been many hundreds of year since the young male earthling took his first shaky steps out of the med bed. All around him was scenes from the area where he came from. His brain slowly came alive with it's knowledge. The wild scenes were gone, but the med bed was still there. He would climb into it every couple of decades to get renewed.

    The way station was fully automatic. It could receive travelers, feed and house them, and send them on their way, without any outside help. But there was something reassuring about a living entity being present, and the station wasn't considered 'fully operational' until the caretaker was on duty.

    Birt remembers with pride the first time he stood in the WHAP chamber and watched the wormhole open and the first travelers staggered out of the whirling mists onto the platform.

    In the chamber are massive signs in the five most common intergalactic languages. Birt could read them all and speak them as well. His automatic tutors worked with the young male to get his mouth's muscles to make all the required sounds.


    The signs proclaimed. 

    The builders were a bit grandiose at times. 'Earth station alpha', was the only station on earth. There was no beta or omega... Just the one. The signs went on to tell the new arrivals what amenities were available at the station. And of course the usual warning about leaving the compound and being eaten by a Snorg Beast. (Snorg Beast is the universal name given to anything that was large and had lots of sharp teeth and claws.) Birt smiled a bit as he read that part, he knew the most dangerous thing outside the canyon was the piles of Buffalo shit. The solar and cosmic collection grid kept the snakes and scorpions away.

    Birt had his own sign. He stood proudly under it. It proclaimed to anyone that read it. Here was the station's caretaker. And he will help you, if needed. Of course it was a lot more wordy about saying it, but that was the gist of it. There was also his 'Personal Code'. It was a standard code taught to everyone in grade school, on what a person considers appropriate behavior around them. How much 'personal space' they liked, whether or not they liked to be touched and how much. What areas were acceptable, face, limbs, body... light touch, hugs...  Groping... Sexual orientation, rather one needed to ask... Or even if one should ask at all. Through Birt's neural net implant, the station informed him that a wormhole would soon be forming.

    A group of bipedal citizens came out of the fog. It was a matriarchal race, so Birt had to make sure he addressed the females first. Their home world was higher gravity then earth's. they all were a large and powerful peoples. They wore very little in clothing, so it was easy to see the tawny brown fur that covered their heads and down their backs like a hairy cape. No tail. But did have naked legs arms, hands, feet, breasts. Birt had seen it all before. The unofficial guide to the galaxy, noted that well endowed males were treated much better then their smaller brethren. So it was no surprise that the few males that traveled with the party wore large 'banana hammocks'.  The gaggle of 'Plingtonians' went past Birt with out even a second glance. The station's computer had assigned quarters to them and had sent that information to their computers. Except for the last one, a young guard with the royal party, she was looking at Birt and was looking something up on her handheld, before disappearing with the rest of the guards.

    Bert stood 'at ease'... but stayed where he was, in case something with the rooms weren't correct and some laky would come running back looking for the station caretaker. After a reasonable amount of time past, Birt headed for his own rooms and a since it was his rest period, he prepared for bed. The Plingtonians were going to be here several days. Even royal travelers have to wait for the laws of physics. Wormholes won't go through stars, so a delay was needed for the planet they were heading, to clear it's sun just a bit farther to be safe. The Royal Guard knew of the delay, but didn't want to spend it at some major hub. Too hard to keep the royal family secured. So this nice quiet out of the way station would be just fine.

    The next day Birt acquired a shadow. Her name was Triennia, and she was that young guard who had stared so intently. There are members of the staff that are to be on the look out for anything, either natural or contrived, that would cause embarrassment to the royalty. Since there wasn't really a need for this particular vigilance, the young guard decided that Birt would be good practice.

    Birt was a bit surprised when he opened his door to see the Plingtonian standing there. She touched the recorder she wore and stepped back giving the caretaker space to step out of his quarters and close the door. Birt faced her, gave a noncommittal bow and said "Hello". The guard only looked at him. With a shrug the earthling headed to the 'main' control room. This time the honorific actually meant something. There were several secondary control rooms dotted through out the vast tunnel complex. Once he stepped into the center, as expected, he saw another Plingtonian standing in the middle of the room. A lesser male by the looks of him. He was here to give the earliest warning to the guard if there was an unscheduled wormhole. He looked nervously at the female guard that entered with Birt, but since she didn't speak to him, he stood his post. All of the information on display here could be linked directly to the caretaker's implant. But the earthling liked to see the big display boards. He felt he got a truer picture of the station's operation.

    Every twenty days was 'Medical Scan Day'. And it was today, didn't take long. The med bay came to life as soon as they entered. Going to the scanner, he laid down and let the big metal arms of the med bed sweep over him. At a tone he rolled over and the waving was repeated. Once done he got a slight prick on his ear to take a blood sample, and he was up and off the bed.

    "You are well"?

    Birt jumped at the sound of her voice. "Yes, it's just my normally scheduled health scan".

    "How do we know your are well"?

    "If I wasn't, those doors wouldn't still be open. If I had something that was dangerous to the 

travelers that passed through here, I'd... We'd, be sealed in". Triennia eyed the doors, and started to casually walk to the entrance.

    Birt hid a smile as he went past the Plingtonian, and headed to the WHAP chamber. He made the long trek around the platform. Seeing nothing out of place, he left and made another long trek, this time to the outside.

    Standing in the sunshine, that was still creeping across the canyon's floor, the earthling breathed in the clean air of his home world. He had been told by many travelers that each planet has it's own unique 'smell'. Birt was proud, that so far, no one thought his planet smelled 'bad'. The earthling turned to ask his shadow what she thought of earth's air, only to find her still in the shade, holding one end of her scanner/pad and poking the other end out into the ray's of the sun.

    "There are shields for your eyes in the cabinet just inside the entrance."

    Triennia fit a pair over her face. She had to try a couple different ones to find a pair that sat on her nose. "It appears that your world's atmosphere has many layers to offer a fair amount of protection from your star".

    Birt nodded, "Yes but I'd advise you to limit your exposure to no more then 10 minutes at a time". The earthling watched as she cautiously stepped into the sunlight. Her creamy flesh soaked in the sun's warm rays. Triennia lifted her hand to look at it in the bright golden light. She wiggled her four fingers and one thumb, as she felt the sun's warmth flow into her.

    "Even with the eye shields, do not look directly at the sun for more then a few seconds."

The earthling cut his own sunbathing short to usher the Plingtonian into the tunnel complex. 'Wouldn't do to give one of the guards a sunburn', he thought.



"Have sex with me"(?) Birt took Triennia's statement as a question. Or as close as she'd ever come to actually asking a male for sex. It was the last day before the royal family was able to finish their travels. And the earthling's shadow had followed him the whole time. He was going to miss her, having someone to talk to was rather novel.

    It was clear as to whom was going to be on top.

    Birt thought for sure she had dislocated something. The med-bed said he was fine... Just a little pelvic bruising. The earthling stood at his post and bowed to the mob of Plingtonians as they trouped past.

    Two months later, Birt was rather surprised to get a communication from Triennia. She wanted to come spend part of her vacation at the station.

    The Plingtonian walked out of the swirling mist pulling a wheeled cart piled with bags. Only the well-to-do could afford the anti-grav floating platforms. 

    The female quickly came off the WHAP and down the ramp to end up with her arms around Birt's neck. Needless to say, left Birt looking a bit dazed and confused...

    Triennia laughed and told him. "I'm on vacation... I don't have to be all ridged and 'royal guardish'. Birt nodded, mostly to himself, for this explained much.

    "I'll take you to your room so you can unpack". Birt was careful not to say anything about 'resting' as this would imply that she needed rest. Which a Plingtonian female would never admit to.

    The next day the two trotted to the far end of the canyon. They stopped at a few of the tunnels that dotted the canyon wall. "Most way stations are 'over built'. They can house many thousands refuges if need be". Birt paused and turned to the young female. "Some races are much more militant then others. Some have even created weapons that can destroy whole worlds".... "I sometimes wonder what the 'old ones' were thinking when they made some of them".

    Birt was making reference to the mysterious ancient race that was said to have seeded thousands of planets with life.

    All deep philosophical discussion ended at the sound of snort from a male buffalo from the other side of the weak force field that kept the large animals from entering the canyon. Triennia was instantly fascinated by the large mammal. The earthling told her about the hairy beast that eyed them. About their great migrations, their rough and tumble mating... How the males fought for the chance to mate with the females. But, it was the females that kept the great herds together. Giving one last snort, the massive animal turned and ambled away. 

    Again the trip back was a near running speeds. While impressive, the Plingtonian was showing signs of being fatigued. Something Birt would never draw attention to. In fact the earthling complained mightily about how he'd probably have to spend the night in the med bed just to recover. In fact Birt did spend some time in the med bed, but mostly for his routine twenty day check up.

    The second day found them out side the cavern once again. Only this time, instead of the forced march to the far end of the canyon, the young woman had all manor of ropes, harnesses, various metal hooks, rings, and spikes hanging from clips on her belt.

    "So let me get this straight... You're going to climb up this vertical rock wall, to the top"? Birt had told the master computer to recorded everything that was done and said.

    "Sure, I go climbing all the time back home". Triennia sounded like she knew what she was doing, so Birt remained silent as she picked out her first hand and toe holds and started up. Birt now instructed the computer to send out the little robot 'mice' to check the top of the wall to make sure there wasn't anything dangerous waiting above the ledge.

    Slowly the alien woman worked her way up the rock face. From time to time she'd stop and the sound of something metal being pounded into the rock and ropes that trailed behind her were laced to these points.

    Birt had retreated to the cave mouth where he could watch a monitor that showed various feeds from different vantage points. He could clearly see her sweating as she continued to ascend. The earthling heaved a sigh of relief when the Plingtonian finally crawled over the rocky ledge to the flat expanse of the grassy plain.

    The sun by now had climbed high into the sky and Triennia put on her sun glasses as she walked in a small circle, looking at the wild flowers that grew in sparse patches. Stopping from time to time to drink deeply from her water bottle. One of the ropes that had followed her to the top hadn't been tied to any of the tie points, it just hung down to one of her bags. She began pulling on this rope and the bag started up the rock face. After several minutes of hulling, the bag reached her position. Birt watched the view screen closely to see what she was up to. She removed the rope from it and seamed to be carefully looking it over. Finally she slung it over her back and started fasting straps across her chest and around her thighs. The earthling watched in horror as the Plingtonian take a few steps back and then run at full speed towards the edge of the cannon wall and leap into the air!

    After completing a somersault while she rapidly picked up speed hurtling towards the cannon floor, she then flattened out, turned and dove at Birt... Suddenly a parachute popped from the pack she had affixed to her back. With a loud 'pop' the fabric fully inflated and quickly slowed the decent of the grinning female.

    Birt had long knew that some races in the universe, needed some sort of excitement to trigger a full on mating response. From their earlier encounter, Triennia knew that the earthling wasn't apposed to sticking his dick into alien women. So once she had touched down, the straps quickly came off, as did the rest of her clothing and she was on her hands and knees, waving her bare ass at Birt.

    The earthling curled his upper lip as the pheromones washed over him from her wet and dripping slit. While she wasn't a member of his species, his long cock was soon swinging from between his hind legs. Birt was making soft churing sounds as he carefully placed his front hooves on either side of her prone body. His black cock waved below his round belly as it searched for her willing ass. Triennia groped around behind her, grasping the long male appendage, and directed it into her waiting cunt. With muffled clopping of hooves, the Przewalski's Stallion thrust his cock deeply into the alien female. Birt felt the end of his cock begin to swell into the bulbuls tulip shape, and then just before his orgasm into her deep hole, he fully flared, making his seed pump directly into her womb.

    The builders of the way station really hadn't made that big of a mistake. The hardy band of equines that Birt had come from was really on it's way to becoming sentient. They had begun to, 'work the soil' with their hooves and carried mouth full's of plants to 'seed' the plots. The older mares would 'teach' the young ones about dangers and such. The stallions had even begun to form an army of sorts, with older males in charge of providing for the defense of the herd.

    But there had been a couple of volcano that erupted, and plunged the lands north of them into a mini-ice age. When the sky finally cleared, it was unseasonably hot and the rapid melt caused a once in 10,000 year flood. So Birt would be the only sentient equine ever to be born on earth. There were a few equine races that live in the universe. He often had visits from some adventuresome mares that came to visit the 'unique' stallion of the 'EARTH STATION ALPHA', way station.



    If I may say a few words here about this story. 

    It's not the usual style I write in.

    But I have read just one too many stories where the author doesn't describe who the actors are. or at least leaves out some important points.

    So I wondered if I could intentionally write such a story where the reader has little or no clue as to what type of critter the main creature was.

    I hope you are as annoyed at this as I am.

    And I hope I never have to read another story where I have to keep looking at the 'tags' and try to figure out who is whom.



Messages In This Thread
Way Station - by Ramseys - 09-12-2017, 04:38 PM
Way Station - by Bear28 - 09-14-2017, 05:04 AM
Way Station - by heavyhorse - 10-13-2020, 05:33 PM

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