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Jack, My First "Independently Owned" Dog


Really? I've posted two threads in here already... Crap.

Just forĀ  clarification: Rainbrow Bridges are somewhat of an online graveyard. Just in case you wondered about some condolences.


My grandparents used to have a Chihuahua who had a Napoleon complex and would bite you at every given opportunity.

Isn't this normal for a Chihuahua? I've got a very nice Pinscher-Terrier mix a short while ago after my old Terrier died, but a Pinscher-Chihuahua mix was also a choice. The shelter where we got him said, we are lucky not to have taken the Chihuahua mix, as he's straight from lowest pits of hell. He hates men and turned the lives of his former owners upside down, as he chased them through the apartment and set up traps when they come home. Now he's in a women-only household.


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Jack, My First "Independently Owned" Dog - by Vermilion - 05-11-2018, 12:26 PM

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