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Very scared of the vegan movement. need some help to calm down.

Why would any government outlaw regulated breeding of animals that doesn´t violate animal wellbeing laws? Do you know how many mouths (human mouths) are fed by commercial breeding of animals? And that this would mean an end to ALL distinct animal races? Why would mankind just throw away the efforts of millennia, shaping all those different breeds people put so much efforts to breed into?  We´re talking about huge amounts of money here...sad to say , but money will save animals from becoming banned from the human habitat. There´s juust too much cash involved in this. And that´s why the scenario you painted will never happen...not anywhere in the world and especially not in those countries following the capitalis economic system. You would render a massive amount of people into unemployment with that...plus all of those who are their customers or otherwise involved in animal breeding. As I said, don´t take it too serious, this is reality, not a dystopian movie we´re living it.


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Very scared of the vegan movement. need some help to calm down. - by 30-30 - 04-08-2018, 04:23 PM

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