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Getting a Lover, Issue #1 Breed, Space and Activity

20 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Do you know the proverb "You can lead a horse to a river, but you cannot make it drink" ? Here, it´s the same...you surely can do everything to provide the proper preconditions, but you cannot influence the depth of your possible future relationship with that. And don´t get me wrong, I´m all for preparing animal ownership well, but as with everything, you can do things...and you can overdo things. 

I´m sorry to say, but your last statement is just plain wrong. It´s not "inactivity/procrastination/etc." that keeps more than 75% of our community from making own real life experiences with animals. Fact is, most "zoos" in the community enjoy the fantasy, but not the real deal. Whenever I hear laments like "It´s sooo hard to get a dog", I just chuckle...´cause it isn´t. Homeless people keep dogs, so money only plays a minor role. People living in large cities keep dogs, so living in an urban area also only plays a minor role. Your landlord doesn´t allow animals? Well, then move. Etcetera.

What we have to finally accept: zoophilia is some kind of a weirdo magnet. This community attracts a lot of people whose reasons to participate isn´t "a bit too much love for animals". For many, it´s about transgression of limits, experiencing "animality" in their sex lives, even when it´s only in their fantasies, role play, taboo breaking, thrillseeking...but all of that without the risks involved, please. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> And don´t forget the youngsters who go through a "zoo" phase because they experience basic insecurities regarding their own sexual persona and/or fear being judged for their poor sexual performance. I´ve heard more than I can count that "animals won´t judge you", what directly hints at insecurity...I´m not with my mare because she doesn´t "judge" me...you should see her face when I can´t make her climax... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 

I believe that many of those 75-80% inactive "zoos" are in it for other reasons than actually pursuing a life of an active zoophile. Fantasy is safe, reality is not...and that may even explain why it is so common in our community to exaggerate "oppression" and "persecution". Part of that is owed to the splendid position you´ll gain as a "victim", practically immune to any criticism. But another reason to exaggerate is to make the fantasy more thrilling by hallucinating a squad of FBI agents breaking down your front door immediately after you pull out...it gives the safe fantasy back some scent/flavour of "danger". Much like a rollercoaster ride that only mimics danger when in reality you´re safer in a rollercoaster than driving a car on public streets. Or like VR, "danger lite"....

Entertainment and testing out own personal limits, but in a safe way that will not hold you accountable for more than some weird bestiality fantasies on the internet, that´s why our community has this high rate of folks who never in their entire life will make the step from "online zoo" to practicing zoophile. I´ve never seen another sexual orientation with equal numbers of people who only live out their sexuality entirely in their heads....and it´s not because of random "obstacles"...it´s because talking about "the way" is easier and more "consumer friendly" than going "the way". And you don´t need any form of dedication other than sitting behind your computer screen typing ...

One pro tip from me, a guy who´s in this for nearly 30 years as an active zoo: the more people emphasize on "being persecuted as a zoo", the more likely it is they never had any real zoo experiences, no matter what they tell you. Usually, the ones with real experience see the perils involved more laid back as a result of actually living like this...ask me, Silverwolf or any other really experienced zoophile and you practically hear similar standpoints on how high the risks of living a zoo life really are, pretty low if you can keep your mouth shut. With a few exceptions, it´s usually only the inexperienced who turn the negative public perception of zoophilia into an over-the-top drama...

Then how come I want the real deal so damn bad, even, I have in fact been in sexual contact with animals (not as deep as I'd want, more like masturbating a dog since I was trying so hard that he mounted me but of course, both nervous, I was just a kid in a backyard playing with my aunt's dog, and playing with a clearly aroused cat, and oh it was mutual); and 12 years later, I still don't have a furball to my side.

I feel that it's been inaction, that I haven't tried hard enough, that I haven't done plenty sacrifices, that I haven't been focused enough, that I have spent too much time hating what I feel toward animals, and not embracing it whole; because it's annoying, I don't understand why I have to feel this way towards animals, why it's that I want to groom an animal's fur so bad and be groomed back, just show love and affection.

It is just so hard, I don't want to just own an animal like any random person in the streets, I want a lover and I want to give him the best of care; so obviously the homeless with a dog is too different, and regardless, I need to move, and try to find solutions to get there, even if that requires moving.


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Getting a Lover, Issue #1 Breed, Space and Activity - by Cat - 05-15-2018, 08:03 PM

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