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I think I just learned something about a friend.

Though I have yet to meet another zoo in RL, there have been a few individuals who I have suspected.  A former co-worker who I have known for decades has always kept a larger, intact male dog.  He would sometimes make jokes, remarks and innuendos that vaguely suggested he might be zoo, or was it just wishful thinking on my part?  ("What do I need a woman for, I have a dog!  No, wait...  That's just sick, forget I said that.")

 At one point I was visiting the guy and he went out for a case of beer, leaving me alone with the dog.  While I was (innocently, really!) petting the dog, he tried every way he knew how to get my hands on his junk.

 Now, had he been a neighborhood mutt that showed up at my house at random, chances are I would have been head first under that big boy in a heartbeat.  But given the circumstances and adding in my suspicions, I left him alone.  Oh, well...

 This fellow now lives in another state, quite far from here and I've lost touch with him.  I sometimes thought about broaching the subject in a roundabout manner but never had the nerve.


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I think I just learned something about a friend. - by DingoJay - 05-16-2018, 12:41 AM

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