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The trouble with NOT publicly discussing zoophilia

I wonder why you´re thinking that "Mr Hands incidents" are inevitable. I´d also like to know whether you think that anything we write or say makes a difference...do you really think it´s just about larger quantities of "the truth" (a.k.a. pro zoo propaganda)  doing the job better, bringing us closer to "tolerance"? 

Why is it always about "more this and more of that" that is seen as the solution? Say, have you heard about the daoistic principle of "wu wei", action through non action? And how would you try to calm a water surface...would you hit it with a hammer, growing more and more infuriated because that dumb water won´t calm down although you´re hammering at it like a maniac? More visibility equals the notion of an ever increasing threat of society by "zoophiles", ever thought about that? Hint: Sometimes, you don´t win a war by going full Rambo. History has proven that an outnumbered and outgunned minority will only be able to survive, to prevail when it adopts tactics of guerrilla warfare, not going full Chuck Norris. 

And how exactly do you think does another "Mr Hands" incident will make anything worse than it already is? Do you really think the vast majority that already want to castrate us with a rusty nail will have the urge to castrate us twice because "Mr hands 2.0"? Yeah, I admit that even more time in prison is probably not desirable for anyone, but it still is about NOT GETTING CAUGHT. And regarding this, all I see is constant dumb actions by so called "zoophiles" literally yearning for capture and exposure. May I remind you that without those "anti zoo" laws, getting caught isn´t exactly paradise and social repercussions would still occur without those laws. Since animals won´t snitch on you, it´s entirely up to the "zoo" to create and maintain a safe environment for his orientation....would this community pleauzzze accept that simple fact? It´s not about "the laws" and "unjust society", it´s about getting smart enough to live your life without putting your animal and yourself in grave danger for "community fame", ego pampering, quick sex on some random pasture etc. pp. 

Eagle, have you ever considered how much we as a community do contribute to the installation of "anti zoo" laws? By running to the resue for even the most despicable sicko caught red handed on another one´s pasture? By simply not being able to objectively view our own "fellow zoos" and their actions without that tribalistic "my tribe against your tribe" attitude, without partisanship? I always recommend looking at this whole "zoophilia" thing through the eyes of a "normal" guy, Joe Average. By doing this for a minute, you might be able to see that in fact "nothing happens in isolation" and everything that has happened in the past two decades has inevitably led to this exact point in history because no one of us seems to be able to do some self reflection, on himself, on this community , on how we are perceived in society, on what we usually do when "zoos" and society collide and what impression our actions create in society? 

Compromises with society are needed and we as a community MUST change in the same amounts as we demand it from society, or nobody will give a flying f about us...legitimately, I have to add. This is not about getting "our" ways , not about safe spaces , not about "all or nothing" approaches which we´re totally not in the place to demand from society. What is needed are viable compromises with society that provide enough for BOTH sided of the conflict to be satisfied with. People don´t trust us zoos with our animals for several reasons; some of them are indeed irrational and prejudiced, but others absolutely aren´t and the criticism we face is well founded. This is a simple , non partisan truth and this community still hasn´t found out that our way out of this dilemma is to make compromises with society...or at least try to make them by offering society something Joe Average can live with without the justified fear of "legal zoophilia" will inevitably lead to not being able to keep animals outside anymore without them "made happy" within the first two seconds after the owner is out of sight. We also need a corrective mechanism that is able to stop those among us who shouldn´t even have access to their own pubic lice, let alone any other animal. We also need to realise that animal pornography is NOT a "gift to the community", but one of the main reasons why society thinks so badly of us. Pictures say more than a thousand words , you remember? So, how can we expect anyone to believe us when we say "No, it´s all entirely consentual", but a few clicks suffice to show a whole other picture? What we´re really dealing with here isn´t "unjust society", it´s our own failures, our own convenient complacencies of not speaking out loud and clear against all the grey and dark black areas "zoophilia" includes. Our failure is the total denial , the complete lack of a corrective in our community that ensures that the animal always comes first and then, the "zoo" and his emotional and sexual gratification. Our demise is excessive permissiveness, complacency, group think and trench fight mentality. We need to reestablish honesty and trustworthyness in our community or we will never achieve anything. 

And please miss me with that "fascism" mumbo jumbo...it´s NOT fascism just because you don´t get your ways. Mind you, I´m German and if I know about one thing, then it is fascism. And don´t get me wrong here, I´m as far left as you can get, but I´m one of the "old lefties", not those moronic SJWs doing all the "equality and justice" stuff totally blind for real equality and real justice. I have principles, the SJWs only have their "culture of offense". As an anarchosocialist,even I do admit that those conservatives and alt rightists do have a point when pointing out how oppressive the so called "new left " has become. If I am a baker and don´t want to create a "gay wedding cake", it´s my right to refuse serving customers, to name just one occasion in which the "fight against oppression" has become nothing more than a fight against some oppression while going completely blind on other forms of oppression. We as a society have lost purpose and meaning, that´s the logical consequence of final stage capitalism where everything is just fun, entertainment and diversion from the empty shells humans have become. The utopia many "progressives" are fighting for isn´t an utopia, it´s just another form of hell and we just exchange dogma for another dogma...another form of oppression, only with other victims. The oppressed of today will eventually become the oppressors of tomorrow. Don´t you think that "legal zoophilia " can lead to a terrible outcome, with normals unable to keep animals outside as a form of oppression that all of you simply don´t accept as oppression because it doesn´t affect you? Aaaah, the good ol` ego, the only god wiser than any other god, more reliable than anyone else regardless of expertise. Elitism? Why is it seen as bad? Because "my total lack of knowledge is equal to your studied expertise"? 

We all have to get our shit together and say goodbye to the "laissez faire" mentality. We must take responibility for our own community, even when it hurts, even when that means stepping on a whole bunch of toes. The alternative? There is none anymore, our complacency, our apathy has killed it. Regulated zoophilia with safety mechanisms for the animals involved is IMHO the only reasonable way to go and we should finally abandon that "legal free animal fucks for everyone" fantasy once and for all. This worldwide community of animal fuckers has done more than enough to justify action from the authorities; we were too lazy to correct ourselves, so the government came in to do it for us, with the usual over the top approach most governments automatically have. We shouldn´t blame "them", we should first take a long and close look towards ourselves, with open eyes, without taboos, without categoric dismissal of thoughts just because they are painful to us. Nothing happens in isolation. Not even banning acts of bestiality.  


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The trouble with NOT publicly discussing zoophilia - by 30-30 - 04-06-2018, 04:25 AM

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