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What hobbies/ activities do your companion animals enjoy?

On 11/5/2018 at 9:27 PM, Eagle said:

think of it as all the proof I need that those who decry "anthropomorphizing animals is wrong" are themselves wrong.  Humans don't have exclusive dominion over thought, feeling or even creativity.

Couldn't agree more with this.

Anyways, on to the topic ( and a lighter note [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> ).

So I don't have an 'intimate' companion or one I've raised from a youngster, but I do have two dogs I watch over for family, who are for sure 'unique'.

The beagle was meant to be a rabbit dog, but he didn't quite get it down: so was just transferred to pet.

His favorite hobbies include: digging as many f*ing holes as he can, escaping as quick and as late at night as he can, and when in your company: being a complete attention whore. Including but not limited to loving to slurp glasses lenses (a personal favorite of mine, especially with really thick glasses: they tend to need cleaned often...) and belly rubs.

If one does not provide said beagle belly rubs, he throws himself against your legs for attention: forcefully, and awaits his pets.

The German Shepherd: now this fellow used to be a police canine, and will milk for attention as well at any opportunity.

When it's feeding time, or I approach you'd think he's being strangled the noises he makes, upon opening his kennel door there's a black and tan blur and you're almost on your ass with a one-hundred-ten pound wiggling ball of fluff who wants ear rubs.

This damn dog -loves- the insides of his ears rubbed too (carefully, of course...). He's inventive too, stealing gloves, ski masks (in the cold seasons), or tugging coat / shirt tails are favorites for attention.

He'a also a complete attention whore for belly rubs as well and will whine if I stop.

Maybe not quite 'hobbies' but definitely some interesting things between those two. Love em' both to death too: they always make me smile.


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What hobbies/ activities do your companion animals enjoy? - by WinterGreenWolf - 11-07-2018, 05:49 AM

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