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I think I just learned something about a friend.

Several years ago a friend and neighbor got seriously sick about the same time I did.     We decided to pool our equine responsibilities as we were largely out of sync in our hospital stays.      His contribution to the "pool" was a mini mule.      She loved him but wouldn't have a thing to do with anyone else.      She would carefully take treats from me but never got close enough to touch.

A few months ago he passed so I have inherited a mini jenny.     A few days ago I was petting the horses and she came up and wedged her way into the group hug.     (She has always been able to go through the cross fences at will.)     I scratched her back a little and she got very friendly.      Then she maneuvered herself around so her butt was against me so I gave her a good butt scratching.    (Equines always like that.    Right?)      She leaned back into me until she was stepping on my feet so I spread my legs out to get out of her way.     WHAM!     WHAM!    WHAM!    She started ramming her butt into my crotch.

We were in a very publicly visible part of the place so I could do much but a wiggle around until the area between us was shadowed and a stuck my hand down with a finger out.       Yep, she felt it, backed right on to it, and stayed there.    I looked up and my stud was standing there 10 feet away with a "ready to go" erection so he thought it was sexual too.      I got out of there before anyone noticed what was going on.

This friend had had this mule for at least 10 years that I know of.     No small children.      No cart.      Just a little (JRH-NBR) jenny standing around getting fat.      So I think I just missed a chance to have an IRL Zoo friend right at home.


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I think I just learned something about a friend. - by caikgoch - 05-15-2018, 01:47 AM

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