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'Small' vs. 'Big' Zoo communities: and the Great Porn Debate...

"...governments didn´t see us as such a problem..." That´s right, but misses out on one important aspect our community still has problems to accept: "We" only became a problem for society because of "forums" such as BF and others. "Mr Hands" occurred in 2005 if I´m not mistaken...the very same year BF came to (commercial) life. And the first new law against bestiality was installed. Coincidence? Or just the logical consequence of a foreseeable chain of societal action-reaction loops? I wonder how the "Mr Hands" incident would have went if there wouldn´t have been easily available sources of so called "zoophiles" on BF and other boards inevitably implying a horrible picture of an "internet sex cult" detached from any morale and ethics. Maybe legislation would have been different without the online evidence of literally masses of "zoos" populating BF and other forums...not Mr Hands as a singular incident made us into the public threat that needed laws, but what those lawmakers and their aides pulled out of the internet...the picture of this "totally free and happy animal fucker online family" may have been the real starter for the anti "zoo" law tsunami, not a single incident that may have been discarded as too unimportant for the efforts it takes to make a law without the "backdrop" of an online animal fucker community, especially BF.  

What brings me to my second topic: 

you wrote that you don´t see animal porn as a problem because "animals don´t care" about being filmed. Exactly this kind of attitude is what I find hard to understand. Maybe I should specify it more, so here we go...it doesn´t matter if the "animal cares" or not, it´s about what picture the one filming and publishing porn is sending out. You simply cannot expect anyone to believe our zoo credo of "partnership as equals" when you mistake indifference and apathy for consent. Animals can understand and consent to the immediate act itself, but when you film it, all boxes on my abuse list get checked immediately.  Don´t get me wrong, if anyone feels urged to film his "animal encounters", I´m cool with it. What makes it unbearable from a zoo perspective is publishing it, throwing something you insist on being ultimately important and loved into a massive pit of vultures to feast on...with benefits for you, be it money (some regular "contributors" of BF get paid for their shit, for example), "download credits" or simple "street cred" in the forum. Society already has large problems with the consent issue when it comes to the act itself, animal porn adds a vast array of problems, some even more severe and untackleable than the "core problem" itself.Animal porn and zoophilia don´t mix well...and will never. 

I very much appreciate that this forum has dropped the porn section. What zoophilia really needs is more forums without porn, not more with it. Animal porn and fencehopping defines our public image a thousand times more than all genuine zoo websites combined. Our struggle might have been more successful if we as a community only could stop to constantly shoot ourselves in the foot...


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'Small' vs. 'Big' Zoo communities: and the Great Porn Debate... - by 30-30 - 11-10-2018, 05:55 PM

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