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The trouble with NOT publicly discussing zoophilia

Kudos to Heavyhorse for getting it right. It´s not only that we usually "run to their rescue", making it worse by doing so, it´s also about the tribalism mentality that leaves no place for honest and objective evaluation of the "zoo" in the crosshairs...culminating in trials against amateur animal porn makers...with full support by ZETA members although what those guys did stands directly diametrically against what ZETA is propagating as their "zoo codex" on their homepage. If our community could just get rid of shooting itself in the foot habitually, it would make more of a difference than all "pro zoo" documentaries and movies combined. Oh, by the way, tonight the German movie "Wolf" featuring the story of a woman developing a strange attraction towards a wolf is airing on free TV , namely the French-German ARTE. 

About the gays: what many don´t get is that society´s patience and openness to changes comes in limited amounts. To overstress it means going backwards several years at once. What most of the "sexually progressives" don´t think about is that society needs time to regain its balance disturbed by major changes in societal norms. That alone should make it plausible why always pushing for more and more " sexual freedom" is doomed to fail. The backlash with all the conservatives coming into power again should be obvious. Like a rubber band, society only endures a certain amount of stress...once you overstress it, it will rip. Or , as Heavyhorse said, "...going more public isn´t going to make things better. Not now." We need patience and enough wits to recognise it if  and when another "window" opens up for us...


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The trouble with NOT publicly discussing zoophilia - by 30-30 - 04-05-2018, 07:49 PM

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