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Age of Gentech

<p style="line-height:100%;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;margin-right:0pt;text-indent:0pt;text-align:justify;" align="justify">         Maliko squared her stance, anticipating the attack. Her ears which as the rattle of a chain began its arc towards the back of her head. Maliko moved with unnatural speed and punched her attacker in the throat. The chain hit the ground with a sickening clinking as the attacker fell with his hands on his throat gasping for air. A quick spin kick to the head incapacitated the ski-masked assailant for good.
<p style="line-height:100%;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;margin-right:0pt;text-indent:0pt;text-align:justify;" align="justify"> 
<p style="line-height:100%;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;margin-right:0pt;text-indent:0pt;text-align:justify;" align="justify">        Maliko turned and walked out of the ally as the attacker gurgled on his own blood.
<p style="line-height:100%;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;margin-right:0pt;text-indent:0pt;text-align:justify;" align="justify"> 
<p style="line-height:100%;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;margin-right:0pt;text-indent:0pt;text-align:justify;" align="justify"> 
<p style="line-height:100%;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;margin-right:0pt;text-indent:0pt;text-align:justify;" align="justify">        Earth has changed, and some would not say for the better. 2019 had dawned and two major events had hit the world and had shattered its outlook. One was the results of genetic manipulation. Since the human genome and DNA had been broken and mapped there where those who started to manipulate it. Cloning soon followed with a sheep named Dolly in 1997. Most of the nations who were members of the U. N. quickly banned human cloning.
<p style="line-height:100%;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;margin-right:0pt;text-indent:0pt;text-align:justify;" align="justify"> 
<p style="line-height:100%;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;margin-right:0pt;text-indent:0pt;text-align:justify;" align="justify">        The military saw application for the new sciences of micro-biology and genetic manipulation. Although the governments of the United States passed laws against such actions, the armed forces and the NSA funded billions of dollars into black projects that used such research aimed to create new super soldiers and illegal bio and viral weaponry.
<p style="line-height:100%;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;margin-right:0pt;text-indent:0pt;text-align:justify;" align="justify"> 
<p style="line-height:100%;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;margin-right:0pt;text-indent:0pt;text-align:justify;" align="justify">       Soon parents could customize genetic codes of their unborn children. While medicine only intended such manipulation to fix diseases and birth defects at a genetic level, there were those who would take large amounts of money to customize the unborn. The controversial and fallacious events of the movie “Galiga” soon became the norm. The steps started by Hitler for his master race had only been postponed, not defeated by the brave Allies of World War 2, but had been made fact in the new age.
<p style="line-height:100%;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;margin-right:0pt;text-indent:0pt;text-align:justify;" align="justify"> 
<p style="line-height:100%;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;margin-right:0pt;text-indent:0pt;text-align:justify;" align="justify">        Humans began to be spliced with animal and mutated DNA. The hope was to make stronger and faster soldiers or assassins, dependent on which army or organization paid the suppliers in the black market. The drug cartels of Central America were the first to have such genetically-spliced combatants in open news reports. Soon, due to diligent reporters and security personnel leaking files, it was shown that 80% of the countries of the world had such mercenaries and personnel as well.
<p style="line-height:100%;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;margin-right:0pt;text-indent:0pt;text-align:justify;" align="justify"> 
<p style="line-height:100%;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;margin-right:0pt;text-indent:0pt;text-align:justify;" align="justify">        The U. N. and N. A. T. O. pushed the signing of the Ankara Resolution, a treaty that banned such use of genetic manipulation in uses of war and security on May 25th, 2018 in Turkey.
<p style="line-height:100%;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;margin-right:0pt;text-indent:0pt;text-align:justify;" align="justify"> 
<p style="line-height:100%;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;margin-right:0pt;text-indent:0pt;text-align:justify;" align="justify">        While the agreement banned the use of splicing and genetic manipulation in soldiers for armed conflicts, military actions, and wars it left other uses of the splicing technology and application of such knowledge legal. Some nations and organizations continued using it as weapons of war anyway. Splicing quickly took up a big part of the body modification subcultures. Each state and nation needed to decide whether they would continue to allow splicing to carry on or to ban or limit its uses.
<p style="line-height:100%;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;margin-right:0pt;text-indent:0pt;text-align:justify;" align="justify"> 
<p style="line-height:100%;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;margin-right:0pt;text-indent:0pt;text-align:justify;" align="justify">        The second major change was the awakening event that started in 2017, near Barranquilla Colombia. In a place made famous for its coffee exports, and by small time documentaries made for their shock value, about how its young boys lost their virginities to donkeys, it would become now known as the birthplace of the Barranquilla Evolution. The Barranquilla Evolution would be more commonly known as the Awakening. Animals suddenly could communicate with humans. Although it was first documented in Colombia the effect of the evolution went worldwide within three months. Scientist still cannot explain the event or why it is even possible to this day. All test showed that there was no mutation. All animal testing showed that the animal DNA and physiology was normal and the same as it was before the Awakening. Animals still did not talk as humans did, nor did they use a form of telepathy. It was as if overnight people suddenly understood what animals were where saying when they made their normal communication and body language. The U. N. had no choice but to grant these awakened animals the status and legal protection of humans. After all it became difficult to hunt or butcher animals for food, sport, or products when they could hold full-fledged conversations.


Messages In This Thread
Age of Gentech - by Bear28 - 01-19-2016, 08:45 PM
Age of Gentech - by Bear28 - 01-19-2016, 08:47 PM
Age of Gentech - by Bear28 - 01-19-2016, 08:53 PM
Age of Gentech - by Bear28 - 01-19-2016, 08:56 PM
Age of Gentech - by Bear28 - 09-10-2017, 08:20 PM

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