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How to have sex with pigs (sows and boars)

6 hours ago, threelegs said:

I can't help being a little suspicious of these guides. They don't portray real situations very well and basically suggest that keeping a farm animal is no more difficult than owning a bicycle--something you can just ride whenever you like, and not have to think about otherwise. That first one (with men and sows) is maybe 15% usable information and the rest is low-grade porn. Then there's the woman who fucks her dogs every day (on the big farm, she says)--plus whatever sex she has with the rest of her livestock ... when does she ever do farm chores?

Where are the cautionaries about the logistics of such a hook-up? There's bound to be a fool somewhere who will just drive out until they see pigs and then stop and ask if he can fuck one--or just hop the fence and try it. Where are the warnings about hooves? And, as heavyhorse mentioned, teeth? It's like the joke about safe sex with horses--meaning steel-toed boots and a crash helmet.

I wouldn't say to take these down, but they need to be updated with a lot of practical information, a decent anatomical tutorial of each animal, and something about their psychology and personality quirks.

Maybe add an overall cautionary to stop and think: What could possibly go wrong? Followed by a list of the worst outcomes.

I can't have a farm animal on my little half-acre; the neighbors would come over and say, "What are you going to do with it?" and I wouldn't have a sensible answer, other than, "Go broke soon." So, yeah, mention expense of upkeep, too.

You know something @Threelegs: you've stated a problem I have with a -lot- of animal / pet / farm owners, not just the 'new zoos' or 'beasties' as it were.


Animal ownership is a big responsibility: food, medical care, training and socialization, it all adds up. Whether it's farm animals or someone wanting a 'fur baby' (dog or cat) it really annoys me to see that sort of mentality in these guides. 

Now I will say this: especially for my 'first time' with my canine love it would have been -so- much easier having access to at least anatomy material. I had none and there was some painful experimentation (on my part, not his): lucky for me at the time I never knotted. I knew the 'basics' of the whole deal but not the finite details: had I know maybe we could have consumated our relationship a little better.


That being said, this is why I love communities: like this one in particular where folks will point out flaws in material such as this. Especially for the new zoo this is where I see places on the net like this as terribly useful, not just a porn-dump but somewhere where people can find good, and as accurate as possible information on the subject. I don't know nearly as much about pigs as dogs, but it does sound like @heavyhorse  knows his way around a pig or two.


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How to have sex with pigs (sows and boars) - by WinterGreenWolf - 10-01-2018, 03:44 AM

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