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The white wolf

     This is the story of the year that I dropped off the grid and lived in the wilderness. I started in the spring time several years ago, I've always had a close connection to nature, so I decided to become closer with it..
   My goals were to be completely self reliant, and live free of modern society.. The only thing I brong with me was clothes, a military canvas tent, my knife, a colapsable wood stove, a crossbow, and a few other essential survival tools. All packed in a rolling suitcase..
    So I set out for a long journey, it took days of traveling through deep wilderness, and several nights of sleeping on a bed of leaves until I found my spot to set camp. I picked a clearing in the woods about 2 miles from a natural flowing spring..
    It didn't take long to set up camp, as my tent was a hex shape one with a single center pole, and tie out strings for tension. I started to forage around the area, picking wild edible fruits, I had my crossbow strapped to my back incase I ran into some game..
   After hours spent loading fruit into a sack, I started to head back to camp. On the way back I spotted a buck about 200 yards away in the clearing.. I grabbed for my bow and took the shot..
   The shot was good, and the buck made zig zag running motions and fell to the ground.. I walked up to him and gut and skinned him in the field.. And caried the remains back to camp, we're I processed most of the meat, and made jerky..
   I also sun dried all of the fruit I had collected and after a long day of work, I indulged in the food and went to bed...
  This became a daily routine for weeks, I'd wake up forage and hunt, and come back to camp and eat and rest.. A pretty simple life, but it's exactly what I wanted; but then something happened..
      I woke up one morning to a yelping sound off in the distance.. Startled by the sound I grabbed my crossbow and headed out to investigate, I walked about a quarter mile into the woods, and that's where I found her...
     A pure white wolf had its leg caught in a bear trap.. I saw that she was hurting and I had to help.. So I put down my crossbow and started to approach her..
I Was immediately greeted by a snarl and low growl.. I stopped in my tracks and spoke calm soothing words, as I preceeded to slowly approached her again after a brief moment of showing I meant no harm.. She showed no further signs of feeling threatened..
    As I got closer I started to inspect her wounds, her leg was caught on the far end of the trap, and her wounds didn't look too severe but would need stitches.. I proceeded to open gherkin trap.. Once free she tried to run but made it about three feet and fell down...
   I told her easy girl, and I approached her, she greeted my hand with a gentle sniff and I proceeded by petting her... I then picked her up with no fighting about it from her and carried her back to camp..
   When we got back to camp I laid her down in the tent and went out and gathered medicinal herbs and brong them with me and made a cream to put in her wounds.. I took some stitches out of my first aid kit, and pinned her down with a knee..
  She seemed uncomfortable with me doing this but it had to be done.. I proceeded to stich her leg up, it took about 30 minutes and she had passed out half way through it from shock..

    I felt so sorry for her, but I had to protect her, help her heal, something just told me it was the right thing to do.. She woke up about 10 minutes after I had finished with a groggy look in her eyes.. I feed her some raw meat and gave her water to drink..
  When she was finished she laid down and I slowly approached her and sat down next to her, and pet her for what seemed like hours. Talking to her in a gentle tone.. She fell asleep and I did also next to her, this beautiful wild animal..


Messages In This Thread
The white wolf - by Cynolove693 - 07-07-2017, 07:05 PM
The white wolf - by Cynolove693 - 07-07-2017, 07:37 PM
The white wolf - by Cynolove693 - 07-08-2017, 10:44 PM
The white wolf - by Cynolove693 - 07-08-2017, 10:55 PM
The white wolf - by silverwolf1 - 07-10-2017, 01:31 AM
The white wolf - by Cynolove693 - 07-10-2017, 04:54 AM
The white wolf - by Cynolove693 - 07-10-2017, 08:31 PM
The white wolf - by Cynolove693 - 07-11-2017, 04:13 AM

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