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California legalized prostitution of minors

from     ht  tp://www.politifact.com/california/statements/2017/jan/04/travis-allen/lawmakers-claim-about-california-legalizing-child-/



Last year, Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law Senate Bill 1322. It decriminalizes prostitution for minors by preventing law enforcement from arresting people under 18 for soliciting sex or loitering with intent to commit prostitution. Supporters of the law said it’s designed to treat children involved in prostitution as victims rather than as criminals.

It does nothing, however, to legalize commercial sex acts.

People caught having sex with minors, soliciting sex with minors or arranging clients for them can still be charged with crimes.

"The key is that the children involved are not liable, not that the conduct has been legalized," said Gabriel Chin, a criminal law professor at UC Davis School of Law, who analyzed the law upon our request.

Chin added that under the new law "child prostitution is treated just as, say, the production of child pornography is." Adults involved are subject to criminal prosecution, while the children, who are seen as victims, are not, he said.



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California legalized prostitution of minors - by caikgoch - 11-13-2017, 02:13 AM

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