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How to have sex with pigs (sows and boars)

Agreed, both on the cautionary and on the perceptions. Especially with PMs or any private approaches, or anything starting off with 'I want to have sex' or 'How do I have...' I tend to criticize from said person pretty harshly until I get more detail. Having been a Zoo for every bit of fifteen years I see a lot of bullshit and I've seen a lot of shady porn: so much so that I usually err on the side of caution with anyone 'new' to me or asking me questions. The typical blurb about no restraint, no treats.. etc, etc.

Damn, that is quite the story too. Wish that had happened to me: I do have to admit to wanting to experience 'both sides of the coin' with canines as I've grown to just admire and adore them so much: and hey sometimes they can be just horny as hell.

A bit of story of my own.. I used to live in an old two-story farmhouse with family, we had a very smart German Shepherd male too. Well we 'discovered' each other late at night, I'm a nocturnal person and everyone else was asleep. So we cuddled a lot watching TV and whatnot, after a good bit of sniffing and some tummy rubs on his part he became very aroused. Needless to say late nights found some experiments on our parts.

Apparently, one night he decided he wanted a little love. I went upstairs to go to bed and hadn't seen anything of him, everyone else had -just- went to sleep too.

Needless to say, a little shocked could have described my reaction when I hear one-hundred-ten pounds of shepherd bounding up the stairs, through my door and I end up with paws on my waist and a very rapidly growing wet spot on my pants, from him mind you.. He did that at times, I still miss him to this day.


So yeah ThreeLegs, good golden rule and I can attest to random canine neediness. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />


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How to have sex with pigs (sows and boars) - by WinterGreenWolf - 10-05-2018, 07:37 AM

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