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Very scared of the vegan movement. need some help to calm down.

18 minutes ago, Unbreakable said:

My only concern left is if new laws would outlaw breeding. I don't think they would actually take our animals away physically, but they might lobby people in putting up laws that ban the breeding of companion animals, which means we will never be able to have loved ones after the next generation. If you can clear up this one last thing that's making me anxious, then would be extremely helpful.


People pay a couple thousand $ each on the coasts for industrial-produced pets.  State-wide public votes have tried to put the industrial puppy mills (one mill produces 80,000 puppies/year) out of business, only to have the legislature come along and overthrow the public vote.  (This is for example only, certainly not condoning this).  With this kind of money and political power, you aren't going to see breeding banned.  

Which of course doesn't even address the "cottage" breeders.  How successful has "outlawing" pot production been?  Can you not buy pot on pretty much any street corner?  "They" have been trying for years to force S/N, all they have succeeded in doing is you can't get intact animals from "rescues", "society", pounds, etc.  You think people with 2 dogs are going to not breed because "they" make a law?  Worst case you will have to drive into the country backroads and pay more, like buying moonshine.  (Yes, that's still a thing.  How well has outlawing that worked?)  Again, follow the money.  


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Very scared of the vegan movement. need some help to calm down. - by heavyhorse - 04-08-2018, 04:47 PM

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