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Very nice info, I didn't read everything to the 'T' but most I already knew about. I think anyone who is Zoo-Curious or even a New-Zoo themselves should take a read of this before even beginning to study their 'interest' species.

If it's okay I'd like to add a couple things more to watch out for: hopefully I'm not just saying what's already been said -too- many times elsewhere.

1) Be mindful of your cyber security: this includes ensuring your browser uses HTTPS by default for browsing, avoid taking any 'photos' or 'vids' of you and your lover. Also try and not mention -too- much on places like Telegram, Faceboot, Twitter, or any 'Social' sites: this is more likely to get you in hot water and those companies: even ones like Reddit will fork over your info in less than anĀ  eye-blink. If you're really a worry-wort: learn about things like OpenVPN and STP (Secure Tunneling Protocols) connections and services like Tor.

2) You can never be 'too careful' in public, as in if you are talking with close friends, or even just to the curious on something like Skype or a phone call. I do not promote, condone, or support any violent groups but one may even want to invest in conceal-carry, or some form of non-lethal force weapon like a taser or pepper spray, learn how to use them properly and only in absolute emergencies. If you are apt with your hands and feel capable some basic martial arts / self-defense classes are a good idea too. Do remember though: in most U.S. states, you cannot use excessive force to diffuse a situation, you have to stay within limitations and think on what the situation may call for: over-excessive force is just likely to get you in hot water and you'll not only be looking at various degrees of assault but could still be found out, losing your lover and livelihood.

I mention these two due to some recent Twitter / Furry fandom drama involving a lot of really bad shit (tortured animals, specifically). People are cruel, fear what they do not understand, and hate what they fear. As well as being very much a hive-mind thanks to today's mentality of 'That sounds good, I'll do that instead of think!' sort of thing.

As Caikgoch said, just be careful and think before doing anything.


Messages In This Thread
First Intro - by caikgoch - 10-04-2018, 01:23 PM
First Intro - by heavyhorse - 10-04-2018, 04:43 PM
First Intro - by caikgoch - 10-04-2018, 11:12 PM
First Intro - by WinterGreenWolf - 10-07-2018, 04:57 AM
First Intro - by caikgoch - 10-09-2018, 12:46 AM

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