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The trouble with NOT publicly discussing zoophilia

No, not in this case, Eagle. One may go through all these "rosey tinted glasses" talking points in favour of zoophilia, but all of those "pro agruments" will look like fucking lies to every outsider who is backchecking all that has been said on "zoophile" sites...like BF, for example. Violent porn with clearly visible violations of our "zoo ideals", fencehopping also totally neglecting any self containment and reason of our "zoo ideals"....well, just talking won´t do the trick. It has to be honest talking that doesn´t leave out all the criticisable excesses of our community. But just imagine someone who has a perspective similar to mine and does adress all the grey areas , the inconsistencies, the discrepancies between talking and action in the zoo community...I´m pretty sure you´d all rip this guy another butthole in an instant for "not talking in our favour". 

So I stand by what I´ve said: with the current shape of our community, not talking still is the better option here. "Anything you say can and will be used against you"...remember this? Before we even can think of picking up the fight with society, we should ALL (every single zoo) stop handing out ammunition to our critics and enemies.

@Saturnine: Ridiculous to think this small forum would gather any attention by the government at all. There are more rewarding targets out there, like Beastforum that´s a huge resource and swapping place for animal porn. Don´t you think the government will rather focus workforce on an internationally working distribution platform for illegal porn....before everything else like just a few more than a handful of zoos chatting with each other on a teeny tiny private forum not easy to incidentally stumble across? 


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The trouble with NOT publicly discussing zoophilia - by 30-30 - 04-08-2018, 06:16 AM

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