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"Is acceptance possible?" thread

I don't think so. For most people, this is primary a matter of morality. Look at the comment sections of bestiality topics in main stream media sites. People asking for death penalty and castration, exactly like for pedophilia topics. Would they really care about animals at the same emotional base, the whole nation would turn vegetarian.

You underastimate the power of ethical tabus. People die because of different ethics and believes. it's all the same. Caring about animals is in most cases just a lip service. People care for their personal moral save space.

By the way. I don't say that's generally a bad thing. We all need a common ethical ground to live in a diverse society. The borders simply have to be somewhere.

I don't believe a society without a common ground will survive on the long run and  will turn into bloodshed sooner or later.

By the way (to get a bit of coal into the fire), there is no difference between bestiality and zoophilia, as there is no sexual difference between a heterosexual predator, having sex with 5 prostitutes a day and a loving heterosexual husband who would never betray his wife. You may judge the predator moraly, but he's still heterosexual and I found the exclusive strategy of the zoophile internet scene always to be quite bigot and pathetic. As if there would be the chance of moral acceptance, if they exclude people who are having sex just for fun. The majority simply doesn't care if there is a difference, neither will you ever be able to erase people in the contact sections asking for a dog to fuck. Those people are part of any space with the slightest sexual topic.

In most cases they deserve a ban for bad online behaviour, but only the zoophile scene labels those guys with a special term to protect their sacred sexual identity.

So, why should society accept zoophiles, if zoophiles can't even accept "beasties"? That's the power of moral believes. They are as strong as religions.

Do you really think that comments under articles about fencehoppers and youtube videos will be balanced, well thought through and rational? You don´t seem to know the internet, mate...;) The one point these replies yelling for castration, gas chambers etc. is actually illustrating is that emotions will always outweigh reason and zoophilia/bestiality indeed has a traumatising potential for a certain percentage of folks.  People aren´t robots , they´re irrational and emotional beings, egocentrical beings, greedy beings that don´t give a fuck for others as long as their needs are met...that´s why no one is going vegan, that´s why people buy cheap shit that has been manufactured under inhumane circumstances. That´s why people still buy a new smartphone each time a new one is released although they all know how many victims the coltane mining in Africa is producing. Of course it´s bigoted, but humans are that way...and nothing will change that. 

Regarding your bold statement that there´s no difference between a hetero predator visiting a brothel 5 times a day and a loving and caring husband, I guess the latter one will heftily disagree. We´re not only judged by what we do, we´re also judged by what we DON´T do. YOu actually can do "the same thing" yet you´re not the same...if I fill up my car with gas, no one will bat an eye...but if I would fill you up with gas so I can set you on fire, I have basically done the same thing, haven´t I?  You miss out on motivation/intent and a couple of other meta issues here...the guy fucking his way through the brothel is solely interested in himself while the caring and loving husband (if he is a genuine one and not one of those many who cheat secretly) has actually invested something in his relationship, he is committed to it and not egotistically "consuming" sexuality. There IS a difference between zoophilia and bestiality, you can "commit" bestiality without even the slightest concern for the animal you´re having sex with, but that is pretty hard to do if you are a genuine zoo and emotionally "invested"/"committed". Yes, this is a question of morality, but morality is one huge element of being human. Don´t you understand that tolerance is dependent on relatability? The more you are off the "normal" folks with your personal morals, the tiniier the chance of actual support will get. Talk to "normals" and ask them whether they are less terrified with a guy like me who will never ever touch another person´s animal "that way"...or someone who obviously gives a flying fuck, does every animal just for his sexual gratification and knows no limits, neither in numbers nor in practices. WHo will be less of a potential danger to your animal standing in your garden/at your pasture? That´s like showing some outsider the worst gay darkroom orgy and acting surprised when this outsider quickly turns into an utterly disgusted person. You have to understand that it´s not your lax morals it depends on, but the morals of the "normals"....and I´ve been told by many people that "if you would be one of those sexual pervos who fuck anything that walks, in any situation and without any care for the animal, I´d call the police immediately"...I´m not bullshitting you on this. Those outsiders I met were all okay with me because they have seen their own morals in me...and most of them don´t consider fucking without having actual feelings for your partner as legit or morally tolerable, despite of the crap the "sex lib" folks never stop to spout.

Your "you won´t be able to erase those people in the contact sections" almost made me laugh...hell, why IS there a "contact section"? Don´t erase the poster, erase the possibility to post, erase the animal sex supermarket blackboard. It´s like saying "we can´t erase murderers, so we don´t give a fuck about them and let them do their thing"... you´re wrong about that "sacred sexuality" thing too, man. In zoophilia, ANIMALS are involved and thus, there are certain ethical norms and rules. When these rules are violated, we have to protect these norms. It´s not about feeling superior to anyone, it´s about ethical standards and NOT treating animals like live sex toys. It´s like saying the loving and caring husband wants to protect his "sacred sexuality" when he tries to distance himself from an egotistical asshat roaming through the pubs and brothels for a quick and easy fuck. It´s about a certain form of respect for our partners...that most often is missing in those beasties entirely.

"Why should society accept zoophiles when zoophiles don´t accept beasties?" Well, because society accepts loving and caring husbands and rejects brothel customers. Because society accepts eating meals in healthy portions, but rejects obese folks who oder the entire McD menu card twice. Because society accepts the occasional weed smoker, but rejects the 24/7 permanent stoner. Because society accepts drinking one or two beers, but rejects binge drinking. Because society accepts moderacy, but rejects excessiveness. I lived for more than 22 years with my mare in a public boarding stable, with lots of other folks around. And one key point why I never had to face any consequences for my zoophilia although I practically was doing it right in front of those outsiders´ eyes was because I kept it moderate and people saw how my mare benefitted from the relationship with me. I still remember a Dutch girl´s mother approaching me while I was brushing down my mare outside, asking me frankly " Is she the love of your life?" I was so surprised that I accidentally told the truth and said yes...she just nodded and from that point, she was on my side. Can you imagine what would have happened with a reply like that of a BF user named Welshpony who said that , although he apparently has his own horse, he will "travel Europe for any good fuck"? Do you really think this does not make a certain difference in a normal person´s perception? If you apply for a job, will it be more likely that you´re hired when you show the best possible picture of you, with clean clothes, sober and focused? Or do you think another applicant with shit stains on his trousers, half of his breakfast clinging inside his unshaved beard, stinking like an entire armada of skunks and drunk as fuck has the same chances? And by the way, let me just play the devil´s advocate here and perpetuate your way of reasoning: Why should society accept zoophiles and bestialists if zoophiles and bestialists don´t accept animal sadists? Why should society accept zoophiles and bestialists when zoos and beasties don´t accept paedophiles and necrophiles? See? It´s kinda a reverse Pandora´s box argument you´re making here...just because I am a zoophiles, that does in no way mean that I have to accept every other twisted bullshit.

And by the way, much of that conflict between zoos and besties is owed to the fact that everyone portrays himself with the z-word regardless of what he is actually doing with and feeling for his animals. In all these years I am active in the online community now, I only came across maybe 3 - 5 people who frankly said they consider themselves bestialists...one of those would be a BF user, a girl named Silkythighs.....and you know what? She is shitting on everyone who claims to be in real love with an animal, she even told us zoos we should go and see a shrink because "you cannot love an animal". This is not about feeling superior to the beasties, this is about what is in our hearts, not the itching in our crotches....



















Messages In This Thread
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by Mfkfznfp - 12-15-2017, 02:14 AM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by 30-30 - 12-15-2017, 04:48 AM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by Cynolove693 - 12-15-2017, 07:09 AM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by silverwolf1 - 12-15-2017, 01:43 PM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by 30-30 - 12-15-2017, 02:13 PM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by Mfkfznfp - 12-16-2017, 02:14 AM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by Cynolove693 - 12-16-2017, 04:24 AM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by Cynolove693 - 12-16-2017, 04:35 AM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by 30-30 - 12-16-2017, 10:29 AM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by Vermilion - 12-16-2017, 05:54 PM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by Cynolove693 - 12-16-2017, 06:55 PM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by Vermilion - 12-16-2017, 07:16 PM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by Cynolove693 - 12-16-2017, 08:09 PM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by 30-30 - 12-17-2017, 12:17 AM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by Vermilion - 12-17-2017, 01:41 AM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by 30-30 - 12-17-2017, 04:20 PM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by Vermilion - 12-17-2017, 04:36 PM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by Cynolove693 - 12-17-2017, 10:11 PM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by Cynolove693 - 12-19-2017, 04:56 AM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by silverwolf1 - 12-19-2017, 03:40 PM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by 30-30 - 12-19-2017, 05:09 PM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by Cynolove693 - 12-19-2017, 07:06 PM
"Is acceptance possible?" thread - by Mfkfznfp - 12-22-2017, 12:18 AM

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