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The trouble with NOT publicly discussing zoophilia

41 minutes ago, Saturnine said:

The typical rhetoric that is said by many zoophiles is, "It's your fault if you get caught. It will never happen to me!" Then it happens to them, and they wonder why ignoring the problem won't make people hate us any less. "Oh, but those nasty fencehoppers are to blame for tarnishing our community's reputation!" Not entirely. Your own family can out you if they wanted to, assuming they knew that much about your sexual preferences. Then the story could wind up in the news, and become big enough that people will rally for more legislation against bestiality. It's a losing scenario any way you look at it.

Another typical rhetoric of "zoos" is this mindless "Aaargh, we NEED to go public with this!" regardless of the outcome. And please spare me with that "would, should , could" babble, Saturnine, the vast majority of "outed zoos" aren´t outed by family, they´re outed by their own irresponsibility and unhinged behaviour... why is fencehopping in the era of cheap as fuck night vision cameras even still a thing? Ah, right, greed, sexual greed and consumerism. Why is it still a thing that a "zoo" feels the need to publish animal porn of himself in the era of PRISM? Ah, I see, egotistic irresponsibility. Fact is that this is not an "either-or "scenario, but no one actually seems to realise there´s a middle way. Moderation. Not clinging to "I MUUUST COME OUT to someone, anyone" for ego pampering purposes. I lived through my entire puberty and early adulthood without even one person knowing my orientation. I survived because I was aware of the risks and keeping a secret also didn´t kill me...keeping a secret, an art that´s incredibly forgotten these days, if you ask me.  

We all have to lose the idea of making zoophilia accessible to anybody. Zoophilia may be the one and only sexual orientation that DEMANDS more than genitals, it demands brains. Zoophilia can quickly devolve into human centered bestiality, so we zoos always have to duty to check ourselves over and over again if we actually crossed the line between mutual enjoyment and plain abuse of animals...no other orientation has this, at least not in the same large amounts. Zoophilia also demands constant self reflection from the involved zoo, it also demands vast amounts of knowledge even BEFORE anyone should lay hands on an animal. It demands a way-above-average ability to control yourself in order to not slip into animal abuse, the ability to control yourself even in the "heat of the moment". All those things are NEEDED, making zoophilia accessible to everyone may look like paradise for bestialists and zoos of all colours, but it surely is absolute hell for the animals. Even one animal suffering from a "zoo" is one too much...they´re living beings with a mind of their own, not sex toys, not tolerable "collateral damage" on the "zoo rights" battlefield. 

Without a solution for all the grey areas, without willingness to stray from the usual path of "all or nothing" , it surely is a losing scenario. But I see much of the blame in our own community, in our own stubbornness, hoenstly being surprised that society does not appreciate our usual "free animal fuckery for all" battlecries, our ineptness to self reflect, the total lack of self criticism, the excessive partisanship....and last but not least, the common fear of abandoning the old and already failed methods, the neophobia of denying any different approach. Stubborn as a little kid..."No,No,No, mommy, I WANT that candy bar! Waaaahhhh!" What surely is a huge factor in this losing scenario is our ideology ridden dogma that seems to be sacrosanct for many. "No! Don´t give in to society, not one little bit! Either they let us have all our ways or ´dem just zoophobe hater asshole fascist eejits." Again, finding compromises is the solution...but I guess, the real solution is more pressure on all the "zoos" until the pressure is high enough that actual operational thinking finally takes over and the ideological "sex lib" brainwash is no more. Even if it means to be satisfied with small goosesteps towards tolerance, it still is way better and more promising than this stubborn and infantile insistance on "Either we are granted everything or screw you, society!". 

The online "zoo" community came to life around the end of the eighties/beginning of the nineties and is roughly about 30 years old now. I guess it´s about time this community grows up and starts acting like an adult, not like a petulant child unwilling to compromise, unwilling to see its own flaws and faults. Only then we will change our odds to gain tolerance from naught to a significantly higher percentage. 


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The trouble with NOT publicly discussing zoophilia - by 30-30 - 04-06-2018, 05:03 AM

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