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Very scared of the vegan movement. need some help to calm down.

For those who may not know, there are animal rights organizations trying to abolish both companion animals and the consumption of meat. They are generally arrogant and are much like a religious cult.

These people are Peta, and various other animal rights organizations. They will stop at nothing to try to get other people to join them.

I'm very afraid of these people. Knowing zoophilia is taboo and should be kept a secret, these people seek to take away our right have our beloved animals altogether. They think all breeding is animal abuse, even when the animal doesn't suffer.

I have to have companion animals. I despise humanity as a whole, though not including the people on this forum, but I still need companionship. Humans cannot suffice for me after What I seen everything happen.

I understand almost no one takes these cultists seriously, but I cannot help but to scout around and make sure they don't get too many people.

If anyone can ease my anxiety towards this silly movement, then I would be grateful!



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Very scared of the vegan movement. need some help to calm down. - by Unbreakable - 04-06-2018, 02:45 PM

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