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Getting a Lover, Issue #1 Breed, Space and Activity

On 5/13/2018 at 11:33 PM, arcticwolf said:

my first thinking ... make a place you can comfortably try to keep a dog first ... figure out the best way you can take care of a dogs needs to the best of your ability .... you have already mentioned issues you know of .... figure out how to solve those problems ... while casually looking for a dog you truly WISH to spend all your time with.

Once i had a means and a way to take care of a dogs needs, they have always simply popped up in my life.

Get a dog too soon ... and you will go near insane trying to figure out the issues of keeping a dog while trying to keep said dog.

The problem is that I live on renting, my issues are not monetary anymore as they are of where I currently live, and I am trying to figure how the hell could I move to a place that is good for owning a dog and having a relationship with such but it's just so damn hard to find, I need to stay away from city center (because that's the least pet friendly place), but also within a reasonable distance since I don't have a car, luckily my workplace is also away from city center; but thing is with small cities, that there are so few options, and me unable to speak the language doesn't take me any far.

Also if there was a way to figure out the fence thing, people just tell me that a fence is just expensive; come on, if only I could get something with my local landlord, that would be awesome; my worry is the dog having to be in an enclosed space (my room) while I go to work, I just want him to be happy so I don't think that's the best space for him to be.


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Getting a Lover, Issue #1 Breed, Space and Activity - by Cat - 05-15-2018, 07:44 PM

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