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Breaking barriers

8 hours ago, Eagle said:

I wanted to broach this topic in an ethics versus morals essay, but I have not been able to organize my thoughts on this into an essay, so thought I'd just make a rambling forum post for now instead.  Hopefully I can work it into a fuller, proper essay.

I am, by no means, a professional psychologist; I lack a basic academic competency.  I do, however, consider myself an observer of human behavior -- my own and others.  I try to correlate cause and effect, understand why I and others have irrational thoughts, act impulsively, or have mine/our/their thoughts and emotions distorted and biased by depression, anxiety, and other afflictions.

Being a zoophile, of course, I apply this to zoophilia.  In my view, nothing happens nor exists in complete isolation.  Every action has complex reactions.

On this, for this specific topic, I would like to illuminate my notion that breaking that interspecies barrier is an experience.  Its a complex barrier -- sex crime law, cultural taboo, religious sacrilege which is not insignificant for the origins of some of us, and other aspects.  I think we do not think about this except in a positive light, and from the perspective of mental health, I think its a mistake to presume it is entirely positive.

When we break these barriers, my concern is that it becomes easier to dismiss, disregard or otherwise view with disdain other barriers we had not previously considered broachable.  Hard drug use, theft, pedophilia ... I am certainly not saying breaching the species barrier means we would do these things or breach other barriers, but I think it makes us less resistant to trying to broach them if we feel an impulse or urge.  The point I am trying to make is to be cognizant of this prospect, bear it in mind.  I consider a moral and ethical code to be crucial, don't just throw morals or ethics away just because the code you used to live by that said bestiality was animal rape and a debasement of humanity.  Don't retaliate the torches and pitchforks lobbed at us by bullying/trolling someone you view as weaker.  One of the manifestations of this, I think, is the tendancy of some to bully/troll "newbie" zoophiles just finding their way to the community, I have even seen that here.  Not everyone has the same makeup, and not everyone's situation is the same.  /No one/ needs to have more stress.  If you feel better about yourself when you put someone down, your wiring is amiss and I would be less than confident I could trust you to truly respect the animal objects of your desire.  And while my opinion of you is easy to dismiss, I hope some part of you might try to take pause and carefully consider your action.

If an action is worth doing, its worth spending more time thinking through beforehand than it takes to actually execute the action, or to take a page from carpentry:  measure twice, cut once.

I never saw my sexuality as breaking the interspecies barrier. Breaking taboos, be it religious, cultural or sexual ones, never played any role for me. I applaud you for seeing the positive prejudices we as a community often fall for and would absolutely subscribe to this point of you of a severe lack of introspection into our own common beliefs and dogmata. Positive prejudice also is prejudice. 

But it isn´t exactly a secret that many are attracted to animals mainly because of thrillseeking and taboobreaking. And like with everything that grants adrenaline rushes, you can get addicted to that. I wouldn´t say it necessarily leads to hard drugs and paedophilia, but it´s also no secret that breaking the first taboo indeed makes breaking another taboo easier for some individuals. It´s not about resistance, it´s about what you truly are inside. 

The real problem behind moral and ethics codes is that everyone seems to create these on their own and for themselves. These moral codes exist , they´re called the zeta rules and have been constantly "adjusted, reinvented and adapted" over the years a.k.a. watered down to fit one´s own needs and beliefs.The most common denominator tactics. Until the moral scale reaches absolute zero regions.Because of "tolerance". 

And now look around you....we´re constantly debating about even the most basic things like "zoo exclusivity" and where the line between beasty and zoo is to be drawn...so...how plausible does it seem to unite this "basket of flea" cornucopia of "zoos" under the same set of morals?

You made a very smart remark by saying that nothing happens in complete isolation. Yeah, true that...but let´s apply this piece of essential wisdom to , let´s say, the recently introduced laws against "zoophilia", shall we? Not one lawmaker enthusiastically said "I! I! I will take care of the animal fuckery!" out of the blue, so there have to be some reasons why this worldwide tsunami of new laws ran over our community...and can you guess what made lawmakers turn towards us? Could it be that our community in its total and sheepish belief in "tolerance" as THE core principle that outweighs everything else, even the most basic self preservation principles, is to blame? That we as a community have fooled ourselves into this hug box mentality where every criticism is seen as an attack, where every effort to bring our ethical principles to life again is seen as "intolerance" and "hate"? We lost our ideals, we dismissed the bouncer protecting us from nutjobs and impostors, we not only tolerated (sic!) those among us, we made them a part of our community...without further thoughts about what these folks will bring with them, trouble, public attention, drama and even the will to take our community hostage. In the name of "tolerance" , we dropped all our defenses and now we are honestly surprised that we are holding the charred remains of what once was hope for a better tomorrow for zoophiles in our bruised and battered hands. I said it before so many times.....Zoophiles are their own worst enemy. There is no way that an outsider or an anti could ever inflict so much damage to our community, our ideals and our future perspective in its sheepish submission to the "tolerance" dogma did. "Behold, the sword aiming at your heart...it is held by your own hand!"  

About "bullying newbies"...well, that is directly connected to the paragraph before. What you call "bullying",  isn´t... if you want to keep out all the antisocial elements that otherwise would "crash your party, rape the dog and rip down the house", then I don´t see what is so damnable about a little "vetting" process applied to newbies. If our community only would have stuck to that principle from the first generation online zoos, a whole shitton of problems would have missed us, a whole lot of problems would not be the same huge size, so in the end, I don´t see why we should perpetuate this hug box mentality and put a falsely understood "tolerance" (a.k.a. indifference) above everything else. Example: Some reddit zoo sub users may remember a user called "Hedonist Glen". This guy was an absolute jerk, a misogynic bastard fencehopper claiming that "women are assholes for not liking him" while heput a "personal ad" as an "expert pussy licker" in another sub. Do you really want those toxic elements , in the name of "tolerance"? A vetting process at the "door" IS needed and should not be mistaken for "giving a weaker newbie a bad time for shits and giggles". We SUFFER from the "tolerance" dogma...and until this community has learned that simple fact, nothing will change because WE are UNABLE to change first.  

If there wasn´t this enormous discrepancy between in the principles we claim as ours and what we actually behave like everyday, with that "all inclusive" attitude, I could see what your criticism is aiming at, but as it is now, I´d say you´re missing out on an entire and essential part of the problem here. This community following the downward spiral of "more tolerance" actually is anger inducing to those of us who believe in values and definitions, besides the anger that is granted by emotional and horomonal imbalance that´s present in every human. "Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create bad times. Bad times create strong men." So, how much "bad times" does it need for you to do yourselves what you demand from society soooo desperately? Change?? 

Yes, it´s true that everyone comes from a different background. But that´s not the problem here, the problem is watering down everything this community once stood for with rules like "the animal always comes first". We´ve had an overdose of "tolerance" and hug box mentality and it terribly backfired, yet still no one is wondering whether it´s actually US who have to readjust and change. I´m German and used to Merkel´s typical "Weiter so!" (just continue as usual) and thus I know where this leads to. Encrustation, apathy and rising anger. This community went down the same path long ago, the mechanisms are the same and the outcome will also be the same. Maybe...just maybe...could it be those "troublemakers" and "newbie attackers" are the logical "harvest" of sowing bad seeds of sheepish "indifferent tolerance"? And what about those troublemakers? Don´t you think that many of you incite this anger that leads to fighting and banning by dismissing every criticism without even giving one thought to whether they might be onto something, regardless of the tone they are using? Just take the now closed thread of cat as an example...this was about zoo exclusivity and who can call himself that. I was writing some replies in there also...and the most laid back answer to my posts came from Silverwolf who still grumpily said that he doesn´t care about labels. All the others were fighting like it´s about the last can of oxygen on Mars...for something they claim has no real use and is "just a label". Not very logical, if you ask me. So, could it be that a lot of the blame for the current situation is on YOU, the "oh so tolerant majority"...for not considering any criticism worth thinking about it, for dismissing critics with buzzwords and the usual "Totschlagargument" shtick of "You´re intolerant, hateful and I won´t listen to anything you have to say". This exact same arrogance of the "progressive, tolerant" folks was what made the conservatives rise again around the globe. I´m totally not on the alt-right side and despise the AfD, that hydrogen blonde Dutch moron, the hija de puta of LePen,Trump and his cronies from the bottom of my heart, but they actually bring up some (!) valid points about what went wrong in our society by mindlessly worshipping "tolerance" principles and this retarded SJW "culture". When criticism is dismissed categorically for "inciting fights" and "disturbing the peace", then things get nasty. As they got in our community over the years, with many of the good and genuine folks actually contributing to the discourse leaving because of this immovable, inadaptable irrational belief in "tolerance". For the community not even living up to its propagated principles for even one second, for all the ethical and moral principles being thrown away once pants are unzipped...and applauded by many in our community.

Many would call me a troublemaker too, and maybe they´re right about that. But ,as you said, nothing happens in total isolation, and we troublemakers are no exception to that rule. So I demand the same you demand here from me, meditate about those troublemakers and why they´re acting the way they do. Could it be they´re onto something that terribly needs to be adressed in our community? That it´s those who see a bit farther than the common tolerazombie. I as one of those assholes have predicted the current situation back in the nineties already: I said  "if we as a community can´t keep our own turf clean, can´t implement a binding set of rules that is obligatory to obey to for memebership in our community without and debate and bargaining, we soon will be marginalised and made punishable before the law". Sadly, everything went exactly like I predicted. Now we have the mess...and a shitload of "zoos" who go the path of least resistance and solely blame "the society" for what this has become. Pointing fingers at "the unjust and hateful people" ...so, everything is comfy, everything is black-and-white. "They" are evil and "we" are saints. "They" are absolute shit, but "we" never make mistakes, not even a single one although reality says otherwise. Without a total reformation and renewal, our community will face its demise soon, the total and irreversible moral bankruptcy is immiment..in the name of "tolerance". "Nibelungentreue" beyond death...the golden calf you´re all dancing around while your world is crumbling around you. Apathy. Indifference. Trench fight mentality , "us" versus "them". Tribalism. Welcome to the jungle...


Messages In This Thread
Breaking barriers - by Eagle - 04-04-2018, 03:11 PM
Breaking barriers - by Saturnine - 04-04-2018, 10:30 PM
Breaking barriers - by 30-30 - 04-04-2018, 11:42 PM
Breaking barriers - by 30-30 - 04-05-2018, 01:19 AM
Breaking barriers - by Saturnine - 04-05-2018, 02:00 AM
Breaking barriers - by Eagle - 04-05-2018, 03:29 AM
Breaking barriers - by Eagle - 04-05-2018, 03:30 AM
Breaking barriers - by Eagle - 04-05-2018, 03:35 AM
Breaking barriers - by 30-30 - 04-05-2018, 05:22 AM
Breaking barriers - by Saturnine - 04-05-2018, 01:52 PM
Breaking barriers - by 30-30 - 04-05-2018, 05:32 PM
Breaking barriers - by Saturnine - 04-05-2018, 10:23 PM
Breaking barriers - by 30-30 - 04-05-2018, 11:50 PM
Breaking barriers - by Saturnine - 04-06-2018, 11:52 AM
Breaking barriers - by Cat - 04-06-2018, 12:10 PM
Breaking barriers - by silverwolf1 - 04-06-2018, 05:50 PM

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