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The trouble with NOT publicly discussing zoophilia

This "End of Life zoos should come out to the public" idea is sooo ingenious... /s 

Well, I know of one particular "EoL zoo" who wrote a book I usually refer to as "bullshit bible for animal fuckers", he alienated society even more with an appearance on the Jerry Springer show that wasn´t even aired on Tv. It´s not whether the "zoo" going public hasn´t "something to lose by going public" that should determine the legitimacy of that move, but whether he actually has something TO GIVE to society, can establish contact and connection with the "unjust" and "hateful" normals.

It would also help to have a consistent message, not one that could be shrugged off as deliberate rants of a pervert trying to justify his perversions.

Example? Here you go:

Zoophile: " Zoophilia is about deep emotional love of animals"

Outsider: " Ahem...but you´re aware of all that animal porn clearly showing abusive conduct, mares bound and cornered, dogs kept on leashes to control them etc...."

Z: "yeah, but that´s porn. Porn isn´t representative of zoophilia."

O: "Then why is it commonly called "zoo porn" as an abbreviation for zoophilic pornography even by your own community? And why is it no one has to search for long to find a "zoo" who´s straight up defending almost any type of animal fuck films and so many remaining completely silent about the abusive conduct shown in these flics? I thought you were all about the animals in the first place?"

Z: "Well, no community is entirely homogenic. Opinions on different elements of zoophilia largely differ among us.

O: "How´s that? I thought zoophilia was about animals first. How can anyone of you guys be content with animal abuse in your name then? "

Z: "Well, let´s call it a dilemma we haven´t figured out a solution for yet."

O: "Okay, then switch to another issue: fencehopping. What about that?"

Z: "Some of us claim to love the animals they fencehop on..."

O: "So you´re trying to tell me that you "fall in love" with an animal you don´t even know the name of? Let alone care enough about it to not unintentionally cause harm?"

Z: "Uuuhh...."

O: "And what about the obvious total lack of a vision of how zoos , non zoos and animals can achieve a balanced and shared habitat without causing trouble and annoy society with animal fuckery? What about the issues inevitably brought up by the commonly propagated "legal zoophilia" narrative? How can anyone of us be sure that you aren´t just talking the nice talk when you´re public, but mutate into an animal raping sex monster behind closed doors?

Z: " A few of us propose some sort of regulated zoophilia under the neutral supervision of learned and trained experts able to identify psychological and physical harm in the animals"

O: "Yeah, sounds like a good idea. At least that would make it possible for Joe Average to have enough confidence in such relationships and the maintained wellbeing of the animals involved..."

Z: "But in our community, such ideas don´t gain much traction. People want their freedom."

O: "Freedom? To me, this looks like trying to avoid consequences for one´s own wrongdoings. Without any corrective for detrimental "zoo" relationships, We, the society, will totally have to rely on your words alone. We have that already and look what the results of that are. Spink, Mr Hands, fencehoppers roaming the fields for easy prey literally terrorising entire regions and traumatising the owners of their "loves"..."

Z: " But..."

O: "NO but! You cannot expect society to sheepishly accept all the wrongdoings your kind does. This needs to be solved first, before we even can think of talking about decriminalising zoophilia. You simply can´t expect society to cope with intolerable acts that affect society. I´m surely one of those who see how you guys are under pressure, but the way out isn´t as simple as just demanding your "freedom" while you totally neglect the bads done in your name."

Z: " Legit concerns, but in our community, it´s hard to open the majority up for reasonable discourse without partishanship and self centeredness...."

O: "Well, and you guys actually believe we should hand over the animals for you to fuck...give their fate into the hands of a group that isn´t even rational enough to establish a halfway objective discourse about their orientation? You expect us to trust a bunch of people with animals who apparently are interested in themselves and their own personal needs above anything else?"

Z: "Hey, we´re not all like this. Let me explain..."

O: "If you´re not "all like this", why do you "genuine guys" have so much problems to distance yourselves from the more toxic elements in your community? Why were these toxic elements even accepted as a part of your community at all?"

Z: "Look, we are a small minority and need every voice talking in our favour."

O: "Even when these voices harshly violate your ideals of mutual love with animals? I thought you were about animals first? I would expect you guys to stand back from putting yourselfves and your desires above animal welfare and ideals...why?"

Z: "Can´t really answer that. Maybe some of us aren´t so much into animals as they want to make themselves believe it. "

O: " What you´re basically saying here is that society has to cope with and tolerate all the shit you guys are doing, are tolerating , are complacent with. Well, my friend, that´s not gonna happen. You have to present me and all the other outsiders a stringent vision of a "zoo tolerant" world that not only you "zoophiles" , but the society AND the animals can live with. It´s you whose duty it is to give a viable alternative, one that solves at least the majority of underlying issues with "legal zoophilia."

Z: "Yeah, I admit this."

O: "So you need to sort out your own community first, have to make sure that your ideals aren´t quickly sacrificed for "animal ass" first. And you also have to realise that unsupervised zoophilia fundamentally goes against government´s duty to look after the animals. "

Z: "Well, fuck...I guess we have to clean up our own terrain first"

O: "Yes, and don´t forget to put your heart where your mouth is. How about creating initiatives against animal exploitation by animal porn? How about joining society in its fight against fencehoppers without any apologetic tendencies?"

Z: "Well, we could do that, but...many community members would object such initiatives as "intolerant"..."

O: "Then sort out that shit in your community first! It´s not tolerance if you just turn a blind eye on elementary issues, that´s called apathy and complacency. Maybe you guys need to find out what tolerance really means first..."

Z: "Uh, I think you´re somehow right, but doing so would demand fighting against massive opposition in our community."

O: "Well, then everything remains as it is. Before I will accept even one animal as "collateral damage", I´ll take "unjustly convicted zoos" collateral damage any time. Are you guys really so sure about your credo of "the animals always come first". To me, it doesn´t look like this at all. So, fix this shit of yours first. If you´ve done that, you can come back and we´ll continue talking about more tolerance towards zoophilia."

Z: "Shit...." 



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The trouble with NOT publicly discussing zoophilia - by 30-30 - 04-08-2018, 04:08 PM

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