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How to have sex with pigs (sows and boars)

So, I can respect people not wanting to 'update' guides if they don't feel comfortable: and I'd rather not have a bunch of fetishists just humping dogs and other animals they don't know.

Sometimes things aren't just as simple as 'tab A -> Slot B', especially if your partner can't talk (yes, yes, I know.. They have their own signs and signals for pleasure, pain, happiness...). My biggest thing is: if you are in a community, full of like-minds, the possibility of 'newbies' discovering themselves and the potential for curious outsiders: knowledge is a -good- thing. As mentioned about Bitches, if you know full-well what you're getting into: it's a lot safer and easier for both involved. Something else that's important to remember for all of us: sex -is- a thing with Zoos, whether you like it or not, though not for all Zoos it's still prevalent.

It's not that we're all rapists, or we are all sex-crazed idiots (though, they definitely exist: google will prove it..), but instead I see Zoophilia (in my own mint) as being a relationship: much akin to one with a human, that includes sex. So knowing your animal personally is No. 1 on the list, but knowing general anatomy, rituals, behaviors and risks is also a big thing.

I'm more than happy to share my own info on the subject of male canines if anyone wishes to know. As usual I will not be revealing anything 'too personal' as to keep my identity safe in a community I'm just now active in: also my experiences may differ from others and I've only had two partners. That being said a little data compiling could be useful.

Also I know this is long: but I do have a few more quick points to make.

For one: I think 'talk them out, not in' is kind of a shit strategy in some ways. Focus should be 'talk to the person, and figure them out first'. Are they really attracted to animals, are they just attracted to the taboo, do they enjoy submission or positions of power: etc, I know that's not easy to determine but I know I sure as hell would have had an easier time of it if that sort of thing were presented to me.

Second, shutting ourselves off completely isn't always the best answer either (I'm -not- saying we just blow open like a book in the wind), what I'm saying is if someone is curious, or at least wanting answers, the friend of Rannoch's comes to mind (I'm sorry I can't remember the name: I know you are a member here though). Don't give an 'insta-GTFO / Don't EVER BE A ZOO' type of response to them, help them understand and pass on your lessons and knowledge: though few and far between folks will listen, many a close friend of my own have.


Sorry for the ramble, just had some thoguhts I wanted to get out there. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />


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How to have sex with pigs (sows and boars) - by WinterGreenWolf - 10-03-2018, 04:44 AM

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