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'Small' vs. 'Big' Zoo communities: and the Great Porn Debate...

WGW, I frankly admit that my stance on the inexperienced among us looks a lot like that of an arrogant asshole. But let me explain how I came to my perspective. First of all, many surveys suggest that our "zoo community" consists of only a meager 20 - 25 % of active and experienced people. The remaining up to 80 % of inexperienced "zoos" largely consists of fantasisers and roleplayers, people whose attraction and desire for animals is much like that of a teenage school girl that "falls in love" with her teacher. They´re attracted to it not DESPITE it being unrealistic and very unlikely, they´re attracted BECAUSE it almost certainly will never happen in real life and thus gives a perfect screen of projection. It´s totally safe because it only takes place in their heads and they have absolute control about it. It´s attractive because it will never be true.

Besides that, these fantasisers and roleplayers are more interested in the social aspects of the "zoo community" than in actual animal contacts. For them, the zoo community is more like a fandom, with lots of tangents to the Furry community. A hiding place for people with social deficits, an echo chamber and a filter bubble that doesn´t judge them regardless of how much they´d need professional help or how batshit crazy they behave. 

Now you could say than all of this doesn´t justify turning them down as members of the zoo community, but what really makes my blood boil is that these types really think there is no difference between them and actually experienced zoos. They join the "howling at the moon" (complaining about the ´unjust´ society) although they have literally nothing to fear and nothing to lose according to the simple fact you stated, the fact that it´s not "zoophilia" that is illegal, but having real sex with real animals. I don´t know how others feel about those fake wolves trying to howl with the real ones, but I as an active zoophile feel genuinely mocked by this. For them, it´s just part of their "game", for me and other active zoos it´s goddamn real threat. And not only that, these roleplayers also have the audacity to try and make themselves into spokespersons for zoophilia, also as part of their "game". They spout a lot of bullshit , they don´t even get how they trample on real zoos´ feelings with this. I even gave this type of "zoos" a new name, I call them Virtual Only,  1000% Total Zoos"...V.O.T.Z. ...by the way "Votz" (or Fotze) is the German word for "cunt"... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />  

Please don´t get me wrong, I´m the very first to support and help a newbie zoo achieving his/her dream and will pour lots of advice over their heads when they are interested in horses. But those who are real in their interest are very rare, usually they turn out to be fantasisers that I judge according to the proverb "fake zoos find excuses, real ones find ways". Not too long ago, we had a textbook example of such a fantasiser in the zoo subreddit and even in zoowg. A lot of people gave this guy all kinds of good advice on how to meet a horse, but for every advice, he found an excuse. When he first came to the subreddit, I was the first to hint at the various possibilities of hippotherapy and other ways to get in contact with horses, yet he always found a cheap excuse why he can´t do it because of this and that. It´s quite unnerving for me if my precious time is wasted with so much direspect, time I could have spent with my mare instead of wasting it on a person that wants attention , not help. What also makes my gear grind is when one of those fantasisers starts telling totally ridiculous and clearly made up stuff and tries to sell it to others as real. I remember a certain "Rainbow ponee" trying to tell me how he did a mare missionary style. If you , as I am, are familiar with horses, you know that the only occurrences of a horse laying flat on its back for long enough to have coitus to climax with it is when the horse lays on a vet´s operation table and is under the influence of heavy anaesthetics, you literally can smell the bullshit through the screen. 

Those two are just two examples, I could provide an endless stream of them. I´ve seen the first few fantasisers when they sporadically appeared in our forums decades ago, I´ve seen them growing in numbers throughout the years and, I´ve seen them distorting and mutating our community into what it is today. Mainly a place where the social media aspect counts way more than that what we zoos claim to love above anything else, the animals. It all turned into a huge hug box for the impostors and fantasisers and into a playground for drama queens and attention whores, seldom about animals, most often about humans. That´s what I blame them for, the hijacking of what was supposed to be a refuge for zoos, a source of aid, support and advice. They tore it apart and turned it into the exact opposite, a playground of their vanity and they even drove out a significant number of real zoos that became incredibly fed up with being presented totally implausible bullshit, drama and all the other crap . They even are partially responsible for our community turning into a dogmatic echo chamber that discourages any dissident to speak up. Not many others have the nerve I have; the nerve to continue trying to bring our community with their feet back onto the ground of reality despite of all the hissy fits, the accusations of being an intolerant dick etc. 

They are so dominant now, only a few dare to speak out against this toxicity among us. Fantasy is not reality. Having sex with an animal for the first time IS an initiation rite, you only really know if you went through it. If somebody feels disrespected by me brushing all the inexperienced with the largest brush in my repertoire, I´m sorry for that. But when you run into people of the fantasiser type for long enough, you become angry. And if there is only a tiny fraction of inexperienced that don´t give the immediate notion that their "zoophilia" is NOT just "exploring dark fantasies" or "playing a role online to distract yourselves from a dull and boring life of a ´normie´ but a genuine orientation, I hope my anger is understandable. If I feel you have a genuine and honest interest in finding a quadruped partner, are not a nutjob trying to find equally twisted "friends" in our community and are not in this for your entertainment, I will do everything I can to help. I even borrowed money to some of my real life zoo friends so they could buy their animal partner. The only thing I demand of inexperienced is their  honesty; we zoos usually cannot be honest outside our forums, we usually have to lie for our own security and that of our animals. I want a place where I can tell the truth and I´m surely not alone with that. I don´t want lies in our forums, I don´t want roleplaying. I want honest discussions about all that needs to be discussed. I want to discuss political issues regarding zoophilia, real safety measurement advice for zoos, etc..... I want the truth, not infantile roleplaying to entertain anyone. And I don´t want total newbies trying to teach people like me, people with years, if not decades of experience. I want our community to act as adults, not infantiles. Real awareness, not fantasy, drama and bullshit. 

Sorry for typing a whole novel again, and a rather incoherent one I guess. ATM, I´m sleepless because I smoked a bit too much of that new Gorilla Glue strain I bought in the summer, so pardon my lenghty ramblings. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> My head´s pretty much just a ferris wheel right now... 

Oh, and those "romantic zoos", the ones who claim to have sexual feelings towards animals, but would never act on them...well, can someone please explain what exactly it si that differs from a normal animal lover?  And could we please leave out identity politics when trying to explain? [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> Fantasy is not reality. Hope you can make some sense of this, WGW... I woudln´t blame you if you can´t...atm I find it hard to make sense of what I´ve written myself... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 


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'Small' vs. 'Big' Zoo communities: and the Great Porn Debate... - by 30-30 - 11-15-2018, 04:10 AM

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