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Andrew-R' s intro ....

Hm, I figured out it will be better to say few words about myself. Problem is, i don't want to sound bigger than I'm, and most of things I ever wrote today look (for me) too incomplete, and not really reflecting my latest views. Guess at this point it will be fair to say I love dolphins (and associated beings) - but then this love turned out to be much harsher than I ever imagined. Captive dolphins turned out to be much nicer to me than I ever imagined,  and lately dogs, too (esp. if you consider my thinking back in time ..I was reading  some relatively rare literature in Russian, and was preparing myself for worst...in sense, worst really come, but not in form of dolphin's anger, but in form of their untimely and always  wrong end-of-life, and my discoveries of real, not glorified humanity). I usually liked to read, and may be exactly my partial disconnectness with 'real world' helped me to form some ideals..not really welcomed in current life. Zoophilia is relatively new field of thinking for me, like, 4.5 years , compared to whole dolphin "theme" going on for nearly 15 years (from relative innocency of 'just reading about dolphins' to current crisis). I lost my (unfounded, as it turned out) faith in writing-as-way-to-change-world-by-changing-humans, because...well, with all those books I've read I still was unable to a) help real dolphins far enough b) was unable to change humans radically enough. So, I hardly want to write anything right now (it will not help ..anyone...), yet from time to time I run into few  things probably interesting for other humans, so, I share them ...

I'm not sure what exactly I can put as The Text describing me ..probably, trying to move away from overpositivist and inflating/inaccurate type of description I should also put out my _worst_ points, not only my best ones? But then, you can say all my points bad, from writer's perspective at least ....

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Messages In This Thread
Andrew-R' s intro .... - by Andrew-R - 11-26-2017, 04:34 PM
Andrew-R' s intro .... - by shortleash - 01-15-2018, 03:02 PM
Andrew-R' s intro .... - by Eagle - 02-10-2018, 06:31 PM

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