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How to properly socialize with horses (help)

As a trainer, when dealing with a strange horse I never raise my hand beyond their chest. I start by just standing in their pasture, not approaching them but letting them approach me instead. Horses are extremely curious and WILL come to you just to see what/ who you are. I let them touch me first too, nosing and sniffing, and sometimes nibbling me. I slowly let them push and let my hand slide along their chest. Carefully, I begin to just rub the chest, easing up along the neck and foreleg. I'll do this sometimes 20 days in a row before proceeding further along their body or even attempting to move while they're near me. The head is always last, and the biggest sign of trust from a horse. Then, it starts under the chin and along the jaw, for days. Never reach above the eyes from the front, always from the back of the neck. Rub along the jaw, slowly increasing upward reach until they are comfortable letting you reach the top of the head, or poll. Rub and scratch between the ears, they love that.

I always speak very softly while doing these things. They seem to cue on the voice. Never wear strong deodorant or cologne around them as that is upsetting to their strong sense of smell. If you can approach them after cleaning stalls or haying, etc. it's even better. The scents will comfort them more. 

Just a few of my thoughts on it...



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How to properly socialize with horses (help) - by silverwolf1 - 09-26-2017, 11:17 PM

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