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How to have sex with pigs (sows and boars)

"...more info may save some poor animal an injury." Don´t you think that the info given also plays an important role in encouraging insecure and uneducated/unexperienced folks to act out on their "carnal desires"? That these "how tos" spread a completely false idea of security and controllability of the situation? Especially with farm animals you have no experience with whatsoever? 

Caikgoch, you frequently mention you´re an old guy and a veteran of the first zoochats and zooboards. Say, can you remember zeta rule number 4? No? It said "Don´t talk ´em in, talk ´em out!". This rule dealt with the way the established community ought to handle both newbies and outsiders. Not being too invitive, not "advertizing" zoophilia. Well, these "how tos" heavily violate zeta rule 4. They give out sensible info ,along with much utter nonsense and low grade porn influenced rubbish, that we have no control over anymore once it´s out. If these "how tos" only encourage one unfit person to "try out zoophilia", it weighs heavier than even 10,000 folks who have benefitted from these "animal fuck algorithms".  IMHO, all the "technical" info about intercourse with animals should never have been written down and made available for anyone. It should have stayed as info you give out personally, in an environment that ensures the sensible info will only reach the right persons. But, alas, "das Kind ist eh schon in den Brunnen gefallen" ("the kid already fell down the well") and we can´t undo one of our basic main mistakes we made in the eighties and nineties. These "how tos" will swirl around the net for eternities and continue to do permanent damage to our community by encouraging undecided fencehoppers to "give it a try tonight ´cause it´s not complicated!".  And since these "how tos" even slipped through to the "normals" now, sometimes as "creepypasta" or such, they surely give the outside non zoo world a devastatingly mechanistic picture of zoophilia, one that seems to view animals as mere biological fuck machines and not individuals with a personality, individual likes and dislikes etc. pp.  These "how tos" literally directly contradict what we zoos have been trying to teach the public, that zoophilia is about deep love, not unhinged sexuality or a fetish. And fetish manuals, that´s the level of quality these "how tos" never really exceed. They hurt our cause and weaken our standing in discussions with outsiders. Only one example of what dire consequences for a long period of time one idiotic decision that was made way in the past can have...  


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How to have sex with pigs (sows and boars) - by 30-30 - 10-02-2018, 02:17 PM

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